The Sunday Post #62

Posted February 27, 2022 by elzaread in Uncategorized / 44 Comments

Greetings! How are you all doing? Who wants to talk Agatha Christie? My Mommy has been a bit obsessive the last week or so. Okay, to be fair towards her, she is usually slightly obsessive when it comes to Agatha Christie, but the new Kenneth Branagh’s latest adaptation of Death on the Nile, pushed her over the edge. That’s why we’ve missed our Sunday Post last week. We were too busy drawing comparisons between the different adaptations and the book. If you’ve missed it, you can read our post here – Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie. 

I’m trying to think if anything else excited happened over the last 2 weeks. Nothing that I can think of. Renovations are still ongoing, school is still busy, I’m still adorable.

Let’s see what happened in our bookish lives.

Adding to the litter

The Country Club Murders has been on our radar for ages. When the first instalment on Book Bub’s daily deals, we grabbed it immediately. No to get time to read it. Cats in the City of Plague is one of those novellas we stumbled on by pure chance. This sounds lovely and I’m sure we will read it one night this week.

My Mommy has Book Club on Tuesday and I think it will probably simply be a renewal of her current reads. But we will let you know next week.

Scratching the Blog Pole

I am still trying to take over my Mommy’s diary and every other day, I do manage to get her to spend some time on the blog. One of these days we’ll find a rhythm. If you’ve missed our latest posts here’s the links:


On the Couch

We’ve finished a couple review books this week and our reviews will be up later this week. Ghost Agents was a fun read and we’ve enjoyed it. Lucifer’s Game were slightly disappointing and not quite as strong as we hoped it to be. But we’ll talk more on our reviews.

What Netflix shows can you guys recommend? We’re on a bit of a dry spell with television at the moment.

Currently Reading

We’ve hoped to be done with Magpie Murders today, but we still have about an hour left. Don’t really want it to end though. Gosh we are enjoying this one! With any luck, my Mommy might finish Triflers need not apply before Tuesday night to have her total book club reads for February, at 2. Shocking. I know. Still reading The Blood Tide on our cellphone via Pigeonhole. I think if my Mommy just reads it and finishes it in one sitting, she might actually enjoy it more.

What have you been up to lately? Have you seen Death on the Nile yet?

Have a good week and gosh, it’s March on Tuesday already!!

Thank you to all our wonderful hosts! Debbie @ Readerbuzz with The Sunday Salon, Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer with The Sunday Post and Marlene @ Reading Reality with Stacking the Shelves.

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44 responses to “The Sunday Post #62

  1. I’ve been wanting to read that Country Club Murders series for a while now too, I think I even got book 1 during a sale a while ago too. It’s always weird how soon February suddenly ends, I was surprised too when it was already March. I hope you’ll have a great week!

    • elzaread

      Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!!! There’s and adaptation for Magpie Murders??? I will have to make a plan immediately. Gosh, I loved it. (Gosh, there’s a lot of goshes in my comment…)

      I will take a look at In from the cold as well.

      Thanks so much Shelley Ray. I hope you will have a good weekend and so sorry for the late reply.

    • elzaread

      Thanks Yvonne! It was a bit of a crazy week, but we did still have some time for reading and blogging. So all in all, not bad at all!

      Have a good weekend and so sorry for the late reply.

    • elzaread

      Hi Veronica! Death on the Nile is one of my top three favorite Agatha Christie’s.

      I was hoping to get to Cats in the City of Plague this week, but it just flew by. I will keep it close at hand though.

      Have a good weekend and so sorry for the late reply.

    • elzaread

      All three of them are really good in their own way. But I think it’s good to have read the book as well. Then you have a clearer understanding of the changes made.

      Hope you get to it soon!

    • elzaread

      Hi AJ! Nah, not all that shocking. What is shocking is how many people are out there who have actually never heard of Agatha Christie…

    • elzaread

      Hi Emma! That is valid point yes. I have also grown up with all things Agatha Christie, but I do still love reading her books.

      Thanks for stopping by!

    • elzaread

      Hi there Anne! I loved Magpie Murders! I thought it was done so cleverly. Anthony Horowitz really is a good author. I will read the second instalment in the series as well.

      Have a good week and thanks for stopping by!

    • elzaread

      Hi Cindy! There are shows that I will watch, like Virgin River yes. And then there are shows I watch with my husband. I have seen Virgin River, will take a look at Alexa and Katie.

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will have a good week!

  2. Different reading platforms and apps can very much affect how I enjoy a book. I love my kindle but struggle with the kindle app on a phone or pc.
    I’m ashamed to admit I’ve watched LOTS of Agatha Cristie films and TV series but I have yet to actually read one of her books. She’s on my “get around to sometime TBR” along with Tolkein and Neil Gaiman.

    • elzaread

      Hi Louise! I only read on my phone when I forgot to have a physical book with me. That doesn’t actually happen very often…

      Death on the Nile is a good Agatha Christie to read! I’ve actually still enjoyed the book more than any of the adaptations.

