Top Ten Tuesday – It’s only Words

Posted September 27, 2022 by elzaread in Top Ten Tuesday / 45 Comments

Greetings you guys! It’s Tuesday and time for this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s  topic comes from yours truly – Typographical Book Covers. In laymen’s terms – books with only words on the cover. Thank you Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl for choosing our prompt! We feel very chuffed today.

So what inspired this prompt? While sorting out our Book Shelfs a couple of months ago, my Mommy realized how many books we have that don’t have pictures on the cover, but only words. Look, we love a pretty cover as much as the next person and like an ostrich, if it’s got a shiny cover – we’ll go for it. But at the end of the day, it’s all about the words and if Words can be enough for a cover, imagine what lies between those covers.

Here’s our Top Ten Favorite 5 Star Books with only words on the cover:

Ha, this was an interesting exercise! My Mommy don’t have time to make a pretty CANVA graphic now, so she just gave WordPress free reign to do with the covers what they want. Not as nice as CANVA, but not all bad either. Let’s leave it like this.

Have you read any of our typographical books? Which ones did we miss?

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


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45 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – It’s only Words

  1. Jo

    Thanks for this topic, it was a really fun one to do! I chose covers where the typography was the main focus of the cover but wasn’t necessarily the only thing there, as it made it easier for me to do that way!

    Jo recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday #387
  2. Dark Matter showed up on several lists (including mine) – it’s so graphic! And All of JoJo Moyes’ books have that same typeface….pretty distinctive. I didn’t realize it, but apparently most Christie books have only the title, very little/no artwork. Since I’ve only read a couple and don’t really enjoy them (sacrilege I know!), I was unaware of her cover trend. Thanks for the visit – and for the GREAT topic!

  3. Great topic this week Elza!!! Dark Matter is one of my favorite books. I love allthose varied Christie covers too. You know, for someone who hasn’t read a lot of Christie, I like the covers she gets- even the older vintage ones. Or maybe BECAUSE they’re older vintage. anywho….

    Greg recently posted: Travelers 01x10
    • HI Greg!

      I also enjoyed Dark Matter? Have you read his new book? I still need to get a copy… I might actually have missed the previous one as well come to think of it.

      When are you now going to read a Christie?? I’m sure you will love it! And there HAS to be one or two of them with pulp covers. Ha, now that’s something to go look for.

      • I have not read his new one yet- and I did read nhis last one but it didn’t wow me like Dark Matter did. Still anything by him is usually pretty good. I liked his Wayward Pines books too.

        She has so many good covers. When I was a kid my mom used to take me to this department store and they had a book section and there were all these Christies. I used to love seeing them. Which one should I start with???