Category: The Sunday Salon

The Sunday Post #15

Greetings Humans. Trust you all had a prosperous week and are enjoying a comfortable weekend. As I’m sure you’ve noticed just from the tone of voice, it’s not the little, annoying kitten talking to you today. Stinkie here. Your reluctant host for Fraterfest Read-a-thon 2020. Elza has been in hiding for the past 3 days as she is scared of horror and scary stories.  It’s impossible to deny her anything, therefore I need to play host for todays post and all the Fraterfest updates. This might only be in your favor as I don’t have time for all that chitter-chat. Our week was good. How was yours?  Are you taking part in The Fraterfest Read-a-thon? Not much interested in your progress, but Elza and our mother will be aghast if I don’t at least ask. How’s it going?  Scratching the Blog Pole You will notice that Elza has been in charge of all the posts. If you haven’t read all her chitchat yet and have time for that sort of thing, simply click on the image that finds your favor. Direct links are added. A ridiculous Top Ten Tuesday Post. But they loved it.   Our sign-up post and updates.  Featuring our First Fraterfest […]

Posted October 18, 2020

The Sunday Post #14

Greetings Humans! How was your last 7 days? True to its form, week 41 of 2020 was nothing but chaos and mayhem. Not all bad though. School started on Monday and I hardly saw my Mommy this past week. She left early in the mornings, worked till late and attended meetings 3 nights this week. Yes, I am extremely naughty this weekend.  Our country has also been in so much turmoil again this week. My Mommy says she doesn’t really want to talk about it. Although what we actually need is more international coverage on the brutal attacks and murders of farmers in South Africa. Our government turns a blind eye and the people are really getting fed-up now. Concerns over escalating protests should govt fail to deal with farm murders The bestest news for this week, is that my Mommy’s art classes started again on Thursday. I’ve told you before that my Mommy works in a mainstream school, but she and her lovely team run the special needs program. And she’s the librarian (books balance everything out). Of course she needs therapy, and what better therapy than art. They are a colorful bunch of ladies who gather weekly with lots […]

Posted October 11, 2020

The Sunday Post #13

 Such happy greetings to you all today! My Mommy and Daddy are back from their holiday and I can’t even pretend to behave like a cat and simply ignore them. I am soooo glad to see them, I jus snuggle and purr and listen to all their stories.  They had such a lovely time. I think they had a nice rest as well, they don’t look like sleepy dogs all that much anymore. Mommy says her favorite part of the holiday was the Elephant Sanctuary in Plettenberg Bay. They got to walk with the elephants and feed them and just spend some time with the gentle giants. Not that I’m jealous or anything, but I do believe that she would have adopted a baby elephant if you give her half a chance and double the space. Thankfully the Good Lord above created fluffy white kittens as well and she can love me to her heart’s content. I’m sure you will still hear about the elephants for a few posts to come.  The rest of their holiday was spent taking long walks, visiting a lovely spa, going to the local markets, eating, drinking, sleeping and of course – reading a lot! Here’s […]

Posted October 4, 2020

The Sunday Post #12

Greetings humans.  No exclamation marks or smiling kitties today. My Mommy’s heart is a bit heavy and mine are just scared and confused. In my little, simply a kitten mind, I was under the impression that animals were placed under the care of humans. I’m sure I’ve read it in that Big Black Book next to my Mommy’s bedside.  Not sure who’s mistaken here, but seeing that I’m from a species who cannot speak for themselves, it will most probably be us in the wrong. Ever noticed how humans can justify everything with spoken words? On Thursday, disgruntled employees at the Fairview Racecourse in Port Elizabeth (this is very close to where we live), went on a stabbing spree while venting their anger over the non-payment of UIF money. One horse was killed with a panga and several others seriously injured.   Eyewitness News How terribly sad when innocent animals are slaughtered and abused due to greed and hate. It makes me very scared and my Mommy very sad. On Thursday it is heritage day in South Africa, but Mommy says she will not celebrate it. This is not her heritage. Let’s try to be a bit more cheerfully, shall we? […]

Posted September 20, 2020

The SundayPost #11

Greetings! This week I was ever so thankful that I am from the feline species and not descending from the human race. Humans can really do and think of things that cats won’t even dream of. At least they provide some entertainment to relieve the boring task of being a house pet. “Welcome to South Africa! Where R500 Billion is missing, but we’re fighting over shampoo.” I do hope that the Tresemme / Clicks debacle didn’t make international headlines…. If it did, is it my place to apologize? Or does it simply come with the territory we reside in? To be honest, I struggle to truly understand all the fuzz (no pun intended). Bad hair is a universal thing, not even the feline species can get away from it. Please don’t let my Mommy hear you, but if you ask me, my mommy falls in between the frizzy & dull and normal hair, and her white skin will give Snow White a run for her money. You should see some of her friends with their fine & flat hair. It honestly does sometimes appear as if the dogs, me and a couple of cows gave them a lick on the head. […]

