The SundayPost #11

Posted September 13, 2020 by elzaread in Stacking the shelves, The Sunday Post, The Sunday Salon / 31 Comments

Greetings! This week I was ever so thankful that I am from the feline species and not descending from the human race. Humans can really do and think of things that cats won’t even dream of. At least they provide some entertainment to relieve the boring task of being a house pet.

“Welcome to South Africa! Where R500 Billion is missing, but we’re fighting over shampoo.”

I do hope that the Tresemme / Clicks debacle didn’t make international headlines…. If it did, is it my place to apologize? Or does it simply come with the territory we reside in? To be honest, I struggle to truly understand all the fuzz (no pun intended). Bad hair is a universal thing, not even the feline species can get away from it. Please don’t let my Mommy hear you, but if you ask me, my mommy falls in between the frizzy & dull and normal hair, and her white skin will give Snow White a run for her money. You should see some of her friends with their fine & flat hair. It honestly does sometimes appear as if the dogs, me and a couple of cows gave them a lick on the head. Fine and flat isn’t very complimentary you know.

Oh well, I guess we shouldn’t worry all that much about it. You don’t have to sit with your hands in your hair. The EFF will provide solutions to all our problems.

Enough about that. The rest of our week wasn’t bad at all. My Mommy has one week to go and then she is on holidays. Yea! For about a week and then they plan on travelling across the country, leaving me all alone at home with the rest of the siblings. How horrible. Now that’s something to make a fuzz about.

Adding to the litter

Mommy had Book Club for the first time in 6 months and she couldn’t be happier.
It’s marvelous to meet up around a table once again, talking about books and just being together. Swapping, touching and sniffing all the new books are of course the highlight of any Book Club evening. All her new books are from Book Club:

Scratching the Blog Pole

Three posts this week. I did my second Six Degrees of Separation and my first Thursday Throwback where we featured our first book review, Thursday Throwback #1 The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah.  Seeing that we didn’t have any other social obligations this last Friday (thank goodness), Mommy paid a visit to her Weekend Book Friends again. Click on the image if you missed the post and would like to catch up.

On the Couch

We are still reading Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout and also started with one of the Book Club books Borderline by Marita van der Vyver. Mommy is reading this in Afrikaans, but for your convenience, it’s available in English and we will show the English books. I know, we are such kind beings.
The Rental I was snuggled up nicely between Mommy and Daddy and besides a few squeaks en squeals from Mommy, I still have no idea what the idea of this movie was. Maybe it really was only for squeaks and squeals.
Midway   Oh that was wonderful. Bad adjective for the historical events. But still, a wonderful movie.
I know what we will be watching tonight! If Julius Malema and the EFF can’t fix our hair problems, I know what can fix ANY hairstyle – Hairspray!

Let it go

Okay, we should really let this whole hair-thing go. Let’s just be thankful if you still have hair to complain about and think of those who aren’t so fortunate. For various reasons. Let’s also be thankful that this is 2020 and not the 80’s anymore. I might have launched a complaint then as well.
May you all have a wonderful week and I do hope that every day is a Good Hair Day this week.
Remember to add your link to the follow pretty ladies and share your Sunday news with all of us.
Lots of Love,



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31 responses to “The SundayPost #11

  1. I had no idea about shampoo troubles in South Africa! Yikes. Hope all gets sorted soon. Glad you were able to get out a bit with the book club. I highly enjoyed the Rental! I hope you have a great week.

    • Hi Heather! Yes, you can expect anything from Africa! But we still love staying here.

      The Rental made my jump and squeal, but what the heck was the purpose? WHY does he kill them all? I understand that he bugs rental houses and then goes on a killing spree. But WHY OH WHY???

      My husband also enjoyed it though.

      Happy week!

  2. Alas South Africa’s shampoo woes did not make it on to the news headlines in my part of the world. We have enough hair problems of our own, just trying to get a haircut can be challenging!

    That’s fab you’ve managed to get to book club, our gatherings are being restricted again because of a rise in cases again.

    Have a lovely week!

    • Hi Heather! We actually really do have bigger problems than even the biggest 80's hairstyle… But that's how it goes in politics.

      Thanks for the well wishes!

  3. Oh that hair, I remember it well, I loved my crimper 🙂 I did hear the basics about the Tressame ad, they really didn’t think that through at all.
    Have a fab vacation!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    • Hi there Shelley! My hair was way to fine for the crimper. Do you know that you can get them again? Different sizes. It does actually look quite nice with the bigger blade for beach waves.

      Yea for vacation!

