Reading in the rocking chair
‘Worrying is like a rocking chair – it gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere’ I remember reading Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot when I was in High School. How absolutely absurd the whole thing was to me. Vladimir and Estragon were just sitting there. On a bench (or was it a rock?), under a tree. Waiting. Endlessly and in vain. They didn’t do anything. They didn’t go anywhere. They just waited and worried for and about this Godot person/entity/deity/ – whatever. “Nothing happens. Nobody comes. Nobody goes. It’s awful!” How awful that must be (thought the 18 year-old me). Imagine that. You just sit and wait while nothing happens. By choice. Whoa. For a young girl who’s life was still ahead of her, a young girl who never seemed to have enough hours in the day or days in the week – Waiting for Godot was, well, ABSURD. Somehow I have always managed to squeeze in a bit of reading time in my hectic schedule – but oh, how I wished to have more time for reading and writing. The years went by (I am not going to say how many years) and my schedule just seemed to increase. […]