Category: Top Ten Tuesday

Ten books set in South Africa

This week’s theme for Top Ten Tuesday is ten books set outside the US (Nope, it’s not us (aka earthlings: human; vampire; zombie etc) it is US -United States) Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly link-up/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  where they provide a prompt and other lovers of list-making (me! me! me!) join in with their own top ten list. Feel free to have less than 10 or more if you need to at times and put a spin on the topic if you need to. Just please link back to The Broke and the Bookish  if you are participating. Link up with your BLOG POST (not your blog) in the linky provided and remember to pay it forward! Seeing that I was born in the RSA (YES! You can actually sing it to the tune of the iconic Bruce Springsteen song -just do it in the right voice and facial expression as well) – I am proudly waving my flag.           Today I will give you ten books set in South Africa. But wait, there’s more! Not only will I present you with ten wonderful books set in SA, I will also list them according to genre. Just to make it […]

Posted July 19, 2016

The Ten Wonders of Me

Top Ten Tuesday – Ten things you probably did not know about me Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly link-up/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  where they provide a prompt and other lovers of list-making (me! me! me!) join in with their own top ten list. Feel free to have less than 10 or more if you need to at times and put a spin on the topic if you need to. Just please link back to The Broke and the Bookish  if you are participating. Link up with your BLOG POST (not your blog) in the linky provided and remember to pay it forward! It’s Thursday already, but there is no way that I am missing out on this week’s Top Ten Tuesday. I mean honestly, who doesn’t like to talk about me?  1. I can stand upright in the entrance of the Great Pyramid of Giza. I can also walk upright in most of the passages and chambers. Measurements of the Great Pyramid 2. I’ve been a rather successful extra Maths instructor for 4 years. I can’t do maths. (Apparently that is exactly why I’m a good instructor. I feel their pain and know that the struggle is real) 3. I’ve got two dogs and two […]

Posted July 14, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Ten underrated books on Goodreads

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly link-up/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  where they provide a prompt and other lovers of list-making (me! me! me!) join in with their own top ten list. Feel free to have less than 10 or more if you need to at times and put a spin on the topic if you need to. Just please link back to The Broke and the Bookish  if you are participating. Link up with your BLOG POST (not your blog) in the linky provided and remember to pay it forward! When I first saw the theme of this week’s Top Ten Tuesday, I thought: Huh?? Scratch-scratch, tap-tap finger or pencil – now how must I know that? Luckily as you know:  Readers are achievers If you can read, you will succeedIf all else fails, read the instructions The instructions were nicely included with the theme, accompanied with step by step instructions for dummies. Or the technologically impaired. Or infants. Like me. An easy way to find this — go to Goodreads, your read list, at the top of your read list where it says settings you can add a column for # of ratings, then you can sort by that. If you aren’t a Goodreads […]

Posted July 5, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Favourite Book Quotes

28 June 2016 – Top Ten Favourite Book Quotes Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly link-up/meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish  where they provide a prompt and other lovers of list-making (me! me! me!) join in with their own top ten list. Feel free to have less than 10 or more if you need to at times and put a spin on the topic if you need to. Just please link back to The Broke and the Bookish  if you are participating. Link up with your BLOG POST (not your blog) in the linky provided and remember to pay it forward! Seeing that it was The Broke and the Bookish’s blogoversary last week – you can choose what you want to give them for an anniversary present this week. It’s not as if we as participating bloggers do not be-gift them every single week with our clever thoughts and wit and participation in this utterly delightful link-up hey. Ag, we don’t mind at all – any excuse for cake and wine. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!This week is a freebie week: Either you can choose your own Top Ten of what ever you like (of course you can just pick the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 […]

Posted June 28, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday (Thursday…) – 2 June 2016

This week’s Top Ten: Ten books I want to read on the beach this summer.  Top Ten Tuesday is a feature/weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week they post a ‘Top Ten’ list and everyone is welcome to join. Just link back to The Broke and the Bookish and add your name to the linky. It’s Top Ten Thursday!! (Of course it’s very similar to Top Ten Tuesday. It’s just one letter more and two days late, no biggy) I didn’t really plan to take part in this week’s TTT. Seeing that here in the southern hemisphere we are not packing anything for the beach at the moment….. And then I woke up this morning, cold and sniffling and swamped with work and changed my mind. I NEED THE BEACH. So I am going to pack my bag of books and put Queen on the i-pod. “OOOOOOH YES! – I’m the great pretender….” My idea of the perfect beach holiday is a location like Mozambique where there is nothing to do, except for walking on the beach and reading. Perfect time to catch up on book series! What is nicer than have the whole day and the whole week to […]

Posted June 2, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday

This week’s Top Ten: Ten books I picked up on a whim (however you decide to interpret that – bought, read, downloaded or stolen) Top Ten Tuesday is a feature/weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week they post a ‘Top Ten’ list and everyone is welcome to join. Just link back to The Broke and the Bookish and add your name to the linky.    Divine secrets of the Ya-Ya sisterhood by Rebecca Wells – I received this book from someone as a ‘thank you’ gift for a favor done. Apparently this book reminded her of me. Never heard of it, but started reading that same night. Loved it. And yes, there might be a bit of me stuck in there. The Memory Keeper’s daughter by Kim Edwards – One of those titles that begs you to read it. Also no idea what it was about. A stunning read, but it was very sad.    After Anna by Alex Lake – This was one of those cheap-cheapies on BookBub. I bought it (because it was so cheap) and then I needed a book with something pink on the cover for a reading challenge. Oh my word! This was one of the […]

Posted May 17, 2016