The Sunday Post #7

Posted August 16, 2020 by elzaread in Stacking the shelves, The Sunday Post, The Sunday Salon / 28 Comments

 Missed us? I am ever so sorry that we’ve missed The Sunday Post last week. Gosh, I hope it was only last week. It’s been a bit tough here with us and dreadfully cold and rainy lately. So what’s been happening?

Two weeks ago, I told you that my big brother, Stinkie, has been a bit under the weather. Thankfully, my mommy took him to the doctor on the Monday morning, or he might have ended up 3 feet under the ground, and not just under the weather (I don’t think cats should need six feet. Then again, if Louis buried Church 6 feet under ground in Pet Sematary, he might have saved himself a bit of trouble). Poor Stinkie had Tick Bite Fever and he was really not well at all. 

My mommy was very worried and if I had an ounce of evil in me, I would have rolled on the floor laughing a couple of times at her and daddy’s nursing skills. She left for school two days in a row, soaking wet. No really – SOAKING. Stinkie kept on sneaking out and she would charge after him. Please tell me you can see the picture. Oh and getting the medicine to go down…. Hilarious. Daddy would wrap him in a towel, then in a blanket and hold on really tight while Mommy tries to get the syringe thingy down his throat. You should have heard the screams. Poor Stinkie also whimpered every now and then. But thankfully, he did pull through and is now even more demanding than ever.

Enough about life, let’s talk books.

Adding to the litter

Mommy should really stop buying books. One of these days we will have to start eating the cheap supermarket brands. I know she can’t help it and the local bookshop is simply feeding her addiction by having a non-stop book sale. She also got a few good Afrikaans books from her neighbor. Overall, book hording has been good the last 2 weeks. 

Scratching the Blog Pole

Strangely enough, we did manage to write quite a few post. One or two didn’t make it to the scheduled times, but they are all updated as we speak. 
We did two Top Ten Tuesdays (click on the image to take you to the post):
We also did two book reviews, but actually finished four books. After this last Tuesday’s Top Ten Tuesday on books we’ve loved, but never reviewed,  and especially after reading Lydia Schoch’s post, I’ve decided that it really is perfectly okay not to review every, single book. Only the ones that I feel I have to say, or meow something about. Otherwise, I’ll leave it to the experts. 
I only managed one Wednesday Wisdom and one Weekend Book Friends. I also stumbled upon a wonderful monthly meme, called Six Degrees of Separation and I’m sure we’ll become regulars on this feature as well. Wednesday Wisdom was my favorite. In this house, cats and dogs are the best of friends. 

On the couch 



Series here and there, nothing new. Mommy and Daddy have been strolling down memory lane the past few weekends and they are watching movies pre-2000’s. How things have changed. Somethings for the better, others definitely not so. Maybe this really is As Good as it Gets.

Let it go

Let’s quickly go back to this last week’s Top Ten Tuesday. It really got my thinking cap tickled here. I’ve noticed that some bloggers review every single book they read. A large number of the bloggers out there are beta-readers and have pre-release copies that need to be reviewed. So yes, I guess they do have to review each and every book. I remember how chuffed I was when I received my first book from Netgalley on my previous blog. Of the 17 books I’ve reviewed on Netgalley, I actually only really enjoyed 3 of them. That was part of the reason I stopped the blog. I haven’t registered my Netgalley account again. Yet. Maybe not at all. At this stage, I’m just happy to float around here and love chatting about books and read all the books I want to read. I’ve also reached that age where I have no remorse in putting a book down if I don’t like it. Also on the age where re-reads are becoming a serious thing. Maybe I’ll change my mind in a week or two. Let’s see how the wind blows.
Hope you will all have a wonderful week! Remember to link up with these lovely ladies: 
Lots of love,
Mareli & Elza 
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28 responses to “The Sunday Post #7

  1. So glad Stinkie is doing better though I imagine nursing duty with a cat is quite the adventure! Enjoy your reading and hope you're having a great week.

