Wondrous Words Wednesday – Migrate

Posted October 6, 2021 by elzaread in Wondrous Words Wednesday / 15 Comments

Greetings!  Yes, you are at the right place! This is still Elza Reads. We are just wearing a brand new jacket. Do you like it? We are completely enthralled with our new site. There are still a lot of work to be done, but for now we can at least be live and promise to tell you all about our migration on Sunday in The Sunday Post. Today is but Wednesday and that means it’s time for Wondrous Words Wednesday. 

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a biweekly meme hosted by yours truly. This meme was originally created by Bermuda Onion Blog.  Of course we immediately fell in love with it and jumped to host this fun meme when opportunity struck. The idea of the meme is to share new words you came across in your reading endeavors over the past fortnight. If English is your second language, like ours, it won’t be too difficult to find new words! For more information on Wondrous Words Wednesday, you are welcome to visit our Wondrous Words Wednesday page, or you can click here.

Our chosen word for today is not as much a new word to us, than a new action:

Let’s visit that very clever lady Merriam Webster for a few examples of the proper use of the word before we start throwing our own antics to you:

  1. To move from one country, place, or locality to another
  2. To pass usually periodically from one region or climate to another for feeding or breeding
  3. To relocate (information) from storage or operation on one computer or computer system to another

The third one, is the one that will suit our purposes best today. We’ve been thinking about migrating from Blogger to WordPress for quite some time now. For those of you who have been with us for some time, I think you can recall my Mommy ranting about it more than once. Luckily for her, she has me to give her a nudge or two (with an extracted claw). We packed our bags (okay, Ashley did it for us) and spread our wings (okay, Carla provided a hot-air balloon) and here we are!

It’s not that we were completely unhappy at Blogger and as my Mommy sits here and struggles with the new template, she misses that very easy and accessible blogger layout page. WordPress is not easy at all and we need to find some gravity, but the possibilities are endless and that’s what we want. It also helps to know that we are in a warm and friendly climate where help is just the push of a few buttons away. Watch this space, before long we will be fully fledged WordPress immigrants. Yes, I am mostly trying to convince my Mommy of that fact.


Let’s rather distract her with books today. As you know, she loves to combine her chosen Wondrous Word with a book or two. For today, we can think of a large number of books about human migration and immigration. I’m sure you can too. Not sure? Here’s the Goodreads Migration Shelf.  We haven’t read as many on that list as we would have liked to. But never fear, The Ultimate Book Blugger Plug-in is here to help us sort our books better than ever before. If only we can figure out how to use it ultimately.

A book about migration that we have read and that belongs on our favorites shelf, is one that deals more with the second definition of migration.

Wondrous Words Wednesday – MigrateThe Snow Goose by Paul Gallico
Pages: 48
Format: Paperback
Source: My Bookshelf
Buy on Amazon

On the desolate Essex marshes, a young girl, Fritha, comes to seek help from Philip Rhayader, a recluse who lives in an abandoned lighthouse. She carries in her arms a wounded snow goose that has been storm-tossed across the Atlantic from Canada. Fritha is frightened of Rhayader, but he is gentler than his appearance suggests and nurses the goose back to health. Over the following months and years, Fritha visits the lighthouse when the snow goose is there. And every summer, when it flies away, Thayader is left alone once more.
Over the following decade, Frith and the migrating snow goose return to the lighthouse each fall. An unspoken bond forms between Frith and Rhayader-and the snow goose. And then, in May 1940, hearing of the plight of the British army 100 miles across the English Channel, Philip says good-bye to Frith and heroically sets out in his tiny, sailboat for Dunkirk.
The Snow Goose is set in the years running up to the evacuation of Dunkirk in the Second World War. Originally published in 1940 in the Saturday Evening Post, it was brought out in book form the following year by Knopf, Michael Joseph and M&S simultaneously. It won the prestigious O Henry prize that same year and has been continually in print ever since. The Snow Goose has inspired a number of musical scores and albums, has been made into two feature films and moved generations of readers.

Okay, and now she’s crying. Good grief! I can’t win with this woman today. Apparently The Snow Goose is just so beautiful and even though she’s read a gazillion-and-one times, just the thought of it makes her cry. And everything on the new blog is just so beautiful and she’s just a bit tired after playing on it the whole night. It’s a good day for crying.

What books made you cry lately? And what Wondrous Words did you come across over the past two weeks? We don’t have a linky up today, still need to figure that one out as well. But you are welcome to leave us a comment and a link to your post if you want to take part in Wondrous Words Wednesday.

Enjoy the rest of your week!


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15 responses to “Wondrous Words Wednesday – Migrate

  1. Oh wow, welcome to the WordPress Club! It takes a while to get the hang of things, but I’m sure you’re more tech-savvy than I am and will catch on way more quickly than I did (I still struggle sometimes, I confess). I was gone off the blogging sphere for a week, and I come back here to see the Great Migration! Haha. I hope you’ll like it here! 🙂

    • elzaread

      Hi there Lex! Oh don’t worry, I was off the blogosphere for 2 weeks! I am still trying to figure things out on here, but I will get there!
      I am using Ashley @ Nosegraze as a host and that makes it a whole lot easier to have someone to ask if you get stuck.

      I am not tech savvy at all!! But I have a friend…. ?

    • elzaread

      Hi Debra! Yea!! Thanks for the welcome note. I still have a lot to learn, but I am loving WordPress so far.

      Glad you like our first Wondrous Words on the new site!

    • elzaread

      Hi Greg! So far, so good. It’s a whole lot different than Blogger, but I can tell you already that I am going to enjoy WordPress more. Just need to get the hang of everything.

      I also think it’s FABULOUS ?. Still a couple of things that need to happen, but all in good time.

    • elzaread

      Hi Debbie! Yes!! I did it!! Although I am dead tired the last couple of days, I am so happy with the end result. Still lots to do, but for now I can go on.

      So glad you like the new look.

        • elzaread

          There are sooo many wonderful features on this template, Debbie. I haven’t even been through half of it. I did figure out the blogroll so that I can “see” when you guys have new posts up, but I don’t want to mess with anything. I have a work colleague who is helping me with the design and layout and she is on a bit of leave. So we will play again next week.

          The weekend is around the corner, I hope you will have a good one!

    • elzaread

      Thank you, Nicole! We still have a lot of things that need to happen here, but Rome wasn’t built in a day and we are very happy so far.