Category: The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post #1

Greetings Humans! How wonderful to meet up with you on this sunny Sunday afternoon. My name is Elza and yes, I am a feline of about 8 months old. My mommy used to blog at marelithalkink a couple of years ago. As soon as we can figure out all the know hows, we will try to import the previous content. For now, bare with me here (luckily I’m awfully cute).  My mommy was very excited to see that the Sunday Post are still being hosted by Caffeinatedbookreviewer She explained to me that this is a weekly meme where you can recap the past week, show off any new books and share anything else you would consider worth mentioning. Like the grasshopper I caught and left to die under the pillow on the chair where Daddy sits in the kitchen.  All you need to do is link up and go and say hi to few other bloggers.  *Mommy tried to update on Monday about 100 times and on Tuesday a few clicks Clicks Clicks later, I think I did something wrong and now half the post is gone. Oooops… I do get away with murder (small lizards, butterflies, moths, the fore mentioned grasshopper), so maybe you […]

Posted June 15, 2020