The Sunday Post #84
Greetings you guys. We aren’t normally very good with remembering or using gifs, but this Ross greeting is exactly where we are today. There’s been a very somber atmosphere in our household from Wednesday. Those of you who follow us regularly or if you read our About info (we haven’t updated it yet), will know that I might be the Queen in this household, but I share it with a whole menagerie of other pets as well. Most importantly, are the two Labradors, Hercules and Lea. At 13 years, they are the eldest by far. Lea has really not been very well since December last year. She struggled to walk and and couldn’t get up anymore and became increasingly lethargic. Lea was the best Mommy Dog ever and our human Mommy and Daddy thought it would be a clever idea to bring a puppy in, hence the arrival of the damn mutt. It didn’t work at all. Lea didn’t want anything to do with Anna and to the mutt’s credit, she really did try to play with Lea, but Lea just ignored her. I think it was more a case of not registering if you ask me. Lea went to […]