Wondrous Words Wednesday – Fright vs Freight
Greetings Humans! Welcome to another week of Wondrous Words Wednesday, hosted by yours truly. Wondrous Words Wednesday is a biweekly meme hosted by yours truly. The concept is fairly easy – all you need to do, is share any new (or new to you) words you came across this week and share them with us. You are also welcome to share words you simply want to show off to us. For more on Wondrous Words Wednesday, you can click here. As you know, my Mommy is a librarian and a language teacher. You can imagine all the funny things she comes across on a daily basis. In South Africa, there are 11 (nope, not a typing error – really eleven) official languages. My Mommy’s native tongue is Afrikaans and about 50% of her students speak Afrikaans first language as well. It’s not wonder that the kids sometimes get confused with certain words. Like these 2: One of the spell words my Mommy did with her students this week, was freight, but about 80% of her students read and interpret the word as fright. The best way she figured to explain to them, is through sentences: The cost of the freight, gave me such […]