Top Ten Tuesday

Posted May 17, 2016 by elzaread in Top Ten Tuesday / 2 Comments

This week’s Top Ten:

Ten books I picked up on a whim (however you decide to interpret that – bought, read, downloaded or stolen)

Top Ten Tuesday is a feature/weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Every week they post a ‘Top Ten’ list and everyone is welcome to join. Just link back to The Broke and the Bookish and add your name to the linky.

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Divine secrets of the Ya-Ya sisterhood by Rebecca Wells – I received this book from someone as a ‘thank you’ gift for a favor done. Apparently this book reminded her of me. Never heard of it, but started reading that same night. Loved it. And yes, there might be a bit of me stuck in there.

The Memory Keeper’s daughter by Kim Edwards – One of those titles that begs you to read it. Also no idea what it was about. A stunning read, but it was very sad.

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After Anna by Alex Lake – This was one of those cheap-cheapies on BookBub. I bought it (because it was so cheap) and then I needed a book with something pink on the cover for a reading challenge. Oh my word! This was one of the books with the best twist-in-the-tail ever. Truly a new type of crazy.

Blue Dahlia by Nora Roberts – Am I going to get banned from blogging if I say don’t like Nora Roberts? I have a friend who loves Nora Roberts and she tried over and over and over again to get me to read her books. So one day I just decided I need to at least try one more time. And I picked up Blue Dahlia. Finished it in one sitting. Finished the whole “In the garden trilogy” in 4 days. Loved it. But I still don’t like Nora Roberts.

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Suspect By Robert Crais – I used to go to the gym with a good friend of mine. We took turns driving and one morning I didn’t feel well and the instructor told me to sit the session out. Murphy’s law, I had to wait for my friend who could not think of an excuse quickly enough to also be excused. One of the other ladies had this novel in her gym bag and I asked if I can read it while I wait for me friend to finish. I cried within 10 minutes. But I did return her book the following day. (I sneaked it home to quickly finish it)

The Christmas Train by David Baldacci – My mom was a huge Baldacci fan, I haven’t read as many as I should have by now. I got this one at a flea market a couple of days before Christmas a few years ago. Bought it just for the memory of my mom and for the Christmas spirit. I enjoyed it quite a lot.

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Echoes of Titanic by Mindy Starns Clark – Yes, I am also obsessed with the tragic events of 14 April 1912. That is why I just had to read a book exactly 100 years (to the day, not sure of the time) after the occurrence of the sinking of the Titanic. No idea what it was about you know… Very nice read if there are any other Titanic fans out there!

The Gift by Cecelia Ahern – You are not going to believe me, but I received this book as a gift. In a box that looked almost exactly like this. Ever since, it has been a gift that I also bought for a number of friends. Such a lovely read.

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Lucy Sullivan is getting married by Marian Keyes – This is my only “bad” whim. I love Marian Keyes. Her books are always quirky and fun-filled and just generally a nice, relaxing read. So when I saw this one in a second-hand-bookstore, I bought it on a whim. No need to read any reviews or the book-bio, it’s Marian Keyes – You’ll love it. I hated it. 

The Whisperer by Donato Carrisi – When I first joined my book club, the sequel of The Whisperer was doing the rounds (The Vanished ones). I had no idea what this book was about, I just knew that I had to read the first one in order to be on the I-know-what-is-going-on-here-ball at the next meeting. I asked the lovely hostess if I can borrow her copy and went home to start reading immediately.  Had the worst nightmares in years. But it is soooo excellent. I have read all the Donato Carrisi’s and can’t wait for the next one to come out. I am most definitely not dropping this ball.

Please share your your Top Ten with me – I would love to know how whimsical you are! 

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2 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday

  1. I've been seeing The Memory Keeper's Daughter, EVERYWHERE, for years now! Maybe it's a sign that I need to pick it up? Great Top Ten! 😀
    My TTT!

    • Hi Giovanna! The Memory keeper's daughter is a good read. Let me know if you read it and what you think of it! I am going to have a look at your Top Ten now.