Wednesday Wisdom with The Shadow of the Wind

Posted June 24, 2020 by elzaread in Wednesday Wisdom / 4 Comments

It’s Wednesday and time for mid-week reflection. As you all know by now, I am a little white kitten who love to cause havoc as much as possible. By now, I can rearrange bathroom, kitchen and clothing cupboards like a pro. My ultimate desire, is to start rearranging my mommy’s bookshelves as well. Alas… I am only able to access one. I do get the impression that some books on the shelf are even more precious to my mommy than me. Impossible, I know. But still, that little voice lingers….

I know that my mommy can reflect on books forever and a day. She even has these little books that she constantly writes in while reading a book. Apparently it’s for quotes and thoughts. I’m not that good with reflections yet, unless you talk about the little kitten who hides behind the mirror. I also know that my mommy has been very sad about the passing of Carlos Ruiz Zafon  this past Friday. She says he wrote the most magical books and you just can’t get more perfect than that. The only thing I could think of to do to help her, was throw those little books from the shelf, as well as her copy of The Shadow of the Wind and just let her reflect on all his wonderful words of wisdom. Hope you enjoy it with us!
“Every book has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens.”
“A secret’s worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept”
“One of the pitfalls of childhood is that one doesn’t have to understand something to feel it.”
“Presents are made for the pleasure of the one who gives them, not for the merits of those who receive it.”
“Nobody knows much about women. Not even Freud, not even women themselves. But it’s like electricity: you don’t have to know how it works to get a shock”.
“Army, Marriage, the Church and Banking: the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.” 
“Sometimes it’s easier to talk to a stranger than someone you know. Probably because a stranger sees us the way we are, not as they wish us to be.”
“Sometimes what matters isn’t what one gives, but what one gives up.”
“Fools talk, cowards are silent, wise men listen.”
“It’s one thing to believe in women and another to believe what they say”
“Bea says that the art of reading is slowly dying, that it’s an intimate ritual, that a book is mirror that offers us only what we already carry inside us, that when we read, we do it with all our heart and mind and great readers are becoming more scarce by the day.”
Not as long as we can help it, Mr Zafon. We are great readers and plan on remaining just that for a very long time to come.
Hope you feel a little bit wiser for the rest of the week!


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4 responses to “Wednesday Wisdom with The Shadow of the Wind

    • Thank you Deb! I need to do something with all the little scraps of paper filled with quotes and thoughts.

      I'll let you know when I post a new one.

  1. LOL!! She's a little disaster all by herself.

    I want to try do make this a weekly feature. Will see how it goes.

    Have an awesome day!