Posted September 13, 2020

The Sunday Post #10

 Goodness gracious me. I can’t believe how tired I am. Mommy ‘s friend for about 20 years came to visit over the weekend. She brought with her 5 year old little girl. Gorgeous little thing and almost as cute as me, but good grief! Where do the little humans get all their energy from? Of course she was completely infatuated by me, who wouldn’t be? But I am so not used to being awake for like half the day for 3 days in a row.  I really do need to get some beauty sleep now, so let’s try to do this post snappy snappy.  How was your week? The rest of our week was busy with school work and Mommy has been a bit unwell. I had an upset tummy for a couple of days when I was a baby and I remember how horrible I felt. So I do try to give us much love and licks as possible to Mommy. Especially when she is in the bathroom. No human should suffer alone.  Not as much action as intention on the blogging front this week, but we did manage to publish two posts and will really try to do […]

Posted September 6, 2020

The Sunday Post #9

I do believe that the proverbial cat that got the cream expression calls for no explanation today? My Mommy and I are still in awe about our gorgeous new template and all the added goodies. Do you like it? We love it! I believe it might be easier and rather quicker to just give a short summary about our updated template: When Blogger did their interface a couple of weeks ago, we managed to finally access a very old (2010 design, way older than me), but gorgeous template called Fluffy White Kitten. It couldn’t be more perfect. As you know, perfect are very often the stuff of nightmares. Nightmares: Comments (no reply function); share/follow/related posts (had to use plug-ins); upload images (what it looks like on the draft, the preview and actual post – all differed); due the lovely color theme (that is not available anymore….) all backgrounds had to be changed. All the time. Resulted in tears and frustration on Mommy’s side and me not entering the study at all. Mommy started looking for new templates, but oh where to begin. She only knew what she wanted. Have you seen Heather’s blog over at Random RedHead Ramblings? It’s sooo gorgeous. That’s […]

Posted August 30, 2020

The Sunday Post #8

 Greetings! My humans are busy preparing for a Sunday lunch. BECAUSE we are officially on Stage 2 of Lock Down regulations and they are legally allowed to have friends over and even consume alcohol. I know the friends who are coming over, so I know I need to intercept this post. They come for lunch, they leave at bedtime. Worst part of all, their one Golden Retriever passed away earlier this week and Mommy thought it very generous to tell them to bring their remaining Golden Retriever with to play with our dogs. That means, I will have to go into hiding for the rest of today.  Anyway, how was your week? I can’t even begin to describe our week to you! We went from the coldest weather recorded in 20 years, with snow and rain and wind that would have given my namesake a run for her money. To going out for a cold beer and taking the dogs to the beach in shorts and T-shirts.    You’ve gotta love Africa! No new books were acquired and nothing much happened on the blog either. It was really, really, cold people. The only thing to do was snuggle up and […]

Posted August 23, 2020

The Sunday Post #7

 Missed us? I am ever so sorry that we’ve missed The Sunday Post last week. Gosh, I hope it was only last week. It’s been a bit tough here with us and dreadfully cold and rainy lately. So what’s been happening? Two weeks ago, I told you that my big brother, Stinkie, has been a bit under the weather. Thankfully, my mommy took him to the doctor on the Monday morning, or he might have ended up 3 feet under the ground, and not just under the weather (I don’t think cats should need six feet. Then again, if Louis buried Church 6 feet under ground in Pet Sematary, he might have saved himself a bit of trouble). Poor Stinkie had Tick Bite Fever and he was really not well at all.  My mommy was very worried and if I had an ounce of evil in me, I would have rolled on the floor laughing a couple of times at her and daddy’s nursing skills. She left for school two days in a row, soaking wet. No really – SOAKING. Stinkie kept on sneaking out and she would charge after him. Please tell me you can see the picture. Oh and […]

Posted August 16, 2020

The Sunday Post #6

So, how was your week? I have to confess, I didn’t have such a wonderful week. I think Mommy back at work and Daddy being away the whole week, was a bit tough on my constant-craving-attention-and-cuddles demeanor.  My big brother, Stinkie (don’t ask to many questions regarding his name), has also not been well at all. He was in an automobile accident 3 years ago and had to have a complete hip replacement and bone transplant. Daddy calls him the bionic cat. Unfortunately, he is rather on the big side and thinks he’s a ninja (he is pitch black afterall). So every now and then, he does something bionic cats really shouldn’t do, and hurts the old injuries. Every time it happens, my Mommy is also in a complete state. After all, it was her fault… She drove over him. No matter how many times everybody tells her it was only an accident and a miracle he survived in the first place, she still needs one extra glass of wine if Stinkie gets ill. I can’t decide who I feel sorry for the most, so I just revert to being sorry for myself and as you can see, become excessively […]

Posted August 2, 2020