The Sunday Post #53

Posted October 31, 2021 by elzaread in The Sunday Post / 18 Comments

Happy Halloween you guys! Gosh, I’m proud of myself. I didn’t hide away at all over the frightening month of October. I stayed cool, calm and collected and only slipped away last night when Mommy and Daddy were watching Things Heard and Seen. Extra nibbles for me! How was your October month? November is a breath away and then we can all start thinking about Christmas and my Mommy needs to start planning how to keep me out of the Christmas tree.

How was your passed week? Ours were terribly busy as my Mommy had a fun Book Day at school on Friday and you know things like that don’t just happen by themselves! She asked the local Book Shop to come and set up shop at school and negotiated for some serious discounted prices. It was a marvelous success and everyone had loads of fun. The kids (and staff) could dress up as their favorite bookish characters and the creativity was amazing!

My Mommy received stacks of new books for the library and she should actually be going to school to go and put it on the system. Only problem is that she came home on Friday with the sniffles and been down and under for the last 2 days. I know I should actually cuddle with her until she feels better, but spring is finally here and I am enjoying the sunshine and warmer weather outside. She needs to sleep in any case.

Yes, she did buy new books for herself as well at the book sale, but we will share those next week.  Her books are there in between the kiddies books and it will be a miracle if she does manage to get up and go to school today. I believe there is an ARC or two in her inbox as well. All will be well at the end of her cold.

Scratching the Blog Pole

Since we last joined The Sunday Post, we’ve managed 4 posts:

Book Review – Secrets and Showgirls. This was a lovely read and we hope we can read for History Quill Book Club soon again.

We had so much fun with Fraterfest 2021 and we couldn’t be more delighted to be the Fraterfest RAT Insta-Challenge Winner!! Whoo hoo! We have never won anything here on the blogosphere and the bragging rights are awesome.

We also did our first Top Ten Tuesday Post on the new template and my Mommy just can’t get over all the fun she’s having here on WordPress and with discovering CANVA. Yes, there are still lots to do, but it will all happen in good time. You can click on the image below if you’ve missed our Ten Pets you can get at Stephen King’s Pet Shop.

We also did our Wondrous Words Wednesday – Fright vs Freight. We need to figure out how to promote this biweekly meme a bit more. If you love words and come across new ones on a regular basis, why not join us for Wondrous Words Wednesday! It’s always lots of fun and my personal goal is to one day be the cat with the best vocabulary in the whole wide world.

On the couch

The problem with being sick, is finding something to read or watch that you really like. My Mommy is between two minds with all the books she’s reading at the moment. She has never read a Sarah J. Maas book, but the hype around this woman’s books are so great, that she decided to try one. She’s currently listening to A Court of Thorns and Roses and she quite likes the Beauty & The Beast vibe. Or is she mistaken here?

The fourth instalment of my favorite cats-in-fantasy series, Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic, will be released next weekend. So sick or not sick, my Mommy has to read this one so that I can meow and purr about it.

Our Book Club picks have been drawing the short end of the stick lately. We’ve had the the same books for the last two months. We’ve started with This must be the place by Maggie O’Farrell and I hope we will have this one done before the end of the week. After Witches, Spiders and Schemes of course.

We’ve started watching Locke & Key and both Mommy and Daddy are enjoying this series. Mommy says she just can’t figure out if she’s suppose to be scared or just intrigued. She’s really not feeling well.


That’s all from us today. I guess I will have to go and cuddle with my Mommy now if I want her to be able to get up and feed me later. We hope you will have a wonderful week ahead and enjoy your November!



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18 responses to “The Sunday Post #53

  1. Congrats on being Fraterfest RAT Insta-Challenge Winner!! I hope the good cheer will cure that cold in no time. And yes, Canva is Cool. As are all your pics of Book Day at school. 🙂

  2. Sounds like you had a great time! The Book day sure sounds like a wonderful day.
    I hope your cold gets better soon. I’ve been having one for atleast three weeks now. Horrible.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  3. Really cute photos of Book Day … glad it was a success. What is CANVA? Your site is looking really good! love the design

  4. I saw those Book Day pictures on Instagram and it looks like everyone had a fantastic time! Kudos to you for organizing a successful event!

    I just keep finding new things I can do with Canva, even with a free account. It’s such a powerful tool!

    Congrats on winning the Fraterfest Insta Challenge!

    I loved the Locke & Key graphic novels but can’t quite make up my mind if I want to watch the second season of the show. We’ll have to see. We need to wrap up some other shows first and I’m a very slow series watcher. It drives my husband a bit crazy.

    I hope you feel better! Enjoy your week!

