Weekend Book Friends #18

Posted May 14, 2021 by elzaread in Weekend Book Friends / 28 Comments

Greetings Humans! It’s Friday and my Mommy isn’t working today. Therefore, we have time to do a Weekend Book Friends and spend the rest of the day reading and relaxing. Scrap that. She and Daddy is going to the big town a couple of miles away to go her some new ballet shoes. Crazy lady, I know.

The book she’s currently reading is also a bit crazy, but gosh it’s sooooo good! I can’t wait for them to come back this afternoon so that we can finish this one! Don’t you just love the vintage cover?


#1 bestselling author Stephen King returns with a brand-new novel about the secrets we keep buried and the cost of unearthing them.

The son of a struggling single mother, Jamie Conklin just wants an ordinary childhood. But Jamie is no ordinary child. Born with an unnatural ability his mom urges him to keep secret, Jamie can see what no one else can see and learn what no one else can learn. But the cost of using this ability is higher than Jamie can imagine – as he discovers when an NYPD detective draws him into the pursuit of a killer who has threatened to strike from beyond the grave.

Later is Stephen King at his finest, a terrifying and touching story of innocence lost and the trials that test our sense of right and wrong. With echoes of King’s classic novel ITLater is a powerful, haunting, unforgettable exploration of what it takes to stand up to evil in all the faces it wears.

Let’s pay a visit to a couple of our beloved Weekend Book Friends and share our weekend reads.

Book Beginnings


For our first stop today, we will pay a visit to Gilion over at Rose City Readerto share our Book Beginnings.  Every Friday you can link up and share the first sentence of your current read (or the one you plan to devour over the weekend), as well as your initial thoughts and impressions. Hashtags are the one thing I do know on social media, so simply #bookbeginnings so we can find each other.

Later doesn’t quite open with the following couple of lines, but it is there on the first page:
The word is later, as in “Later on”, and “Later I found out” and “It was only later that I realized”. I know it’s repetitive, but I had no choice, because my story start when I still believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. I’m twenty-two now, which makes this later, right? I suppose when I’m in my forties – always assuming I make it that far – I’ll look back on what I thought I understood at twenty-two and realize there was a lot I didn’t get at all. There’s always a later, I know that now. 
My Mommy loves it when you figure out the reason for a book’s title somewhere in the book. The sooner, the better. Page 1 is a sure win.

The Friday 56


Next we will pay a visit to Freda over at Freda’s voicewho hosts the Friday 56. Don’t show up empty handed though!

  • Grab a book (Yes, any book. But it might get you to your other Friday activities a bit quicker if you just grab the book you are currently reading)
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% on your e-reader
  • Find a sentence or two (your other Friday activities might determine this)
  • Post it!
  • Remember to post your link on Freda’s Voice and to visit the other guys in the linky.
  • And  last but not least, don’t forget to list the title of the book and the author as well.
We are a bit passed page 56 already, but we loved this line. Not that it actually has anything to do with the story. Or at least what we know of:
There were signs on the gateposts, which were the same gray stone as the house. One said DO NOT TRESPASS, WE ARE TIRED OF HIDING THE BODIES. The other showed a snarling German Shepherd and said BEWARE ATTACK DOG.

Book Blogger Hop


The Book Blogger’s hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog. Every week, there will be a prompt featuring a book related question. It’s hosted byRamblings of a coffee addicted writer and I guess he hops around like a bunny due to all the caffeine. Hence his name.

Today’s question: What book character do you think you are most alike and why? 
Can we make it a character who should have been in a book, but ended up being in the adaptation? Because then I have the perfect character! Dulcinea from Puss in Boots. I talked about her and Kitty Softpaws in our Wondrous Words Wednesday post earlier this week and tell me if this doesn’t fit me perfectly:


“The most beautiful cat in San Lorenzo, Dulcinea teaches the kids at the orphanage. Dulcinea is smart and independent, known as “The Great Prophecy” and when she decides she’s going to do something rabid mules couldn’t stop her. She is quite naive, kind and generous. Dulcinea sees only the best in people and often her relentlessly positive opinion brings out the best in them.”

Friday Face-Off


We haven’t spoken to Lynn @ Books and Travelling with Lynn  in weeks and me miss her! We love Friday Face Off and my Mommy so enjoys searching for lovely covers. The rules are fairly simple each week, following a predetermined theme choose a book (this doesn’t have to be a book that you’ve read), compare a couple of the different covers available for that particular book and choose your favourite.  

