The Sunday Post #22

Posted December 20, 2020 by elzaread in The Sunday Post, The Sunday Salon / 44 Comments

Ho ho ho!! In just 5 days time, it will be Christmas. It really is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas in our house. Presents and trinkets and little notes of everything my Mommy is forgetting, is scattered all over the house. And the best of the best is still coming up – wrapping the Christmas presents! 

Our week wasn’t bad at all. Except for the Grinch that stole our Christmassy beaches, we have nothing to complain about. A human can hardly dare try to go to town, as all the holiday makers who were supposed to be on the beach, are now in the shops. Therefore my Mommy leaves very early if shopping needs to be done and then she spends the rest of the day with me. Best time ever!
As you can see, she spent hours on the blog. Making new graphics and labeling all the previous posts. It took quite some time. At least one and a half audio books. But I love it and my Mommy are also rather chuffed with herself. 
No new books acquired this book, we are holding thumbs that Santa Clause will bring some books. You can check out our wish-list on this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. We do accept Amazon Kindle vouchers as well, or we won’t mind at all if our deliveries are a couple of days late.

Scratching the Blog Pole

Not all that many posts this week, we were playing with the blog and not as much on the blog. We did manage our daily updates for the December Countdown, you can find them on our Instagram page as well. Click on the images below if you missed any of our posts.
We were terribly late for Six Degrees of Separation this month. But I guess rather late than never. This month, my Mommy used a couple of her all-time favorites and gave it a nice, Chrismassy feel.
On Wednesday, my Mommy did a Wondrous Words Wednesday featuring The Aviator’s Wife by Melanie Benjamin. Definitely one of our favorite reads for the year. 
And yesterday we did the most fun meme / book tag. My life in Books, 2020 Edition. By choosing only book titles you’ve read in 2020, you must answer the set prompts. Have you done this? Oh please do try, it is the season to be jolly after all. 

On the Couch

I couldn’t be prouder of my Mommy if you hang a gold medal around her neck for wrapping the best Christmas Presents. Last week, I was still very doubtful that she will actually finish her Alphabet Reading Challenge for the year. But this week, she really put some effort in and as of today, they are all either read already, or she’s busy reading them.
Recently finished

All three of these very enjoyable. Arrivals and Arrests are in a boxset, so we still have 2 more to read. Yea! The Night Tiger is one awesome book. We haven’t listened to audiobooks in months, but when my Mommy picked this one up again, she couldn’t put it down at all. 
Currently Reading

My Mommy bought Daisy Jones on a book sale a couple of months back. Too late she saw that just about everyone recommends that she should listen to this on audiobook. Now she’s reading Daisy Jones and listening to One by One. We suspect both books would have been stronger if we swop the platforms. The Alice Network is brilliant! We can already see what all the hype is about. 
Just because my Mommy loves living on the edge, she’s also reading this one. Yesterday was the 19th of December after all and she will most probably be done by later this afternoon. She says she hasn’t read  A women’s Murder Club in years and she can hardly remember who any of the characters are. She remembers Lindsey yes and it feels as if she should know a couple more. She’ll need to re-read a few! 
And that’s basically it from our side today. Not watching much TV. We did watch The Christmas Chronicles last night and it was great fun. Maybe we’ll watch the second one tonight. Any other suggestions for great Christmas movies on Netflix?
When we’ll speak again, Christmas 2020 would be in the past. So while it’s still a present waiting to be unwrapped (if you can get in wrapped in the first place) – may we wish you a very Merry Christmas. May your day be filled with love and joy and most of all, peace and goodwill to all of mankind. And Felines. And let’s not forget the Canines, it is Christmas after all. 
Lots of Love,
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44 responses to “The Sunday Post #22

  1. You did a great job and I love the cat wrapping presents. I get a LOT of help wrapping presents which isn't technically super helpful. I have done literally zero Christmas presents wrapped. I'm leaning towards grocery store bags at this point or whatever wrapping paper scraps I happen to have left! Hope you're having a great week.

  2. The cat wrapping image had me giggling… Story of my week as my cat never lets up on "helping" me wrap.

    I hope you have a lovely Christmas!

  3. So cute! Yes to not forgetting the canines. Lol. Looks like how my wrapping went this last week. It took me a lot longer cuz my kitty would not leave anything alone!

    Jingle Jangle was really cute on Netflix. I think we're going to get the Christmas Chronicles this week and the second one as well. I hope you enjoy your week and have a lovely Christmas!

    • We've watched The Christmas Chronicles 1 and 2, was quite cute and enjoyable yes!

      The wrapping wasn't the problem on my side, it was the presents under the tree that got the cats crazy! Luckily not too much damage.

      Hope you had a great Christmas!

    • Hi there Jan! The wrapping turned out not being the problem, but rather the presents that were left under the tree!

      I did get some great books for Christmas. I couldn't be happier! Hope you did too.

  4. Your new graphics are delightful!
    I have to wait til everyone is in bed before tackling the gift wrapping, that gets later and later now the kids are older.

    Wishing you a great reading week, and a Merry Christmas ?

    • Oh I hear you! We don't have kids so that's quite easy. But I can't wrap too early, because the cats want to play with all graphics and stuff!

      Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

    • I am enjoying One by One sooooo much!! It's really good and I have NO IDEA what's going on. I love that in a book.

      Your graphics are lovely too. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who suffered through the hassle of the graphics!

  5. The graphics are truly fabulous – I'm such a log-head when it comes to such things, so I'm very impressed! I hope you get lots of lovely books for Christmas – it's mostly what Himself and I are giving each other this year… So there won't be much in the way of surprises! But I can handle that:))

    Have the loveliest Christmas, Mareli:)). And a happy, peaceful holiday!

