Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Books with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Titles

Posted October 13, 2020 by elzaread in Top Ten Tuesday / 44 Comments

Greetings!  It’s time for Top Ten Tuesday and I suggest you make yourself comfortable for the long haul. I do believe that a spoon fool of sugar might come in helpful as well. Today we are having a look at books with exceptionally long titles. 

Most of you are acquainted with the rules of Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. My Mommy likes to add her own rules here and there. Number one, only use books I have read or at least desperately want to read. I thought it was going to take her ages to come up with titles, but she obviously enjoys books with long titles. She also likes long walks, talks and tall men, so I guess it figures. 

In no particular order, here’s our 10 books with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious titles:

– This book has made it to so many lists on this blog. It’s just such a fun, memorable read.
– One of those “have-to-read” books. My humble opinion. 
– I love this series. Light hearted and funny. Easy read, so take it to the beach or the something-to-read on a journey. The second one in the series also made it to my list:
– Same footnote as above applies. 
– Don’t expect too much. Just a silly, but still funny little book.
Half way done. Lets have a look at the anticipating colons (that sounds like a stomach ache)
The true story behind Unbroken. An inspiring read. 
I believe it’s the first time ever that my Mommy listed two non-fiction books in one post. But both of these memoirs read like a novel and they left their footprint (no pun intended).
Another non-fiction. Man, she’s on a roll here today! But this one falls under the self-help section. The first one she has ever read. Was worth it. She doesn’t always apply all the wisdom gained though. I still rather believe in that spoon full of sugar. 
Of course there need to be a Classic on this list. Can’t go wrong with this one. Do try the audio version. 
 The first book on our list today, has made it to quite a few lists on this blog already, so has this one. One of our ultimate favorites. 

What books made your supercalifragilisticexpialidocious list? I am sure a few of ours will make more than one appearance today. 
Happy TTT!
Lots of Love,


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44 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Books with Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Titles

  1. Great post! Some of these titles are on my tbr and I have read and loved Wild and The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Society.

  2. Oh, this is such a fun post! Love that you included Three men in a boat—it just barely didn't make it onto my list. I read it for the first time in high school, but I really want to check it out again. I think I'd appreciate it a lot more now.

    • Hi Christopher! So glad you enjoy our post. Try listening to the audio recording of Three men in a boat. It's for free on Librivox and really quite good.

  3. This is brilliant and I love your title. I've read a couple of these – Good Omens and The Guernsey Potato Peel book. Plus I own a couple of the others but haven't read them yet.
    Lynn 😀

  4. Can't believe I didn't have Good Omens on my list. Need to correct my spreadsheet with the actual titles instead of the short title!

    • I love books with long titles. I've actually thought of doing a reading challenge or something where you start with books with one word and see how far you get!
      Guernsey will definitely become a classic.

  5. Seems like The 100 year old man is almost a regular for this week's TTT!! Also, because of your list, I discovered Three Men in a Boat actually has a long title.

  6. I love, love, love your title of supercalifragilisticexpealadocious book titles. So clever! Guernsey is now on Netflix… I have not read it but I wonder if it does the book justice?
    I like how you included a self-help type book. I quite like the title and might have to give it a go!

    • Hi Maya! Thank you! So glad you liked it. I've seen the movie of Guernsey as well and thought it did the book a lot of justice. You can still read it though. There are a couple of things that weren't in the movie, but just small things.

  7. What a great way to approach this week's list. I'm sure we could all use some Mary Poppins right about now. Your list has such neat books. I've been meaning to read Good Omens, but haven't gotten to it yet.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog today.

    • Thank you Cheryl, no matter how old we get, I will always believe we can do with Mary Poppins to come and sort us out for a bit.

      Thanks for returning the favor!

  8. Supercalifragilisticexpealadocious… love that. And I just went with it and wrote it out and only stopped once- just after the middle to make sure I was doing it right. Ha! Anyways… Three Men in a Bot has me curious. I'm loving all the titles I'm seeing!!!

    • Hi Greg! Yea! Glad you liked it. I also had to think very hard when typing the word, but then again – who is actually going to know you've made a spelling mistake?

    • I also enjoyed it tremendously. The copy I've had was just printed sooo small and the pages came lose. So I finished it on my kindle! But it was good!

    • I feel exactly the same Deb! I love books with long titles. Enjoyed this week's prompt!

      I love Mary Poppins… If I ever had a girl, I would have made her bedroom theme Mary Poppins.