Wondrous Words Wednesday – Pulp Fiction

Posted March 2, 2022 by elzaread in Uncategorized / 20 Comments

Greetings you guys! Welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, hosted by yours truly. We’ve had a couple of lovely patrons over the last couple of WWW posts and I will add a Mister Linky Widget to the end of this post again so you can all add your links. The concept of Wondrous Words Wednesday is fairly easy, all you need to do, is share any new (or new to you) words you came across this week and share them with us. You are also welcome to share words you simply want to show off to us. For more on Wondrous Words Wednesday, you can click here.

You are also most welcome to use any of our graphics. As long as I appear in one of them, I have no problem with it at all.

I can’t believe it’s March already! Did time fly so fast between 1896 and the 1950’s as well? In case you didn’t know (I didn’t), that was the time period for our Wondrous Words today.

I’ve been trying to get Greg from Greg’s Book Haven to take part in Wondrous Words Wednesday for months, but he doesn’t want to fall for my charms. So I thought if you rather lure him with his own bait, he might play along a bit.

Greg loves to feature pulp covers on his blog and the last post made me wonder where the word pulp comes from. I just know pulp as a soft mushy mess, normally from squashed fruit.

There are so many dictionaries to pull from the shelf in order to find a clear definition of a word, but we really have a close bond with Merriam Webster.

Definition of pulp

1a(1)the soft, succulent part of a fruit usually composed of mesocarp
(2)stem pith when soft and spongy
ba soft mass of vegetable matter (as of apples) from which most of the water has been extracted by pressure
cthe soft sensitive tissue that fills the central cavity of a tooth— see TOOTH ILLUSTRATION
da material prepared by chemical or mechanical means from various materials (such as wood or rags) for use in making paper and cellulose products
2pulverized ore mixed with water
3apulpy condition or character
bsomething in such a condition or having such a character
4a magazine or book printed on cheap paper (such as newsprint) and often dealing with sensational materialalso sensational or tabloid writing often used attributively
For purposes of our post today, we will only take a look at point 4.
Pulp Fiction is books about imaginary characters and events (or at least we presume so. Please correct us if we are wrong?). It was produced in large quantities and intended to be read by a large group of people. It wasn’t normally considered as very good quality. Paper or content wise.

Now we also know why the movie Pulp Fiction, was named that way. The title refers to the magazines printed between 1896 and WWII. It was chosen because of the film’s sketchy, seedy characters and situations involving crime, violence and sex. Those elements were of course popular topics in the pulp magazines in order to attract readers. The film attempted to mirror some of those elements and the style.

I have never read a Pulp Fiction magazine, maybe I’ll see if I can get my hands on one or two. No idea where to look for them though. Therefore, I cannot share any more tidbits or books I’ve read on our chosen word. But I think I will ask my Mommy if we can watch Pulp Fiction again somewhere this weekend.
If Greg is going to participate, I’m sure he will be able to tell us a whole lot more!


What Wondrous Words did you come across the last 14 days? You are welcome to add you link below, or just leave a comment in the comment section!


Wordless Wednesday

Over the last couple of weeks, we joined up with Wordless Wednesday. From new words to no words, perfectly combination. Wordless Wednesday is hosted by Sandee @ Comedy Plus and it’s even more simple than Wondrous Words Wednesday.

Wordless Wednesday (WW) is a visual blogosphere phenomenon. Wordless Wednesday is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words. One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do. So come and join us in Wordless Wednesday.

Ha, I love today’s photo. It’s evidence… Solid proof that my Mommy honestly don’t know what’s going-on on her bookshelves and that’s she’s getting old. As far as I have it, the Stephen King Hard Case Crime Series is considered as pulp fiction and not has she only read it, she actually has a copy of the latest one as you can see here.
Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday!
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20 responses to “Wondrous Words Wednesday – Pulp Fiction

  1. I am yet to watch the movie (tried to once, but could not get into it at the time, so will try again – thanks for the inspiration Elza!), and I love the look into this cool word! I do have a book I bought which is titled ‘Tamil Pulp Fiction’ and includes pulp fiction stories translated from my native Tamil into English.. (I am enjoying reading it)..

    • elzaread

      Hi Vidaya! First of all, sooooo sorry about the late reply!! Somehow I’ve missed the last couple of comments on the WWW two weeks ago.

      I would never have even thought about Pulp Fiction if not for Greg. He always has the funniest covers and titles on his blog and I’ve just decided to have some fun with it.

      I am going to hop over to your linkup now!

    • elzaread

      I’m still going to find a word for you as well and dedicate one to you!! That can be fun!

  2. Thanks Elza!!! Needless to say I find this post to be my favorite post of the week. 🙂

    Seriously though- pulp is so fun! And a bit sleazy, oftentimes, if we’re honest. Some of those covers! But I guess that’s the fun. I love finding the goofy taglines and titles too. Thank you so much for the shout out. I may have to participate now in Wordless Wed…

    That stephen King TOTALLY looks pulp!

    Greg recently posted: Sunday Post 443
    • elzaread

      Hi Greg! Somehow I’ve missed the last couple of comments on WWW two weeks ago. So glad you finally stumbled upon this post. Yes, pulp fiction does make one think of sleazy actions and corny taglines. One can really giggle at a few of them.

      It’s Wednesday again and another WWW posted already….

    • elzaread

      Hi there Emma! I actually also didn’t know the meaning, but it was so obvious….

      Have a good weekend!

    • elzaread

      Hi Nancy! You should visit Greg @ Greg’s Book Haven. Pulp Fiction will never be strange or new again!

    • elzaread

      Ellen!! Somehow we keep on missing each other lately. I love the new WordPress site, but I do miss the blogger easy community.

      I’ve seen Pulp Fiction and I have only read that one Stephen King book. Or at least as far as I can remember now. Elza will correct me if I’m wrong. That I’m sure of!

  3. I love pulp fiction.

    Your mom isn’t getting old her books are. There’s a difference.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

    Sandee recently posted: Wordless Wednesday
    • elzaread

      Hi there Sandee!

      Oh that is a lovely comment and very true. Only the books are getting older.

      We love Wordless Wednesday and are ever so grateful that you are hosting it.

    • elzaread

      So do I! Not all his work is classified as pulp fiction. Just the Hard Case Crime series.

  4. I have a very, very hazy idea of what pulp fiction is. I think of sleazy men in fancy suits and nefarious women in tight dresses, all with shiny guns concealed but easily available. Gangsters. Loose women. Dark and dangerous.

    Haha! Oh, Elza, you are so much wiser than we mere humans.

    I have never owned or read a work of pulp fiction. And I have no cat to contradict me.

    Deb+Nance+at+Readerbuzz recently posted: Wondrous Words: Reciprocity (from Braiding Sweetgrass)
    • elzaread

      Wha ha ha Debbie! That is so funny – shiny guns concealed, but easily available.

      Elza is very wise little madam indeed. If only she didn’t know it herself. I have only read Later, but I will actually buy the rest of the series as wel….