      Have a good week!

  4. I love animals of all kinds but have a cat right now. She's very old and a Siamese. Very picky and very friendly to my hubby and me.
    Have a great week!

    • I grew up with Siamese cats and two of my fur babies (there are 4), are cross-bred Siamese. Elza is a rescue, pure white kitten. But so damn adorable.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I do sometimes think I'd be happier as a cat. 🙂 But yay for almost holiday! It will be here soon and then your human friends can go have fun haha. And hopefully th shampoo debacle (?) is over soon?? Although the way things are here I'm not sure how much worse they could be elsewhere??!?

    80's hair kill me. I remember those times though…

    I hope you are well this week and stay safe! Who knows by the next Sunday Post what we'll be talking about next lol???

    • You know Greg, that is spot on!! I miss a few weekly features here and there and tend to get side tracked from the blog with work, but I don't easily miss The Sunday Post! It's just tooo much fun to reflect on everything.

      Hope you will have a good week!

  6. I haven't heard anything about the shampoo debacle and now I'm madly curious! Love the cat pictures and the 80s hair pictures. I'm not sad I was just a little too young to fully embrace the hair trends. Hope you have a great week.

    • Hi Katherine! I'm not sad either… But my sister didn't miss it and to this day I love to tease her about it!!

      Hope you are doing well. We miss you!

  7. Those cat photos are too cute! And now that I've watched the video you shared, I understand where it comes from. People really should listen to cats more. I can't believe that TRESemmé ad. How awful. I know the company is saying they didn't mean to post such a racist ad, but how could the person who put that together and those who approved it not see it? Sadly, this could have just as easily happened in the U.S. unfortunately.

    Just one more week until your vacation. Yay! I want a vacation so badly. LOL Alas, it isn't in my future any time soon. I am glad you got to get together with your book club. That must have been a lot of fun!

    I hope you enjoy your reading and have a great week!

    • Hi there, the world really is going a bit mad. People all over the globe are very self centered and no-one really thinks of the consequences of their actions. And it's just toooo easy to blame someone else.

      Book lovers and bloggers should really rule the world. We learn so much from books. And cats of course…

  8. Those pictures make me glad I was only just born in the eighties! Yowza. Though playing around with big hair can be really cool…

    Hope you have a good week!

    • Big Hair = Hairspray!! I was born in the late 70's so my real teenage years were only in the 90's. The hair did start to calm down by then.

      Thanks for visiting!

  9. I remember the big hair of the 1980s:)). So sorry to hear you have been having bad hair problems… And I'm glad you enjoyed the Book Club so much – have a great time during your holiday and hopefully Elza will enjoy her break, soo:)).

    • I was a bit too young to reach the teenage years with the 80's hair. But my sister did not pass it by. Elza still has the mostly normal look. But she's still young and so pretty. Those were the days….

      Thanks for stopping by and have a good week!

  10. LOL.. I haven’t heard anything about the shampoo debacle at your end. Sounds.. well.. better than all the Covid news and Trump stuff. After listening to the same stuff for almost 6 months I think hearing about some shampoo stuff can be exciting. LOL!!

    Have a great week and happy reading.

    • Now that is a different perspective Maureen. I should have thought of it in that way. That's why I love my Blogging Friends!

      Good luck with your week.

  11. An in person book club sounds wonderful. I've never belonged to one but I'm sure it was fun to go to with everything going on lately. Have a great week!

  12. Ha ha, i watched a great movie to the New Mutants. I joked it was called 'the last mutants' but the concept of the movie was great.bringing a cat instead of a toddler to this movie would have been preferrable but my son fed me candy so that memorable.

  13. I did not hear anything about your hair products troubles in South Africa this week, but then again we here in America are quite busy with a plethora of troubles of our own—wildfires, more hurricanes, police problems, race issues, coronavirus, and he-who-must-not-be-named. It's always comforting to see that we are not the only ones with problems.

    How lovely that you were able to get together with your book club. We are talking right now about how we can meet next week. Zoom? Or in person, socially distancing? Not sure yet.

    A week until a vacation? That's wonderful, too. Well, perhaps not for Elza.

    Oh, that 80s hair. It was crazy in the 60s when I was a little girl, too.

    I hope you have a great week, Mareli.

    • I do believe that politics are turning into a circus in many countries these days.
      We tried Book Club on Zoom once, it didn't work very well. What about that curbside get together?
      I was a girl in the 80's, my sister a teenager and she did the big hair. I wasn't much interested. LOL!!

      Have a great week Deb!