Author: Murray Sinclair

F. Scott Fitzgerald: American Spy by Murray Sinclair

F. Scott Fitzgerald: American Spy by Murray Sinclair

F. Scott Fitzgerald: American Spy by Murray Sinclair Published by Eclectic Books on February 15th, 2023 Genres: Historical Fiction Pages: 248 Format: ARC Source: Reedsy Discovery Buy on Amazon Goodreads Did you know that, in the Spring of 1940, the once famous author F. Scott Fitzgerald was recruited by an agent of the French Resistance to assassinate the premier of Vichy France? Fitzgerald had hijacked the “Jazz Age” and made it his own in the Roaring 20s, but now a struggling, impecunious alcoholic, his only real comforts are multiple Coca-Colas and the elusive embrace of his paramour, gossip columnist Sheilah Graham. Hemingway has become the real ticket, making the big money, but when our narrator Henri Duval, a double agent for the Vichy government and the French Resistance, surfaces in Hollywood at the legendary Garden of Allah hotel on Sunset Boulevard across the street from the star-studded Schwab’s Pharmacy, he hatches a harebrained scheme that might just change the entire course of history and restore Fitzgerald to his rightful position on the top of the literary heap. As we peruse Duval’s secret correspondence to his colleague in Washington D.C., we eavesdrop on wild nights with the Marx Brothers, intrigues engineered […]

Posted February 15, 2023