Wondrous Words Wednesday – Christmas
Season Greetings! Just before we log of for the Christmas weekend, I asked my Mommy if we can just have a quick look at the word Christmas. Tomorrow it is Christmas Eve and the day after, it will be Christmas. The bestest day of the year. But what does this wondrous word actually mean? I was still a wee little kitten last Christmas and all I was really interested in, was of course, the tree. I simply couldn’t resists it and climbed and scratched and got tangled like you won’t believe. I kind of remember my Mommy packing out these little figurines and I got a very, very strict talk. I am not suppose to touch those little men, the woman or the baby with even a whisker. This year when my Mommy packed them out, I got the same talk. But I also finally got the other talk and now I know who these little figurines are and I know what the true meaning of Christmas is. I think this acronym (oh, how we love those) are simply perfect: I couldn’t have done it better myself. We are not going to be sharing any books […]