This week’s prompt:
The earliest fantasy you recall reading
Hmmm…. tricky one. Have your realized that fantasy is not very big on this blog? Unless you consider this blog a fantasy world my Mommy happily resides in. A cat that blogs. Fantasy in it’s truest form. My Mommy does love a good fairy tale and she has done since she could hold a book in her hands. So guess that will make her earliest fantasy read, this one:
Now to chose our favorite cover. We don’t actually have a copy of this collection in our house, so it’s a difficult choice. I guess if we have to chose one, we’ll chose one we didn’t use in the collage. The leather bound one from Barnes & Noble.
Which one is your favorite? And what is your current read?
Hope you will all have a wonderful weekend and that you have a nice book and a lovely cat to curl up with.
Lots of Love,
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28 responses to “Weekend Book Friends #18

  1. Those are such beautiful covers! I agree with your choice, though I found the third cover (first row) also quite striking. Dulcinia is supercute, though I can't remember her from Puss in Boots… And good luck with the Stephen King book! I am not strong enough to stomach more King (after Misery, IT and Carrie), but I've read his memoir On Writing, and liked that quite a lot!

  2. I have to look for that Stephen King book. It looks great – love that cover! Hope you have a good day off.

  3. Grimm's Fairytales and Fairytales in general are my earliest memories with fantasy as well!

    I've heard good things about the new Stephen King…I just have a love/hate relationship with his books. I'll read his shorter works. Anything over 500 pages I pass on…

    Hope your day off has been enjoyable!

    • Hi Heather! Believe it or not, but this is she shortest Stephen King I have read. Okay, I haven't read all that much. But The Stand was 1000+ pages, 11/22/63 was also something like 800 pages and Under the Dome was also a tomb to carry.

      But Later is brilliant and I highly recommend it!

  4. I LOVE that beginning! I only just started reading Stephen King this year. I'm going in order of publication date, and I've only read Carrie so far. I have a long way to go! But your post is motivation now! Thanks!

    • Hi Cheryl! I only started reading Stephen King when I was in my mid thirties and haven't read so many. The Stand is an epic of course! Don't skip that one. My favorite has to be 11/22/63. I thought that was a brilliant read!

      Good luck with your King journey! Sure you'll enjoy the ride.

  5. It's been ages since I last read a King book. His books seem to be hit and miss with me. He's a great storyteller though. I hope you continue to enjoy Later!

    Dulcinea sounds like a great character. I think you are just like her, Elza. 🙂

    I don't know if I ever really read Grimm's Fairytales other than abridged versions or re-tellings of one sort or another. Or maybe I have read some of them and just do not remember . . . That's possible too.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

    • Hi hi! Stephen King truly is the king of story telling. I only started reading his books when I was deep in my thirties and now I can't resist it. I think you should only read him when you are older. Not that I like all his books, but I tend to have a knitting pattern with his books – knit one, skip one…

      I also thought Dulcinea fit Elza very well.

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will have great weekend too!

    • Stephen King is one of those authors you don't have to promote. He's just a best seller come what may. I'm just about done with Later and it's really, really good!

  6. I recall seeing that Stephen King cover a while ago so it, so good to know you've found time to read it. I think I prefer the sleeping beauty style cover, though the first cover is probably similar to what would have been around in my childhood – particularly as books were expensive and often second hand!

    • Hi Louise! The Stephen King book is really great.

      Yes! The first Grimm cover is exactly the style that was popular when we were kids. But I like the more classic looks.

    • Hi Kathy! Long time! Yes, I can also only stomach certain Stephen King novels. This one sure is one of them. I am enjoying it very much!

      I'll hop over to you now, thanks for stopping by!

  7. I absolutely devoured the Grimms' Fairytales as a child and I still love revisiting them! 'Later' sounds like a very intriguing book although I have only read one Stephen King book so far so I don't know if I'm ready for it yet! I hope you have a lovely weekend and do drop by my Friday post if you have the time! – Juli @ A Universe in Words

    • Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson were both big favorites. I've read most of them in Afrikaans, as that is my mother tongue, but the magic wasn't lost!

      Thanks for visiting us!