Month: October 2020

The Sunday Post #14

Greetings Humans! How was your last 7 days? True to its form, week 41 of 2020 was nothing but chaos and mayhem. Not all bad though. School started on Monday and I hardly saw my Mommy this past week. She left early in the mornings, worked till late and attended meetings 3 nights this week. Yes, I am extremely naughty this weekend.  Our country has also been in so much turmoil again this week. My Mommy says she doesn’t really want to talk about it. Although what we actually need is more international coverage on the brutal attacks and murders of farmers in South Africa. Our government turns a blind eye and the people are really getting fed-up now. Concerns over escalating protests should govt fail to deal with farm murders The bestest news for this week, is that my Mommy’s art classes started again on Thursday. I’ve told you before that my Mommy works in a mainstream school, but she and her lovely team run the special needs program. And she’s the librarian (books balance everything out). Of course she needs therapy, and what better therapy than art. They are a colorful bunch of ladies who gather weekly with lots […]

Posted October 11, 2020
Wednesday Wisdom from Circles in a Forest

Wednesday Wisdom from Circles in a Forest

We haven’t done a Wednesday Wisdom in a couple of weeks. Time flies by so quickly. On Sunday, I promised you that my Mommy is not done with the elephants. She is still going to talk about them for a few posts to come. Todays Wednesday Wisdom, comes from most probably the best known Afrikaans book of my Mommy’s generation. Luckily it’s been translated into English, so I can share this post with all of you. Kringe in ‘n bos was the prescribed book for Grade 11/12 for over 20 years. I’m sure there are still schools in South Africa that use this for Afrikaans first language literature studies. If you ask a large number of people, especially men, who are my Mommy’s age (ancient in cat years), what their favorite book is, they will say Kringe in ‘n bos. For some of them, it’s most probably because it’s the only book they’ve ever read. But for a read-aholic like my Mommy, it’s just one of her favorite books and truly the greatest Afrikaans book ever written.   Saul Barnard is a woodcutter with a restless soul – he wants to keep strangers away from the Forest and stop the […]

Posted October 7, 2020

Six Degrees of Separation October 2020 – The Ghost Edition

Welcome to our third edition of Six Degrees of Separation. Once again, we are a couple of days late for this monthly feature, but every month I am closing the gap a bit more. We apologize profoundly to our host, Books are my Favorite and Best.  On the first Saturday of every month, a book is chosen as a starting point and linked to six other books to form a chain. Books can be linked in obvious ways, for example: same authors, same era or genre, or books with similar themes or settings. Or you might choose to link them in more personal ways: books you read in the same holiday, books given to you by a particular friend or books that remind you of a particular time in your life. The choices are endless here!   This month’s chain is set of with The Turn of the Screw by Henry James.  I’ve always loved books and reading, but what really got the reading juices flowing like a river, was when I discovered C.J. Langenhoven’s ghost stories. Unfortunately, they are not available in English, so unless you speak Afrikaans, you won’t be able to join in my excitement. Ever since then, I love a […]

Posted October 5, 2020

The Sunday Post #13

 Such happy greetings to you all today! My Mommy and Daddy are back from their holiday and I can’t even pretend to behave like a cat and simply ignore them. I am soooo glad to see them, I jus snuggle and purr and listen to all their stories.  They had such a lovely time. I think they had a nice rest as well, they don’t look like sleepy dogs all that much anymore. Mommy says her favorite part of the holiday was the Elephant Sanctuary in Plettenberg Bay. They got to walk with the elephants and feed them and just spend some time with the gentle giants. Not that I’m jealous or anything, but I do believe that she would have adopted a baby elephant if you give her half a chance and double the space. Thankfully the Good Lord above created fluffy white kittens as well and she can love me to her heart’s content. I’m sure you will still hear about the elephants for a few posts to come.  The rest of their holiday was spent taking long walks, visiting a lovely spa, going to the local markets, eating, drinking, sleeping and of course – reading a lot! Here’s […]

Posted October 4, 2020