Category: Wondrous Words Wednesday

Wondrous Words Wednesday – Christmas

Wondrous Words Wednesday – Christmas

Season Greetings! Just before we log of for the Christmas weekend, I asked my Mommy if we can just have a quick look at the word Christmas. Tomorrow it is Christmas Eve and the day after, it will be Christmas. The bestest day of the year. But what does this wondrous word actually mean?     I was still a wee little kitten last Christmas and all I was really interested in, was of course, the tree. I simply couldn’t resists it and climbed and scratched and got tangled like you won’t believe. I kind of remember my Mommy packing out these little figurines and I got a very, very strict talk. I am not suppose to touch those little men, the woman or the baby with even a whisker.   This year when my Mommy packed them out, I got the same talk. But I also finally got the other talk and now I know who these little figurines are and I know what the true meaning of Christmas is. I think this acronym (oh, how we love those) are simply perfect:   I couldn’t have done it better myself. We are not going to be sharing any books […]

Posted December 23, 2020
Wondrous Words (numbers) Wednesday – 42

Wondrous Words (numbers) Wednesday – 42

Today is a wondrous day! It’s my Mommy’s Birthday! Hooray hooray! Yes, you’ve guessed it, she is 42 today. That age where she now should know the meaning of life and everything else. And then 2020 happened. Just to show us that we will never, ever have everything figured out. Mommy was planning on having A Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy party for her 42nd birthday where she would have loved to hand out towels as party gifts. Alas. 2020. But we can still reflect on the number 42 and if there really are any significance to it. Or even better, is it truly the answer to life and everything else? In Douglas Adams’ sci-fi series “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” a pair of programmers task the galaxy’s largest supercomputer with answering the ultimate question of the meaning of life, the universe and everything. After 7.5 million years of processing, the computer reaches an answer: 42. Only then do the programmers realize that nobody knew the question the program was meant to answer. Mommy just loved that! But do you know that two very, very clever mathematicians did solve this riddle in 2019?   There is no use in […]

Posted December 9, 2020
Wondrous Words Wednesday – Ruddy

Wondrous Words Wednesday – Ruddy

It’s Wednesday and in exactly one month’s time, this lovely old chap with the ruddy complexion, is coming to visit us all! Can you believe Christmas is just one month away? I thought I wasn’t really going to get excited, but guess what? The tingles are starting with the jingles. For this week’s Wondrous Words Wednesday, Mommy chose the word ‘ruddy’. We’ve actually never seen that word before and that is the fun of this feature. This suppose-to-be weekly feature was started by Kathy @  Bermuda Onion Blog. But Kathy is taking a bit of a break and I do hope she doesn’t mind that we still use her meme. According to the dictionary, ‘ruddy‘ is an adjective to describe someone with a healthy red complexion. Informally, it can also be used as an euphemism for ‘bloody’. Not the type you will get at a crime-scene, more like “that man was bloody rude”. Therefore, we can use the following sentence today: After this ruddy year, that ruddy old chap with with the ruddy complexion, better bring us some ruddy great presents.  Does that work as well for you as it does for us? Let’s look at a few books featuring the […]

Posted November 25, 2020
Wondrous Words Wednesday – Phantom

Wondrous Words Wednesday – Phantom

This post should have been published last Wednesday, before Halloween. But my Mommy’s last week was a bit like your worst Halloween Nightmare. So this week will have to do. You know what they say about good intentions. I do have very good intentions to post more Wondrous Words, but I just don’t get the time. I still love the idea tremendously though! I saw this very catchy blog title on Yvonne, over at  Fiction Books‘ website, and it immediately caught my lover-of-language eye. I so wish I could talk like humans. Who doesn’t love all the different languages? Who doesn’t love a good alliteration? Wondrous Words Wednesday. I can definitely purr that. My Mommy started investigating and notice that this is actually a meme started by Kathy @  Bermuda Onion Blog. But Kathy is taking a bit of a break and just like Yvonne, I do hope she doesn’t mind that we still use her meme. While taking part in the Fraterfest Read-a-thon last month, I’ve read The Secret of Skeleton Island where the three detectives encounter a movie and a ghost. Interestingly though, in the book they refer to the ghost in the story quite often as the phantom.  No, it’s not a new word to us, it’s just […]

Posted November 4, 2020
Wondrous Words Wednesday – Curmudgeon

Wondrous Words Wednesday – Curmudgeon

I saw this very catchy blog title on Yvonne, over at  Fiction Books‘ website, and it immediately caught my lover-of-language eye. I so wish I could talk like humans. Who doesn’t love all the different languages? Who doesn’t love a good alliteration? Wondrous Words Wednesday. I can definitely purr that. My Mommy started investigating and notice that this is actually a meme started by Kathy @  Bermuda Onion Blog. But Kathy is taking a bit of a break and just like Yvonne, I do hope she doesn’t mind that we still use her meme. English is not my first language, my Mommy mostly speak Afrikaans to me. So yes – we do come across some words that we’ve never heard or seen before in our reading endeavors. For last week’s Top Ten Tuesday, I utterly convinced you that The world does revolve around me. On that post, we came across a word that my Mommy has never seen before: CURMUDGEON It sounds like a terrible disease and I guess for some people (and a few cats), it might just be that. As you can see from our cover image, a curmudgeon is a bad tempered person – especially an old one. I know a […]

Posted September 23, 2020