The Sunday Post #9
I do believe that the proverbial cat that got the cream expression calls for no explanation today? My Mommy and I are still in awe about our gorgeous new template and all the added goodies. Do you like it? We love it! I believe it might be easier and rather quicker to just give a short summary about our updated template: When Blogger did their interface a couple of weeks ago, we managed to finally access a very old (2010 design, way older than me), but gorgeous template called Fluffy White Kitten. It couldn’t be more perfect. As you know, perfect are very often the stuff of nightmares. Nightmares: Comments (no reply function); share/follow/related posts (had to use plug-ins); upload images (what it looks like on the draft, the preview and actual post – all differed); due the lovely color theme (that is not available anymore….) all backgrounds had to be changed. All the time. Resulted in tears and frustration on Mommy’s side and me not entering the study at all. Mommy started looking for new templates, but oh where to begin. She only knew what she wanted. Have you seen Heather’s blog over at Random RedHead Ramblings? It’s sooo gorgeous. That’s […]