Library Card July 2021 and Friendly Fill-ins

Posted July 9, 2021 by elzaread in Library Card / 26 Comments

Greetings Humans. No exclamation marks today. My Mommy is not in the best of moods. Who else got affected with the latest (once again) Blogger update? Have you noticed that our beautiful blog header is just gone? But let’s not get into it now – that’s what The Sunday Post is for. It’s Friday and time to have a bit of a weekend.

No use in trying to tell you what we will read this weekend, we are still not done with the decorating and painting and sticking of wallpaper. So whatever lands on in your lap from our Library Card, will have to do.

Library Card July 2021

We have a couple of renewables on our library card this month. June has been nothing but awful and we haven’t read as much as planned.  The only good thing that comes from our June Library Card, is The Rose Code (we still need to review it) and A Gentleman in Moscow. Both were such gorgeous reads.
Let’s see which books made our July Library Card:

Book Club

Due to South Africa being right in the middle of the third wave of Covid 19 and the dreadful DELTA strain is taking its toll here – we won’t be having Book Club this month. Luckily for us, we still have these two left. Looking forward to both of them.
Update: We still haven’t read Mobile Library, but we did finish The Midnight Library. Thought provoking and life affirming for sure. I think we will use it for a Wednesday Wisdom post somewhere during August.


Our ARC’s are in a bit of a mess at the moment. Did anyone else sign up for Author XP read and review? My account is a complete disaster. I get send books every day that I haven’t requested at all. We are still trying to figure out what is going on there.  Gosh, technology is such a frustration. I’m really glad that I’m a fluffy white kitten and only need to concern myself with my Mommy’s secondhand frustration.
Luckily we still have one or two ARC’s from Netgalley and a few from our favorite tour hosts, publishers and authors.
Update: Snuggle with the Strange didn’t work for us at all. It landed on the Abandoned shelf.
The Ghost Camper’s Tall Tales is a lovely read and a welcome addition to the Destiny Falls series. We’ll probably be done by tomorrow and review over the weekend.
The Ice Swan will have to be renewed. We are still looking forward to it!


My Mommy is one of those weird, but wonderful humans who find blood and gore and serial killers, relaxing reading material. This is the perfect series to read while sticking wall paper and sorting out cupboards. I don’t like Rizzoli very much. Will that change?
Update: It was really good!


Friendly Fill-ins

We definitely need a few friendly faces and smiles today. No better place to find those than at Friendly Fill-ins. We are enjoying the Friendly Fill-Ins community so much. Lots and lots of furry friends. Yea for me! Friendly Fill-Ins is hosted by 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs. They come up with a couple of sentences, and then you have to fill in the blanks. I think it’s a great way to get to know each other better as well. This week’s questions:

1. A memory I have of _____________________ is __________________________.
2. I always complain about __________________.
3. I have a lot in common with _________.
4. Right now I’m _________, but I’d rather be _________.
As always, our answers will come from both me and Mommy, you can figure out yourself who answered which question.
1. A memory I have of summer, is finding a shaded spot. Much easier than trying to find a sunny spot in winter.
2. I always complain about Blogger. But I’m done now. Watch this space.
3. I have a lot in common with a snow leopard.
4. Right now I’m struggling to fix graphics on Blogger, but I’d rather be sticking wallpaper and listen to a serial killer on the prowl.
So what are you up to this weekend? What books are waiting to be read?
I hope you will have a wonderful, sunny weekend and that your wallpaper sticks better than ours.
Lots of Love,
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26 responses to “Library Card July 2021 and Friendly Fill-ins

  1. You share such great reads! I'm like you and enjoy reading books about serial killers. I'm not sure what that means, but I definitely enjoy them. And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I sometimes struggle with Blogger as well, but it's what I know how to use and so I just keep sticking with it. I hope your week is going wonderfully!

    • I also don't know what it means that we like our serial killer books so much. LOL. Hopefully it will send a clear message not to mess with us. We might put you on our list!