  2. Oh wow that sounds tough, but I'm glad to hear Stinkie is doing better. Poor thing… and poor humans too, from the sound of it!

    Something in the Water has an ominous title, I'm curious about that one.

    Hope you and your humans are well this week!

  3. Poor stinkie, glad you have been nursed back to full health. I put my blog on hiatus for nearly 3 years, I overwhelmed myself with review copies and blog tours, I am still on NG but like the rest of the blog I’m more relaxed this time round.

    Have a lovely week!

  4. I'm glad your kitty is on the mend. I recognize the theatrics necessary to get medication in a cat! I accept very few review books for the reason you mentioned. I do review every book I read because for me my blog is a journal as much as a public forum. I do feel bad when I accept a book and have to do a fair review 🙁

  5. Glad to hear Stinkie is doing better. I've been through that syringe thing. Not fun for anyone. Hope you enjoy your books and have a great week.

    • Hi Yvonne! It's horrible yes. He is quite a large boy as well, so my husband is very scared that he will bit him. It has happened before!

      Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  6. Hi there Sarah! Thanks for the well wishes. Oooooh Elza will be very upset with Supermarket junkfood…

    Hope your week will also be great!

  7. Hi Brenda, we can also not buy any new books this year. Opening tomorrow with very firm restrictions. Will see how it goes.

    Glad to meet a fellow teacher! I really think that life has been especially hard for teachers across the world lately. We've been working round the clock and if you aren't technological savy, it's a struggle.

    Good luck to you!

  8. Hi there Deb, I always have such a laugh at your quirky comments. You are a Disney Princess! Belle with all her books…!

    Yes, reading is for fun. I'll still decide on reviewing again. I will most probably end up doing it again for one or two books.

    Hope you will have a wonderful, Disney moments filled, week!

  9. Poor kitty, hope he is soon fully recovered.
    I really read nothing but ARCs these days, but even so in the last ten years of blogging there are probably only a dozen or two of the 1500+ books I’ve read that I haven’t written a review for.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    • Hi Shelley! Good grief, that is a lot of books and reviews….luckily you write some great reviews.

      One day I might get there.

      Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. Enjoy your week.

    Looks like some good books were added.


    Take care, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. Such a relief that your kitty is better – it's always horrible when pets are sick… Lol – I am trying to banish the image of snacking on cheap supermarket books – possibly with a bookmark sauce?? I hope the coming week is a peaceful one, and you're absolutely right – reading should be FUN. I hope you have lots of fun in the coming week:)

  12. Thanks for stopping by my Stacking post. Glad your kitty is on the mend. I had to put my cat, Nick, to sleep earlier this summer. He was 17 and it was time, but it was HARD!

    Good luck on your return to school. We are starting hybrid in a few weeks and the library is closed b/c student will stay in one room for four hours. I am teaching language arts to fifth and sixth graders on their virtual days. I offered to have contactless book checkout for students and teachers. Admin is thinking about it. No money for new books this year though:-( Lots of $ were spent on PPE and sanitizing supplies.

    Enjoy your haul.

  13. I'm sorry to read things have been tough. I'm glad your cat is doing better though. It's the worst when your pet is under the weather.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  14. So glad your kitty is doing better. Nothing feels right when we have sick ones among us.

    I do write reviews of everything I read, but I'm retired and I can do that. When I worked, I would simply write down a few thoughts about each book…no long reviews. Just enough to remember my impressions of the book. I don't worry about reading books for review anymore either. Too much stress, I think. I wait and get most of my books from the library. Then, if a book doesn't work for me, I jettison it, with no worries. I did that with a book this week.

    And, oh yes, As Good as It Gets. I need to keep remembering that. You are right. Maybe that's where we are. Going to enjoy each little unexpected happiness today, and set aside the Disney movie I thought I was getting.

  15. I'm happy Stinkie is okay. I had a scare with my Iago last month and I don't want to think about what could have happened if we hadn't taken him to the vet. Hope you enjoy your new books.

    Happy readings! 🙂
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret