I really didn’t think that I would have time for this post today. I actually DON’T, but what the heck. Steal a few minutes. Our school is closing on Friday for two weeks and we are busy with report cards. As I read through my teachers’ reports and comments, I constantly think of today’s book for Wednesday Wisdom. It’s the third one in the Don Tillman trilogy. Yes, I can share lovely quotes from all three, but due to my line of work, the last one is very close to heart.
I am one of those over achieving, high functioning and always stressed out teachers you will meet at school. I work at a private, mainstream school where I am the Librarian, the Edublox teacher (extra learning and reading support), and I manage a wonderful class where we work with students who don’t function well in mainstream, due to various reasons. Dyslexia, lower cognitive abilities, epilepsy and of course, students who fall on the autism spectrum. It’s wonderful to work with these kids and my teachers are angels straight from heaven, it’s not always easy though. They are still part of the mainstream school, they just have their own classrooms with very small groups and intensive one-on-one education. It’s mind blowing to see how well the rest of the students treat these kids and how accommodating they are. That’s why I want to share some great quotes from The Rosie Result by Graeme Simsion with you today. Here’s a quick blurb before I share the quotes:
Don and Rosie are back in Melbourne after a decade in New York, and they’re about to face their most important project.
Their son, Hudson, is having trouble at school: his teachers say he isn’t fitting in with the other kids. Meanwhile, Rosie is battling Judas at work, and Don is in hot water after the Genetics Lecture Outrage. The life-contentment graph, recently at its highest point, is curving downwards.
For Don Tillman, geneticist and World’s Best Problem-Solver, learning to be a good parent as well as a good partner will require the help of friends old and new.
It will mean letting Hudson make his way in the world, and grappling with awkward truths about his own identity.
And opening a cocktail bar.
Hilarious and thought-provoking, with a brilliant cast of characters and an ending that will have readers cheering for joy, The Rosie Result is the triumphant final instalment of the internationally bestselling series that began with The Rosie Project.
“I had observed that neurotypicals criticised autistic people for lacking empathy… but seldom made any effort to improve their own empathy towards autistic people.”
“In the adult world, an uneven distribution of abilities is more valuable than mediocrity at everything. It is irrelevant to me whether or not my doctor is adept at hitting a ball with a stick—or finding her way to work without looking at street signs—but I would like her to be as proficient as possible in the practice of medicine. Conversely, at school, being other than unobtrusively average in every area (with the exception of sports) is a distinct disadvantage.”
“Resilience appeared to be the equivalent of toughening up, which, when I was a child, was a general excuse for bullying.”
“If you’re intellectually capable, it’s advisable to become an expert on your own body and treatments,’ I said. ‘Medical practitioners observe you far less frequently than you observe yourself. Also, they care less. With children and people with diminished cognitive function, we may need to take that role on their behalf.”
“Once the label has been applied, even conventional behaviour and achievements are seen as weird, since they are not expected of a weird person.”
“I had never thought of him as actually weird – possibly because we might both be weird along the same dimensions.”
“It must be incredibly difficult being a teacher. So many parallel interactions. The system seemed inadequately designed for handling predictable exceptions.”
“It’s better to learn from people who have had to work hard to achieve their skills, rather than the naturally talented.”
My last quote for today, had me laughing out loud when I read it. I love Don Tillman. And I love my husband. My husband and Don would have understood each other very well. Both can be sufficiently practical, but not always the most romantic husbands.
For our first wedding anniversary, I received a suitcase of a very specific size and dimensions. For domestic flights, it must be able to sky-check. For travelling purposes, I must be able to handle it myself, or in case that won’t be possible, he will be able to carry both suitcases and still have me in tow as well. Both scenarios have already occurred. Yes, I do still have my suitcase.
Have you read The Don Tillman Trilogy? It really is hilarious, but with so much fundamental truths about human nature and how we interact with each other.
Give it a try!
I’ve never read them, I’m not sure if I’d like them…but I’ve heard so many good things about them!
Hi Heather! You have quite a diverse reading taste. I think you might like this! It's lighthearted with enough weight to keep you thinking.
I loved the first book and started the second one but that's as far as I got. Thanks for sharing these quotes
Hi Marg! Then I'm sure you will enjoy the last one very much.
I love sharing all these quotes. Need to try to schedule a few for the upcoming term.
Thanks for visiting us! We love having you around.
I read the first one and liked it a lot. So, I bought the second one but… I DNF it so I don't think I'll be reading this one. But I agree, he has some good insights into human nature.
Hi there Davida! The Rosie Effect does take a dip somewhere, but I did finish it. The last one is really good though!
I don't think I knew there was a third book. I must look for it.
And I'm glad you are working in the position you are. A perfect job for you, I think.
I think you will love it Deb. This series is simply marvelous! My aunt had a friend who was also very very practical and she used to say things are simply marvelous. It stuck with me..!
Hi Mareli,
This is not a series of books which I would probably read from cover to cover, but perhaps dip in and out of from time to time, as I do enjoy reading great quotes, as I can generally see myself reflected in the words and sentiment so often, and not always positively!
Most of human nature is common sense, which we all seem to lack to one degree or another, but when you see it actually written down like this, you realise how intuitive and easy it should be.
I can't pick a favourite quote – maybe the second one about the uneven distribution of abilities!
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your break from school 🙂
Yvonne xx
Hi Yvonne, very true words yes. Common sense are something you can have without braking the IQ bank. Common decency towards your fellow human beings is something you can have without living in a mansion.
I love all these quotes, but my favorite is the one about learning more from those who really worked hard than those with mere talent.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
This series sounds like a great one, and full of so many good quotes! I've seen The Rosie Project around a few times but never picked it up. But it definitely sounds like one for the TBR. Lovely post!
Anika | chaptersofmay.com
Hi Anika! It won't disappoint. I've never spoken to anyone who didn't enjoy it. Don Tillman is a different type of character.
Do you like The Big Bang Theory? Then you will enjoy this!