Category: Curious Tuesday

Curious Tuesday #2 – Optimizing Blogger

Greetings you all! It’s Tuesday and that means that it should actually be time for Top Ten Tuesday, one of our favorite weekly features. But today’s theme is Animals from Books and are there any other animals from books as important as cats? I think not. And we’ve done and will still continue to do enough of those to last you a last time.  Let’s rather tickle my curiosity a bit today and see if I need to give up one of my 9 lives. For those of you who are using the Blogger platform, I guess you’ve all received your notice to say that FeedBurner will no longer manage your email subscriptions (or something to that effect) and you need to find another subscription service. I.HAVE.NO.CLUE.WHAT.THAT.EVEN.MEANS. Should we be worried about this? Or even worse: Has the time come for us to get off this platform and jump onto another? My Mommy wanted to call this post Blogger vs WordPress, but I think that’s jumping the gun a bit. We did play around on the internet to see if it will be a better option to switch platforms, but it just seems complicated. I might be terribly wrong here, you […]

Posted April 27, 2021

Curious Tuesday #1 – Current Popular Reads

Greetings you all! It’s Tuesday and that means that it should actually be time for Top Ten Tuesday, one of our favorite weekly features. But my Mommy did a Ten Feline Book Titles that made me laugh out loud post a couple of weeks back and it is quite similar to this week’s prompt of Funny Book Titles. Don’t worry, we will go and visit all your funny titles later today! I have been nudging my Mommy to start a feature where I can simply quince my curiosity. I’m a cat and therefore, I am very inquisitive. Not to such a degree that it might kill me, but one never knows. I always have lots of questions and things that I wonder about and it normally starts with The Sunday Post. But by the next Sunday, we’ve forgotten all about it. Sometimes I am curious about a book that we see featured everywhere, sometimes about a movie or a show and sometimes just about random things that pop up in everyone’s discussions.  We don’t normally have time for all those lovely, long discussion posts, but maybe on this Curious Tuesday feature, we can also lay an egg or two every once in a […]

Posted March 23, 2021