    Jen at Introverted Reader recently posted: My Year in Nonfiction
  5. How fun to have books and costumes! Looks like a great event.

    Sorry you have been under the weather. I know what you mean about finding something you really enjoy to read or watch when you are sick. Somehow you just can’t take something mediocre.

    Hope you are feeling better and have a great week!

    • elzaread

      Hi Gretchen! I’m already feeling a whole lot better today and will be ready for school tomorrow.

      I just went with the cozy read and it’s luckily a series a usually enjoy a lot, so all’s well!

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will have a good week!

    • elzaread

      Hi Yvonne! I am feeling much better today and will hopefully be ready for school tomorrow. We had municipal elections today, so no school. Witches, Spiders and Schemes is an easy read and I’m sure I’ll be finished with it by the weekend to have my review up by the weekend.

      Hope you will have a good week too!

  6. I hope you feel better soon! There’s been lots of germs non-covid related going around here, too. After a year of not catching anything, people seem to be getting hit harder with the normal cooties continually spreading. Enjoy Locke and Key! And if you figure out how to keep the cat out of the tree, let me know. Mine like to climb and chew the lights too. I’m totally waiting for a Christmas Vacation movie moment.

    • elzaread

      Hi Tessa! Thankfully the cold is much better today. Yes, I think our immune systems are a bit haywire with all the issolation and sanitizing all the time. But rather take precautions hey.

      Elza will be 2 on the 12th of November and maybe she will calm down from climbing Christmas trees by now…. None of my other cats ever done that. She is a very playful and agile little thing. And don’t forget about curious….

      I’m not quite ready for the Christmas season yet, but I am looking forward to it for sure!

  7. Happy Halloween! And kudos for being brave throughout October! 🙂 Today’s the big day although we actually had trick or treating last night, and the cats here were… fairly brave haha. My one kinda went to hide though when all the noisy kids came!

    I need to try Canva. And I love it when cats star in fantasy stories- they’re naturals. 🙂

    I’ve been thinking of trying Lock and Key.

    • elzaread

      I think all my pets will go crazy with Trick or Treat. That’s something that also won’t work here in SA. Crime is part of our day to day lives and everyone stays behind high fences and locked doors. Nobody will also allow their kids outside on the streets after dark. Sad reality.

      I love CANVA! Once you’ve figured it out, it’s sooo easy to do your graphics and it always comes out perfectly.

      Cats in fantasy books are naturals for sure and I starting to really get into it!

  8. Aw! I hope you are feeling better now. Colds are a real nuisance, especially at the moment with Covid still going around, as some of the symptoms are so similar. Do you have to do regular testing in the way that we do over here?

    Your bookshop was definitely very generous, both with their time and stock – and I was Sooo! surprised that you managed to find your self some new books too 🙂 🙂 – I look forward to you sharing their titles with us.

    Congratulations on the win too! It is always good to receive an unexpected surprise to boost the spirits.

    Have a good week :)x

    • elzaread

      We only have one testing lab here in our little seaside town, but we can get ‘n rapid test done at the pharmacy. Rule of thumb is to issolate with symptoms and go to the doctor on day 4 if symptoms worsten. I’m feeling much better today, but will still stay indoors and see.

      I spent a lot of time (and money!) at our local book shop, so they didn’t mind coming to help us for the day. They also made quite the profit, so it was a win win situation both ways.

      I am very chuffed with winning the Fraterfest Insta challenge! Kimberly send me a book and I am very excited to start reading it!

      Hope you will have a good week Yvonne and good luck with all the reviews coming up.

  9. What a great week! I also like the new look of your blog. Have a great Halloween…and may your first week of November be everything you wish!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    • elzaread

      Hi Laurel-Rain! Glad to hear you like our new look, we are still in love with it!

      November appears to be crazy all around, but December will be holidays and then the life will calm down a bit.

      Thanks for returning the favour.

  10. I’m so sorry you are not feeling well, Mareli. Let’s hope this cold departs quickly.

    The book event looks fantastic. I think we both know well how much work an event like this is. It looks like everyone had a fabulous time.

    It’s great that you are enjoying your new WordPress blog and Canva so much. I’m a bit envious.

    Still thinking about great ways to promote WWW! Maybe a contest? Just to get the word out a little more? Or a giveaway?

    Deb Nance at Readerbuzz recently posted: The Sunday Salon: Back from Arkansas and Off to North Texas
    • elzaread

      Hi Debbie! I am feeling much better after staying in bed the last two days. Slept a lot and didn’t read as much as I would have liked.

      The Book Day was GREAT!! Will definitely do it again.

      A contest or a give away to promote WWW sounds like a good idea, I will look into it and see what I can do.

      Enjoy your week and safe travels!!