Wondrous Words Wednesday – Trifler

Posted February 16, 2022 by elzaread in Wondrous Words Wednesday / 25 Comments

Greetings you guys! I can’t believe 2 weeks have passed since we last posted a Wondrous Words Wednesday. Gosh, time is flying like a bat out of hell. As long as we are at least still having fun, I guess we shouldn’t complain too much.

Wondrous Words Wednesday is hosted by yours truly. The concept is fairly easy – all you need to do, is share any new (or new to you) words you came across this week and share them with us. You are also welcome to share words you simply want to show off to us. For more on Wondrous Words Wednesday, you can click here.

My Mommy is currently reading Triflers Need Not Apply by Camilla Bruce and my Mommy didn’t have a clue what a trifler is. Perfect choice for a Wondrous Words Wednesday.

Our trusted friend Merriam Webster, has a bit of a different definition though:

a person who lacks experience and competence in an art or science

  • he was never taken seriously as a comic book artist, with most illustrators regarding him as a mere trifler

Synonyms for trifler

Words Related to trifler

So if all else fails, we need to go and knock on the big guy’s door. So glad we can finally use the help of Mr. Thesaurus. Ever noticed that he stands guard over all our Wondrous Words? Remember, if you want to join WWW, you are very welcome to use our graphic.

verb (used without object),tri·fled, tri·fling.
I think I like the Google Search answer the most here today. Does the word Trifler remind you of another word we’ve used on WWW before? Just a very slight reminder. Do you remember this one? You can click on the image to read the whole post again.
I don’t think all Triflers are Rakes though. But I do think that a fairly large number of the Regency Ton were actually triflers. Did they actually do anything worth while with their time? I do understand why Bella Sorenson requested that triflers need not apply. Although, the best way to guarantee that you will stay alive with that woman around, was to be a trifler.
Anybody else excited for Season 2 of Bridgerton and all the trifling?

Wordless Wednesday

Over the last couple of weeks, we joined up with Wordless Wednesday. From new words to no words, perfectly combination. Wordless Wednesday is hosted by Sandee @ Comedy Plus and it’s even more simple than Wondrous Words Wednesday.

Wordless Wednesday (WW) is a visual blogosphere phenomenon. Wordless Wednesday is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words. One thing for sure is this is a fun and easy meme to do. So come and join us in Wordless Wednesday.

As you know, I am the youngest of a whole family of fur babies. The eldest and in my opinion a trifler of note, will have to be Hercules. He is named after the hero of Olympus, but that’s about where the similarity ends. Oh he is gorgeous and a wonderful companion to my Mommy and Daddy, but does he have any actual use? I do believe my big brother Stinkie (also a cat) is way fiercer. But to give Hercules credit, he is brilliant retriever of balls, food and tons of love.

If you want to know any of the above memes, you can add your link to Sandee’s post (link attached above) or leave a comment here below.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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25 responses to “Wondrous Words Wednesday – Trifler

  1. Wow, what a cool idea. here is a word nautilus –is a pelagic marine mollusc of the cephalopod family Nautilida(this word popped in my head when I thought of nutella. In improv we often do word association games like convergence and it helps get our brains moving and connecting with others.

  2. Triflers are not rakes, no, indeed not. One perfect example I think is when Darcy tells Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice, “you are too generous to trifle with me…” One of those best (second) proposals ever! 😀

    • elzaread

      Hi there Vidya! Oh yes! I am very excited for season 2 of Bridgerton as well. Glad to hear you’ve enjoyed our words and you are very welcome to join Wondrous Words Wednesday any time. Our next edition will be the first Wednesday in March.

      Have a wonderful week to come!

    • elzaread

      Hi there Ellen! Debbie convinced me to write a post from the point of the dogs some or other time. Sounds like a fine idea for me!

      Thanks for stopping by Ellen and I hope you will have a good week ahead.

    • elzaread

      Thank you so much! Hercules is a lovely dog yes and not a trifler at all. It’s only Elza’s jealousy talking.

    • elzaread

      Hi Kimberly! Rakes are rather new to me, but I have to agree – I love me a good rake too.

      Hope you will have a good week to come!

  3. Mae

    Good words! My words today are “excuse” and “reason” and what’s different about them.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  4. Ah, trifler. For my family, that is about the worst insult you could give to a person; he doesn’t do much and what he does do is not important!

    I’ve always felt like I’m a bit of a trifler when it comes to reviewing books. I don’t write much and what I do write isn’t very important!

    Now Hercules is no trifler. I’m sorry, Elza, but I’m afraid you are wrong here. Hercules is a dog of substance. And I sense that Hercules has some bookish thoughts he might like to share with all of us. Perhaps one day you might let Hercules have a go at the blog…

    Deb+Nance+at+Readerbuzz recently posted: Self-Care: Wisdom from a Humble Jellyfish
    • elzaread

      Oh I can’t help but laugh at your defense for Hercules. 😂😂 He really is a good boy and although he is very lovable and a sweetheart, he has been praised by our local K9 unit after an attempted break in at our house. He actually attacked and bite the perpetrator and they ran away.
      If I were Elza, I’d keep my mouth shut. She’s definitely more than just a bit trifle. But she brings so much joy!!

  5. I’m so happy you’re playing along again. You can always help yourself to the links if you wish.

    I’ve known a few triflers in my life. If they are people I’m not impressed, but if they are furbabes it’s just fine.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

    Sandee recently posted: Wordless Wednesday
    • elzaread

      Hi Sandee! I also don’t like triflers, but like you say, if they are fur babies – it’s fine! I believe most cats are triflers in some extend.

    • elzaread

      Oh that’s a brilliant sentence! A rake would trifle with your affections.

      Hercules sure is the sweetest. Getting a bit old now.

      Thanks for stopping by!