Month: July 2023

Ten Books I’ve send to the Shelter

Ten Books I’ve send to the Shelter

Greetings you guys! Good grief, you honestly only just about see me for Top Ten Tuesday this year. At least we haven’t disappeared completely – it has to count for something. Agh, we just love Top Ten Tuesday and we can see that Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl, is also quite busy with life outside of blogging. So we are ever so grateful to her for still hosting TTT! Today’s prompt is Ten most recent books I did not finish. I’m  not really good with this DNF thing. I normally prefer to finish what I start. That’s a cat-thing. If you chase the mouse, you don’t give up until you’ve made the kill. Mommy on the other hand, quite easily puts a book down. The problem is that she normally don’t even keep it on her Goodreads page and it gets lost in oblivion. What she does do, however, is place a book in her abandoned shelf. That is almost like taking a pet to a shelter if you can’t take care of it anymore or lo and behold – don’t want it anymore.  Taking a pet to the shelter is way better than just dropping it at the side of the […]

Posted July 25, 2023
Wednesday Wisdom from Go As A River by Shelley Read

Wednesday Wisdom from Go As A River by Shelley Read

Go As A River by Shelley Read Published by Transworld Digital on March 7th, 2023 Genres: Historical Fiction Pages: 299 Format: Paperback Source: Book Club Buy on Amazon Goodreads On a cool autumn day in 1948, Victoria Nash delivers late-season peaches from her family’s farm set amid the wild beauty of Colorado. As she heads into her village, a dishevelled stranger stops to ask her the way. How she chooses to answer will unknowingly alter the course of both their young lives. So begins the mesmerising story of split-second choices and courageous acts that propel Victoria away from the only home she has ever known and towards a reckoning with loss, hope and her own untapped strength. Gathering all the pieces of her small and extraordinary existence, spinning through the eddies of desire, heartbreak and betrayal, she will arrive at a single rocky decision that will change her life for ever. GO AS A RIVER is a heart-wrenching coming-of-age story and a drama of enthralling power. Combining unforgettable characters and a breathtaking natural setting, it is a sweeping story of survival and becoming, of the deepest mysteries of love, truth and fate. “What I have learned most about becoming, is […]

Posted July 5, 2023
Top Ten Tuesday – Fun with Flags

Top Ten Tuesday – Fun with Flags

Greetings you guys! Welcome to this week’s edition to Top Ten Tuesday. As you all know by now, TTT is proudly hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Top Ten Tuesday is a fun way to connect with your fellow bloggers and to just have some fun with books. Or that is our interpretation at least! Today’s prompt is Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag (It’s the 4th of July in the USA today, so tell us what country you live in and share book covers that match the colors of your country’s flag!) Both me and my Mommy are born and bred in South Africa. We are mostly proud of that (as you can see on our brand new graphic in the sidebar). For today’s prompt, we are going to have a bit of fun with our current loadshedding debacle here in SA. If you don’t know what “Loadshedding” means, you can read our Wondrous Words Wednesday post with a full description here South Africa has a very bright and colorful flag. We can’t say the same of our night skies at the moment. It’s mostly very dull and dark. I’ll quickly go through the first […]

Posted July 4, 2023