      I really don't feel like switching from Blogger, but gosh, I'm getting sooooo frustrated with it.

      Thanks for visiting us!

  2. I recently saw a review for Ice Swan, seemed like it's a very feel-good read — so hope it'll cheer you up. Blog updates are like Microsoft updates, very last minute and always up to something! But nothing like a good book and some lovely cat pics to tide over them.

    • I think I have a couple of really good books lined up for now. Looking forward to them! You are so right about the microsoft updates. I really don't get the use of all these updates at all!

      But yes, good books and cats does help for sure.

  3. I totally understand the frustration will fixing the blog. I haven't changed my headers or fonts etc for a long time for that reason. It's a cry shame. Hope yu find some enjoyable things this week and get outside.

  4. My dad says he absolutely hates wallpapering. We were reading this post and dad got all excited when he read that your mommy is a fan of blood and gore and serial killers. Yeah, he's one of those crazies, too. They should start a club. Anyway, hope your weekend's going as planned.

    • Hi there Cleo! It was the first time me and my Mommy tried wallpaper and we loved it! It's hard work and yes, you need to have a lot of patience. Luckily us cats are really good with that.

      Good to hear your Dad is also a crazy. Yea to kindred spirits!

      We had a good weekend, I hope yours were good too!

  5. Sorry you've been having problems with Blogger. I don't know why they have to randomly change things. I really enjoyed Gentleman in Moscow and I really want to read The Rose Code. Elza seeks out shady spots? My cat is the sun hog. He can find the tiniest sun spot and somehow squeeze his not so tiny body into it. He gets in some of the funniest positions!

    • Hi there Katherine! You will love The Rose Code! It's a brilliant read with all the elements that I know you enjoy. Elza is a clever little thing. I think she knows the summer sun is to harsh for her white fur and ears. So she avoids it. But in the winter, she goes for all the sunny spots!

    • I wish I can find a quick fix for the blogger dilemma. I will think a bit and keep you posted. Looking forward to reading The Midnight Library.

      Thanks for visiting us.

  6. The Ghost Camper Tales looks good. I prefer my serial killers on tv like Dexter and Prodigal Son. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. You are like a mini snow leopard. Much cuter though. XO

    • The whole Mystery Falls series are worth reading. Especially for cat lovers! I prefer my serial killers on paper, sometimes screen can get too gory.

      Hope you will have a good week!

  7. It seems everyone on blogger is having issues. Sometimes their upgrades are not such a good upgrade. It's still free though. I switches to WordPress some years back and I'm loving it. I have a business account and it costs, but I'm ever so happy with the results.

    I love the same kinds of books your mom does.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    • Hi there Sandie! I need to start doing my homework and see what platform will actually work best for me. I need my own domain as well!

      Glad to hear you and Mommy have the same taste in books. Excellent taste for sure!

  8. I'm sorry you've been having Blogger problems. I didn't have any this week. Maybe it's because I don't have a header image, but I do know some of the problems I've had in the past I'm still dealing with. I hope things work out. I just started reading the new Elizabeth Pantley book and I'm already enjoying it.

    • Hi Yvonne, Blogger can really be very frustrating indeed. I loved our header so much!! I'm very sad that I've lost it.
      Are you already reading The Ghost Camper? Oh I should start reading it! I love the series.

  9. Oh no Elza I'm sorry your mommy has been bitten by all those blogger bugs. I've seen many complaining about their header images this past week. We don't dare touch ours – at least right now as I've had a frustrating week anyways. Hope the weekend goes better.

    • Hi Diane! Just don't touch anything, does sound like the best idea. I'm sooo fed up with Blogger always updating and changing things. It takes hours to get everything up and running again. Ai ai….

  10. I have had trouble with my header, too! I tried everything to get my header to post and finally I had to use the Wayback Machine and add a link to the old image. Very frustrating.

    • Hi Debbie! I've tried the whole day yesterday and got no where. I just made a plain one on my phone and will start playing again when I have some more time.
      Frustrating yes!!