Weekend Book Friends #21
Greetings Humans! No, we didn’t disappear from the face of the earth this week, it was just one of those weeks where reality interfered with our reading and blogging life. Luckily it is Friday afternoon and we can finally escape into a book or two. I believe a complete escape from reality and a bit of tongue in the cheek humor, is exactly what we need for this weekend: Tired of being teased about his name and his stutter, twelve-year-old Hobart sets out to do a few heroic deeds and earn a place in Knight School. But the local damsels he hopes to save assure him that the last thing they need is rescuing. The runaway bull he tries to catch wears him like a hat. And don’t even ask about the ogre. Finally, in desperation, Hobart sets out on the most daring quest he can think of–he will slay a dragon. Or that’s his plan anyway. The Legend of Hobart is a hilarious, heart-felt adventure, for the would-be hero in all of us. This book sounds like the most fun a cat and a middle school child can have. It’s up for review from our side, […]