Top Ten Tuesday – Who’s that Girl?

Posted March 21, 2023 by elzaread in Top Ten Tuesday / 32 Comments

Greetings you guys! Good grief! It’s just about the end of March and only the second Top Ten Tuesday post I am doing this year. Yes, that is horrible. I know. Believe you me, I am way more devastated than you are.

Life really has been crazy busy and every Tuesday, TTT just fly by our window like a bird in fright of my presence. Luckily for all of us, today is a public holiday here in good old SA, so Mommy does have some time for TTT. Thank heavens!

As you all know, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Every week , Jana will give us a prompt and then you go and play with it until it’s as dead as last night’s mouse that tried to sneak over the lawn (true story).

This week’s prompt is rewind TTT. That means you can choose any of the over 600 prompts that were already given on TTT and make your own post. We chose this one: Frequently used words in titles.

Oh I am quite sure that our chosen word has been used before, because let’s face it – everyone wants to know Who’s that GIRL??

That one on the train, or the one who played with fire, or the one with the pearl earing, or the one with all the gifts, or the anonymous one.

Of course I just bring my own spin to it!

Which one is your favorite? Did we miss any of the girls?

Have a lovely Tuesday!

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32 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday – Who’s that Girl?

  1. Oh this was fantastic! I would dearly love to read The Other Boleyn Cat. A cat’s take on the Tudor court would be fascinating.

  2. Gone Cat made me laugh. Oh my. I think you hit all the big Girl books. I’m drawing a blank on others. Maybe they can put that word in titles to rest now?

  3. Who’s that Girl! Fun movie. 🙂

    I’ve read two of these. Girl on the Train and Gone Girl.

    Glad to hear you have some Alistair MacLean over there… 🙂

  4. Haha! The girl thriller titles annoyed me so much, I’ve stopped reading them as a protest. I’m sure the publishing world has noticed and is devastated. As evidenced by the fact that they still keep publishing girl thrillers. Can we at least call them women?

    I loved The Girl with the Louding Voice but I have to say that my cat I had in high school sure had a louding voice too when we had to take her to the vet. She didn’t believe in suffering a car ride in silence!

    Jen at Introverted Reader recently posted: Weekly Update for March 19, 2023
  5. Um… THIS WAS SO CLEVER! I loved it! It also got me singing Madonna’s “Who’s that Girl” song. I kind of want to watch the movie again now. I also love the books you picked to go with this topic. Again, so clever! You should really recommend it as a topic to TTT.