Top Ten Tuesday – Books I’ve read on vacation (I have proof!)

Posted October 11, 2022 by elzaread in Top Ten Tuesday / 32 Comments

Greetings you guys! It’s Tuesday and time for Top Ten Tuesday, hosted as always by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Today’s prompt is Books I’ve read while on vacation. Apparently you get bonus points if you can remember where you were too.

School is starting for the last term of the year today, so my Mommy will make this a quick one. Luckily she has photographic proof of all the books she read on vacation. Well, mostly. The trusted Kindle is the normal travel companion. Not me. Unfortunately for you, you won’t see me in any of the photos, as I never go with on holidays. How terribly sad, I know.

Added bonus points if you can remember dates as well?

Morgan’s Bay, South Africa – June 2017

Wildernis, South Africa – March 2020. Yes, Mommy and Daddy were on holiday when COVID 19 hit our shores. Yes, they had to go home….

Malelane, Kruger Park, South Africa – July 2020. Daddy had a working permit and had to travel. Flying was no option, so they drove 1000 kilometers. Luckily Mommy had books with her.

The Grags (Plettenberg Bay) South Africa – September 2020

Keurboomstrand, South Africa – September 2020. Same holiday, different location

The Grags (Plettenberg Bay) – February 2021

Beacon Isle Resort, Plettenberg Bay, South Africa – June 2021 (they really do like Plett)

The Grags (Plettenberg Bay), South Africa – February 2022 (they really, really like Plett – but it is a lovely spot for vacation and the fact that there’s a weekly market with the BEST second hand books stall ever is completely irrelevant)

On the plane on their way to Mauritius – May 2022.

They will be going to Mauritius again this December holidays, but I can’t see her packing any physical books. Perhaps just one or two for the flight. My Mommy likes reading a real book when flying. For everything else, the Kindle will have to do!

What books have you read on holidays and what books can you recommend for a very hot, summery Christmas Holiday??


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32 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Books I’ve read on vacation (I have proof!)

  1. How did we travel before Kindles?? Love the photos and how crazy to have been away when Covid hit. Though I must say The Sun Sister’s a great book to have with you in a stressful time!

  2. If I went back I could probably find some evidence of reading on holidays but generally I don’t.

    I was reading Homegoing when I was at Pilanesberg. I do remember that one!

  3. I”m playing catch up with visits this week. What a smart idea to take pics of your reading. Never occurred to me. And now I read exclusively Kindle on trips since we travel with ONLY carryon and there’s just NO room for books. I guess I could take a cover pic of each Kindle bk but it’s not as cool as a book stack. I’m headed to Puerto Vallarta in a couple days, so I’ll have to see how creative I can be for this trip now that you’ve inspired me. 🙂
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys recently posted: Shelf Control and Books from the Backlog #9
  4. I see Jodi’s books on lists here and there and now she’s had an adaptation or two of her novels. But I’ve never read anything by her. Maybe at some point I should. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website on this week!

  5. Yeah Moriarty seems like a good author to take on vacation. I still need to read her last novel Apples Never Fall which looks pretty good. You need something light and fun on vacation …. don’t we all?

  6. That’s a shame you don’t get to go on vacation Elza, although if it’s any consolation my kitties don’t go on vacation with us either. 🙂 And who klnows what happens while we’re gone??? Anyway as for the books… ooh I see Liane Moriarty in there. I need to catch up on hers…

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post #473
  7. I loved seeing the books insitu! Ergh how awful to have been away when Covid hit! Such a scary time. And it’s on the rise again over here in the UK, but with no restrictions we shall just have to cross our fingers and hope for the best.

    I struggled this week as although I went on holiday in August I only read 3 books and finished one of those! Before that I holidayed in 2018 but didn’t have time to read. I think that the last holiday that I actually read on was a family holiday in 2013. I love a physical book, but it is very stressful to pack!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    Emily @Budget Tales Book Blog recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday – Books I Read On Vacation
    • Hi there Emily!

      Oh I hear you about the physical books on vacation. If I want to take any with, I need to smuggle it in. My husband says I have a kindle and that’s enough. But I like my physical books……

      Oh gosh, I do hope that you guys will be okay and that the outbreak of Covid won’t be as bad. It’s been really quiet here in SA, thankfully!

      Thanks for the visit and have a wonderful week.