Ten Books that need to FALL from my TBR shelf

Posted September 20, 2022 by elzaread in Top Ten Tuesday / 62 Comments

Greetings! It’s Tuesday and time for Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s prompt is one of the seasonal ones – Ten Books on my Fall TBR list. Well, we are definitely ready for spring and summer here in the Southern Hemisphere, so a fall TBR is not going to work for me. But what will work for me, is to take a look at the books that need to FALL from my TBR shelf.

I am not even going to go to my actual Goodreads TBR, even if we start today, we won’t be done with it by Fall 2030. I’ll go with the ones that stare us in the face on a daily basis.

Who doesn’t love to borrow books from friends, colleagues and even students? Oh my Mommy loves it! But perhaps she needs to start reading them….

Yes, we all have a problem with overdue ARC’s and please don’t for a second think that these are the only ones on the shelf. These are just the ones we find the most pressing. On our hearts and minds and conscience that is.

We love listening to audiobooks, but as a fulltime teacher/librarian, my Mommy just don’t always have enough time to get to it. With the warmer weather approaching, she and the mutt will go for beach walks again and then she listens a bit more. But these two are the oldest on our Smart Audio Book app.

My Mommy’s small October break is starting this Thursday. Let’s see if we manage to clear some space on the shelf. But now we are first going to go and see what is on your TBRs in order to add them to ours and keep life interesting.

Have a great Tuesday!

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62 responses to “Ten Books that need to FALL from my TBR shelf

  1. I listened to both of your audio picks and they’re both fantastic audios. I love both narrators so much and they really enhanced the books. The others are new to me but I love how you split this up!

  2. I adored The Bear and the Nightingale and its sequels. It’s one of my favorite series. I love the characters and the world-building in that series. I hope you like it as much as I do. I hope you like these other books too!

    Here’s my list: TTT

    Jenni Elyse recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday #35
    • Hi Tessa!

      Aaah, your memory is good. You should do the Memory Blog Tag! Yes, Fable is one of the books my students recommend I should read. The copy that I’ve borrowed is actually a child’s, so I have to get to it over the holidays so that I can give her book back. I hope I will enjoy it, will keep you posted.

  3. My audiobook time definitely goes down in winter as I usually listen on my dog’s second walk…and she won’t always get one of those when the weather is rubbish! Hope your enjoy your spring reading.

    Ellie recently posted: Top Ten: Autumn TBR
    • Hi Ellie!

      Very glad to hear I’m not the only one. I hardly listen to audiobooks at all during winter time. The days are shorter and by the time I’m done with school and everything, I normally just want to get to bed with a book. In summer there are just so many activities that make it easier to listen to and audiobook!