      Love your “get around to read sometime TBR”. That can work for me too! Tolkien will have to make my list as well…

    • elzaread

      Hi Lisa! I also do it all the time, but hardly ever write it down. Maybe I’ll start doing it more often.

      I am looking forward to reading Cats in the City of Plague, hope to update you soon.

      Have a good week and thanks for stopping by!

  3. I missed your post on Death on the Nile, but just read it now. It was a great comparison! My husband and I saw the new movie a couple of weeks ago. As I commented on my post today, we left feeling disappointed. It is definitely a beautiful movie – the costuming, coloring, views of the Nile and Pharoahs – but we didn’t like the changes to the characters, Poirot didn’t feel like the Poirot I know and too little time was spent on the mystery and interviewing suspects. I am not sorry I saw it, but I prefer the 1978 movie. Although, I agree with you about David Suchet – he is Poirot to me 🙂.

    Have a great week!

    • elzaread

      Hi Gretchen! I also didn’t like the change in characters, but then again – all 3 adaptations did make changes in the characters. No idea why. Maybe there were too many characters in the book? But I agree, the latest one saw major changes and I didn’t like it. Although Bouke was a good character!

      I did like Kenneth Branagh more as Poirot in this one than in Murder on the Orient Express. But David Suchet sure is the best Poirot.

      Thanks for stopping by to have a chat!

  4. I’m looking forward to seeing what you think of Cats in the City of Plague. I was reading the synopsis on Goodreads and I got scared. LOL I’ll wait to hear what you think of it 🙂 I’ve read the first couple of books in the Country Club Murders and enjoyed them. Another series I have to catch up on.

    Hope you have a great week and enjoy your reading.

    Yvonne @ Socrates Book Reviews recently posted: The Weekend Review - February 26th-28th
    • elzaread

      Hi Yvonne! I’m a bit swamped with review copies at the moment (only my own fault, I know), but as soon as I have a gap, I will read Cats in the city of Plague. Sounds fascinating to me, but scary to Elza as well!

      I will the Country Club Murders for the holidays.

      Have a good week Yvonne!

  5. I’m hoping to one day read my first Agatha Christie. I’m trying to pick the one that is the best and that has not yet been decided on. I’m glad to see you enjoyed the new movie so much.

    I’ve done nothing but read picture books this week. I just can’t seem to focus.

    We’re going back and forth between Escape to the Chateau (Peacock), Seaside Hotel (PBS), All Creatures Great and Small (PBS), and Gilmore Girls (Netflix).

    Deb+Nance+at+Readerbuzz recently posted: The Sunday Salon: The Hills is Lonely and The Joy Plan
    • elzaread

      I need to start reading picture books ! I’ve had this idea since school started to feature a different kiddies book, from picture books to middle grade, every week. But so far time has not been on my side. Holidays are 3 weeks away, I will try to do it then.

      Death on the Nile is a good choice to start with Agatha Christie. Or what about And then there were none? No Poirot or Miss Marple, but brilliant.

      I forgot the second season for All Creatures great and small must be out, I’ll check that one! Thanks for the other recommendations!

      PS: My WWW is done already. Aren’t you proud of me?? I’ll post early tomorrow.

  6. I enjoyed watching the new movie version of Death on the Nile, the first movie trip we have made in a while. I was overwhelmed by the big screen shots of the Nile and the magnificent temples! I do want to see the original movie made too.

    • elzaread

      Hi Harvee! I also loved the cinematography. It was brilliant and by far the highlight of the movie. It was good yes, but that was exquisite.

      Thanks for stopping by and have a good week ahead!

  7. “I’m still adorable” lol. Way to be modest there Elza! 🙂

    So I haven’t watched death on the Nile yet but you have me enthused about it. I’m thinking maybe I’ll read the book first, then binge the three movies and pick my favorite. Sounds fun!

    I recommend Vigil if you can find it. It’s a BBC show- not on netflix- not sure if it’s available to you.

    I love the Mulhern books. That looks like a new cover (or maybe just the edition you have) for The Deep End.

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #442
    • elzaread

      Hi Greg! Oh modesty will never be part of that little one’s makeup. Sassy and self entitled like only a cat can be.

      I’ll ask my husband to see if he can find Vigil. Thanks!

      I know you like the Mulhern books! The first time I saw it was on your blog and that was years ago already… So I guess it’s time to start reading it now.

      Have a good week!

  8. Diane

    Cats in the City of Plague has me curious. Sounds like Mommy had a great week in books. I haven’t given up on Agatha Christie in books but, I haven’t has the best of luck with the ones I’ve chosen.

    • elzaread

      Hi Diane! City of Plague immediately caught my eye as well and I simply couldn’t resist. Will keep you posted when I’ve read it.

      Death on the Nile is a good choice to read if you tend to have bad luck with Agatha Christie.

      Have a good week Diane and thanks for stopping by!