Cover Characteristics – Perfume
Cover Characteristics is a weekly meme hosted by Sugar and Snark. Every week they give us these gorgeous themes and then you have to pick 5 covers featuring that theme. If you want to participate: Pick your covers Post it to your blog Share your post’s URL in the linky provided by Sugar and Snark Go and check out the other guys who also posted! Greetings! We’ve picked up a tiny, tiny, tiny little kitten in the neighbor’s garden a couple of weeks ago. I took him to the vet this morning and she doesn’t think he is much older than 6 weeks (I know – aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh). My husband calls him “Stinkie”. That roughly translates to Smelly Cat. Yea! I’ve got my own Smelly Cat. So today’s Cover Characteristics will be dedicated to my brand new Smelly Cat. We’ll get you some Perfume my boy. Not the easiest of book covers to find… But I did manage to find a few and even added one or two to my reading list. My favorite Covers (yes, all 3. Okay, you choose): The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury The Sleeping Prince by Melinda Salisbury The Scarecrow Queen by Melinda Salisbury Such beautiful […]