Library Card August 2021

Posted August 6, 2021 by elzaread in Library Card, State of the ARC / 15 Comments

Greetings all you lovely humans! Can you believe it’s August already? Where does time fly to? And are you actually having fun? We all know the saying Time flies when you are having fun. Time’s just flying. Having fun doesn’t seem to be a requirement anymore.

How was your month of July on the reading front? It appears as if our July Library Card was more of a guideline than an agenda to follow. Oh well, we did still read a couple of books.

I’ve got no idea what the August winds will blow in with it, but it still won’t stop us to “visit” our virtual library and fill our library card.

My Mommy is very slowly but surely busy sorting out our “library”. Her Kindle is mostly sorted out now and we still need to tackle the TBR list on Goodreads and then of course all the physical books that are currently in storage. So those will have to wait a couple of months.

Thankfully we still have Book Club to get some physical books from. Here’s our Library Card picks for August:

Book Club

We are still busy reading Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore – enjoying it a lot!
The Missing Sister was good, but not the best of Seven Sisters Series. I thought it was actually quite sad if you take the circumstances into consideration. Still looking forward to Pa Salt coming up.


Yes, Dark Places have been on our list for months. But we just don’t get to finish any of our “own” books due to a bit of a backlog on the ARC side. But we do hope that August will be our month and that we can also read White Oleander, the first book on our newly sorted TBR list.
We finally finished Dark Places. Dark indeed. But it was brilliant.
We did start with White Oleander but I suspect it might be one of those books that will take us months to complete.


Talking about ARC’s, we still love Sarah @ All the Book Blog Names are taken’s very clever idea of State of the ARC’s. We do try our best to keep all the ARC’s nicely sorted, but remember we talked about the flight plan of time earlier on? Well, it tends to go faster than the speed of light and then we get confused. So yes, we do need monthly check in schedules. And we are already behind from July!
Our 4 most urgent ARC’s will be:


Of which The Ice Swan is the most urgent as it is being archived this weekend. Whoops. We are so looking forward to Strangled and Striped, we simply adore The Knitty Kitties series. If you are interest in seeing what it’s about, here’ our reviews on a few of the books in the series:
The Discovery (Death Island #2) is the sequel to the cliffhanger ending of The Journey (Death Island #1) and we are looking forward to see what happens to Meriden and Gregory.
Update: We only managed to read and review The Ice Swan, but it was a highlight for the month. Beautiful book!
We are currently reading Striped & Strangled, and as always, it’s loads of fun.

Audio Books

While browsing through our ARC and review copies folder, we’ve remembered that we won a audiobook end of last year that we completely forgot about! How terrible is that! Now we just need to wait for Daddy to come home so that he can help us uploading it. We are not very familiar with Authors Direct. But Daddy can fix anything, so we’ll be up and listening in no time!
Update: This one didn’t work out at all. We were not able to access the app that we were suppose to download our free book from. ?
And that’s our Library Card for August! Yes, I suspect our eyes and our wants are bigger than our abilit to stop time, but we can still try.
What do you plan on reading in August? Have you read any of the books on our August Library Card?
Lots of Love,



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15 responses to “Library Card August 2021

    • Hi Emma! I've enjoyed all the Gilian Flynn's I've read so far. And I do enjoy this one, I just don't get time to read it at the moment!

  1. Oh The Missing Sister! I just finished The Moon Sister and so I have only one left before I get to that one and I can't wait! I'm impressed your Kindle is in order. I'm the exact opposite. Most of my physical books have at least a tentative sense of organization but other then review books my Kindle is a black hole.

    • Hi Katherine! I loved The Sun Sister. The one you must start reading now of the Seven Sisters. So far, it has been my favorite. It touched me deeply.

      I am very chuffed with my organised Kindle and hope to get my TBR sorted out soon as well.

  2. I've read "Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore" and "Dark Places".
    My TBR list is now at 492 books, and am listening and reading as fast as I can!

    • You are doing good here! I haven't had time to sort mine out more the last week or so, but will try to do a bit tonight.

      I'm looking forward to Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore and hope to finish Dark Places soon….

  3. I've only read White Oleander and Dark Places. Hope the others are good as well.

    Question – Have you read Trevor Noah's, Born a Crime? I loved the audio and, I was wondering whether he is as popular in South Africa as he is her in the US? Have a great week.

    • Hi Diane! I also hope the rest of my choices this month will be good.

      I have read Born a Crime yes and yes, the audio is very good. Trevor Noah's voice and nuances does bring a special element to the audio book. Was it as popular here as it was beyond our borders? Unfortunately no. Not that it wasn't popular, but a lot of readers didn't like it and found it a bit one-sided and very much unpatriotic. It was a memoir, so I guess one sidedness comes with the territory!