Top Ten Tuesday 10 Books on my Winter Shelf

Posted June 16, 2020 by elzaread in Top Ten Tuesday / 14 Comments

It’s Tuesday and time for Top Ten Tuesday! The most popular meme on the blogosphere. Or so I’m told. This is my first time and I am super excited (all curled up in a warm blanket at my mommy’s feet). The last time she visited, it was still hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, but there is a new pretty lady over at That Artsy Reader Girl who is playing host now. I think I’m going to like her. She seems like a cat person.

Today’s prompt is Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR list. Luckily that pretty Artsy Lady considered us here in the Southern Hemisphere as well where we definitely do not experiencing any summery vibes. This is my fist winter and I’m not all that sure how I feel about it. There’s lots of cuddle time and some comfy warm blankets to snuggle into. But nature still calls and I need to go play outside as well where it’s dreadfully cold and wet. Mommy says I should just embrace it and think of all the lovely books we are going to read in front of the fire. 
So let’s have a look at what she’s dusting of the shelf, using that shining little card for, or simply just wishing for. 
Okay, I know for a fact that she’s cheating here. She’s read all of these! But in my mommy’s defense, these 4 books are definitely the ones you want to snuggle with in front of a fire. With the wind howling outside. You should be all alone. Eskom (that’s the power supplier in South Africa) will have load shedding to help with the ambiance. And yes, you should have a cat with you. 
The next four she dusted from the shelf and for a second there, I thought she was going to make a fire with them. But apparently she’s trying to take a nice photo for Instagram to link with this post. I’m not featured, so good luck with that. None of these have been read yet. 
The last two on today’s list, is on mommy’s wish list. Okay, the one is on her wish list and the other one I saw while browsing through Goodreads. (What? Have you never seen a cat browse the internet? You should see me hosting a Zoom meeting. My mommy’s students think I’m simply marvelous)
And that’s our list for today. I know I now need to do that linky thingy and share my post. I don’t have that typical whatever cat personality. I do like to chat and hear your thoughts. So please pay us a visit and tell us if you think our picks will comfort the winter cold. 
Stay safe and warm!
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14 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday 10 Books on my Winter Shelf

    • Thank you Sarah! The Woman in the Window is one of those books that anyone can read and will enjoy. Hope you get to it soon!

  1. This looks like a great list. I love Tess Gerritsen and Karin Slaughter. It feels like way to long ago since I last read a book by one those authors.
    Happy reading.

  2. I liked The Woman in the Window. And a few others of these appeal to me as well. I've been really enjoying thrillers lately!

  3. Lucky you to have wet and cold! I'll trade you for SUPER hot and dry – how about it??

    I enjoy Ware's books. THE TURN OF THE KEY isn't my favorite one, but I liked it. THE GUEST LIST is also at the top of my TBR list. It sounds SOOO good. I hope we both love it!

    Happy TTT!

    • Hi there Susan! Oh I'll trade you any day. I love the summer and you will hardly ever find me complaining about the heat. But I'm not a winter fan… Will see how Elza handles it. She snuggles in quite a bit, so I think she is still comfortable.

      Thanks for stopping by, have a great week!

    • Bear Town is on the nightstand, so I'll most probably start with it within a day or 2. The Woman in the Window was really good. Can't wait for the adaptation.