    • Hi Sarah! Oh I'm not really all that much better, I just thought I'm going to put my head down and just do it. Now it better last for quite some time!

      Books are always the greatest presents. Surprises or not.

  6. Ha ha trying to wrap presents with the omnipresent cat (or cats) can be a tough thing! I hope Elze and Stinky behave lol. I'm sorry to hear about the beaches. As cold as it is here, a beach sounds pretty good for Chriustmas!

    Hope you get lots of books !!!

    Have a super awesome holiday Elza!

  7. I love the new graphics. Very pretty!
    It's been a while since I read James Patterson. But I did love the books I read by him. I'll keep an eye out for this one.
    Have a great week and Merry Christmas.

    • HI Maureen! Thank you so much! I've spend all that time on it and then I hardly spend any time on the blog this week… But it will come in handy in future that I know!

      I was rather disappointed in the James Patterson, the first ones were really good, but this one was just mediocre.

    • Hi Laura! I'm about 20% done with it on Kindle and I find it highly enjoyable yes!

      The graphics is no talent. It's more a matter of patience and trying and trying until I'm happy!

  8. Love the new graphics. I have not seen the old ones, but love the header and the sign off is adorable! I should probably make a sign off for mine at some point.

    I still need to read Daisy Jones and the Six. I have both e and audioversions, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

    Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by!

    • Hi Shannon! Thanks for the compliment and I am very happy that you like it! There weren't any real graphics before now. So you haven't actually missed anything at all.

      I will suggest to listen to Daisy Jones on audio. The book is good, but I am convinced the audio recording is going to dot this book justice.

      Happy holidays and thanks for returning the favor!

    • I've actually survived all my wrappings without Elza messing up any of them! Guess I'll have to see how long they survive under the tree now…Not that long to go luckily!

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will have a lovely Christmas too!

  9. I have had 19th Christmas ever since it came out but still it sits on my shelf patiently waiting for me to stop accepting ARCs. Maybe soon ?. Merry Christmas!

    • Hi Tessa! I ended up not being impressed at all. Quite sad as I used to enjoy the first one.
      Good luck with all your ARC's and Merry Christmas!

  10. I love all your new graphics! They are beautiful. I wish I could be that talented. I used to love the Women's Murder Club, but like you, I haven't read one in years and only remember Lindsay. I do want to catch up with it someday. So many books to read… Hope you have a great week and a very Merry Christmas!

    • Hi Yvonne! Not talented at all, I think it's more about patience. But I'm glad I've done it and will hopefully be content for quite some time.
      I actually ended up being rather disappointed with The 19th Christmas. It was very bla bla bla with no substance at all. I remember that I did enjoy the first ones. Sad that I don't anymore…

      Merry Christmas to you too and enjoy those 2 new furry babies!

    • Thanks so much! I only have one or two presents that still need wrapping, so far so good.
      I just hope the ones that are under the tree already, will be safe!
      Merry Christmas to you too!

  11. I heard someone make a joke about patterson's work in lily and dash movie I believe it was. Patterson sure knows how to advertise his writing. And kitty wrapping gifts reminds me of my son wrapping gifts.

    • Aaah shame! (for the wrapping, not James Patterson). As long as he enjoys it and he puts all his love and affection into that wrapping.

      I wonder how many books James Patterson actually still "writes" and exactly how many ghost writers are employed….
      The Women's murder club is not bad, it's what you read when you have a gazillion things to do and simply don't want to think….

  12. Wrapping presents with cats around sure sounds challenging, I liked that image you included. That's nice you spent some time on the blog, it can take a lot of time, but it feels great when you accomplished a lot. I hope you all have a great week and happy holidays!

    • Thank you Lola!
      I got clever tonight, I let Elza sleep with my hubby on the couch and quickly wrapped the first batch of prezzies. No fuss!
      Happy holidays to you too!

  13. I can see you have been busy on your blog. Love your signoff graphic. And look at that wonderful header. You made your cat move…so neat!

    Haha! Your decorating-with-cats cartoon is priceless. I will like to add that I am also willing to accept all Kindle gift cards and books, at any time.

    I think I will take a look at My Life in Books. I read a crazy 709 books this year. I should be able to write a novel with all those titles.

    Congratulations on completing your challenges!

    Happy holidays to you, Mareli and Elza!

    • Hi Debbie! I got the gif from Canva and it was actually so easy to just add it in. The problem is that now I love it so much, I want gifs for all my headers! Don't know how I'm going to manage that however….

      709 books…. Good Gosh. I don't have that many books on my Read shelf on Goodreads and it is 6 years old already!!! Yes, you can write a novel only from the titles. Oh please do My Life in Books and ping me back? I would love to see what you come up with.

      Now I need to start planning the new challenges for 2021. Have a few ideas. Next weekend's worries.

      Hope you will have a wonderful Christmas week Debbie!

  14. Let's not forget the canines, true and so considerate of you 😉 I loved the wrapping up presents pic because all people who live with cats can relate ! Love what your Mommy did with the designs, it makes me want to do something with my own blog. I wish you all a very happy Christmas and all the best things in the world, mwah !

    • I am going to start undertaking the challenging task of wrapping presents as soon as I'm done here. I know how it's gonna go. Unless Elza don't realize I'm busy wrapping presents!

      Thanks for noticing all our nice designs. Gosh, it took me hours. I don't know how graphic designers do this for a living. It was fun for a day or two, but now I'm done.

      Have a wonderful Christmas IzaBzh. It was great "meeting" you this year and I do hope that next Christmas we will still be chatting up a storm.