Ten Cats to Thrill your Halloween

Posted October 25, 2022 by elzaread in Top Ten Tuesday / 50 Comments

Greetings you guys! It’s the Tuesday before Halloween and time for Top Ten Tuesday. This week is a freebie, as long as you stick with the Halloween theme. As always, TTT is hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl.

Halloween isn’t a festival season here in South Africa, but I love the season of chills and thrills and we are ever so grateful for the blogging community to celebrate with.  Seeing that I’m a cat and it took me a couple of years to grow into being not a scaridy cat, I will share all my feline friends who are bound to bring you a few thrills this Halloween.

Who of my feline friends did I miss today?

Seeing that I'm a cat and it took me a couple of years to grow into being not a scaridy cat, I will share all my feline friends who are bound to bring you a few thrills this Halloween. #TopTenTuesday #Halloweenreads #catsinhorrorbooks Click To Tweet

Have a fun Halloween you guys!


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50 responses to “Ten Cats to Thrill your Halloween

  1. I forgot about the cat in Coraline! Such a great character. If you’re ever in the mood for a cozy mystery you might like the Diane Kelly series set in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The main character has a cat that I imagine looks like Elza! They call her Yeti but her real name is Baroness Blizzard or something like that.

  2. Now THAT is a creative post! I’m only familiar with a few of the books, but the covers are all amazing…..and those cats! 🙂 I tried We Have Always Lived in the Castle but it wasn’t a fave. However, I’ve added Last House on Needless St – it sounds appropriately spooky!
    Thanks for the visit.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  3. Ooh fun topic choice! I recently read the Hocus Pocus one! I thought it was cute. I was curious to see what their version of the sequel would be like before I watched the movie. It was an interesting take too!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  4. I loved roald Dahl as a kid- I wonder how they’d hold up now? And Elza would love all the Halloween festivities here- all the kids coming to the door. Well, maybe. I’m not sure what my own cats think of it, TBH.

    Greg recently posted: Tuesday Tagline #233
    • Hi Greg!

      Roald Dahl is still very popular in our library! Such a classic author indeed. The kids love his work.

      I can imagine all the kitties go into hiding. Just to scare the living daylight out of you when it’s all quiet again and they decide to come out….

      elzaread recently posted: Wondrous Words Wednesday - Macabre