Monday Bloopers #1 – Lord of the Flies

Posted May 31, 2021 by elzaread in Monday Bloopers / 22 Comments

Greetings Humans! Welcome to our first Monday Bloopers. We got the idea for Monday Bloopers from Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries and Meows. You should really go and visit her, she has the most gorgeous feline blog ever! I think we can do a few more feline posts. I work my fluffy ass off helping my Mommy with all her bookish chat, I think I need a bit more post recognition too.

*Where on earth do I get this cat?? 
Melissa hosts a fun monthly meme called Pet Photo Fail Blog Hop. I guess the idea is to post a photo that didn’t work as well as the shooter anticipated it would. *Camera shooter. 


Love the idea, but I can only see one serious problem here. Have you ever seen an ugly photo of me? Even with my bum up in the air and everyone seeing my bloomers, I’m still quite adorable. Don’t you think?
Nothing in the rules say that you are only allowed to post photos of cats. I’m going to dig through my Mommy’s photo archive and find all those funny doggy bloopers. My eldest brother, Hercules, is a gorgeous yellow lab and he is 12 years old today! So I’ll post a nice photo of him. But just because it’s his birthday.
My Mommy says I had my fun now, but we need to talk at least a bit about books as well. This is a book blog after all. Okay. Sticking to the theme of bloopers, how about we talk about books that were bloopers for my Mommy? That might work. As long as everyone remembers that this is her opinion and she wasn’t surrounded by a group of hissing cats and forced to say she didn’t like the book. Let’s make it one book per post as well, that sounds fair.
The first book that comes to mind, is a rather controversial choice. It’s one of those books that are on the list of just about all the 100 best books, or 100 books you have to read before you die, and so forth. But my Mommy hated it.
Some books need to be read at a certain age. My Mommy was well into her 30’s when she first read this one and it upset her dreadfully. The pig. She had nightmares about that darn pig for days. I think if you read this classic in Middle School to High School, you might perceive it completely differently.
Do you have any funny bloopers of your pets you want to share with us? If you go to Melissa’s blog, there’s a linky that you can add and visit all the other bloopers.
If you don’t have a photo blooper, what book was a complete blooper for you?
Lots of Love,
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22 responses to “Monday Bloopers #1 – Lord of the Flies

  1. Happy (belated) birthday, Hercules!

    I hated Lord of the Flies and I was probably 14 when I had to read it for school. But I disliked almost everything I had to read in high school and college. I've revisited some of those books and I appreciate them now that I'm older but I have no intention of re-reading that one. Once was enough, thank you.

    • Hi there Jen! I agree completely with you. I didn't mind all the books we had to read at school. Loved To Kill a Mockingbird and as crazy as it may seem, I did enjoy the Shakespeare plays. My first language was Afrikaans and I loved all by one of our school books. We did a couple in Dutch as well, Afrikaans people can actually understand Dutch!

      So glad you are back for chats!

    • Ek het hom net gemis! Die jaar wat ons dit moes lees (dink graad 10 nê?), is dit verander na Romeo & Juliet. Ek het dit eers gelees in my 30's en toe was dit eers vir my erg…!

    • Hi there Debbie! I think books are my default state. I also revert back to them!

      I never thought that raising sons and their friends will get one to sympathies with Lord of the Flies! But if you put it like that, I guess it makes perfect sense!

  2. I love funny cat and dog pictures and videos! I can watch them for ages. I always get stuck there on my Facebook timeline.

    I've nog read Lord of the Flies, I sure am curious now!

    • Hi Esther! Funny cat and dog photos and videos does have a way to make a person smile and to just relax a bit. I don't know if you watch The Good Place? There was one episode where the Judge said the Bad Place demons will get punished with watching unending reels of soldiers coming home to their pets. I laughed so hard at that!

      I'm not going to recommend Lord of the Flies to you, but maybe have a look at a few reviews and make up your mind then. I'm biased here!

  3. Thanks for visiting our blog, Elza!
    Every time we post photo fails, folks tell us that they aren't at all…weird, huh?
    Am sure I had to read "King of the Zippers", which is the slang term students gave this book in high school, but I remember that I disliked it from beginning to end.

    • So glad to have found a couple of kindred spirits here. For both photo fails and for hating King of the Zippers. That's a brilliant slang title!

  4. That was one really funny cat picture! I'm still smiling as I type here. And I don't mind missing out on Lord of the Flies, even if it may be a classic.

    • Thanks Lex! It was a really quick post and I think I need to streamline it a bit. Will happen in time. I HATED Lord of the flies and I don't even have a copy of it in the library… Maybe that's jus biased. Don't think I care!

    • Thanks Melissa! And thanks for letting me know about the pet photo fails! It can only be fun. Looking forward to participating again!

  5. Elza, thanks for visiting. You're blog is purrfect. I'm not much for reading books cos all my time is spent reading blogs. There are hunnerts of cat blogs. You should join the Cat Blogosphere if you want to make some new furrends.