The Sunday Post #2

Posted June 21, 2020 by elzaread in The Sunday Post / 18 Comments

Greetings! It’s Sunday and we are still here! The Angels were definitely hard at work this week in accomplishing that miracle. 

Our week was rough, but the weekend was good enough. Mommy spend hours upon hours trying to figure out all the know hows of blogging again, and I’m not all that sure that she is much wiser 7 days later. But alas, she still tries and I do provide the necessary assistance and support by catching birds and releasing them in her bedroom. Luckily it’s now time for a quick coffee break with Kimberly over at her cozy corner of the blogosphere, Caffeinated Book Reviewer to rant and rave about our past week. There we share the books acquired, what we are currently reading and watching and anything else you deem necessary to share regarding the last 7 days. You are most welcome to join us – just link up!
Adding to the litter

Except for obtaining some new skills regarding HTML codes and skimming Blogging 101, we didn’t actual add anything this week. Mommy just received another lovely coloring book from one of her friends. Querkles Cats by Thomas Pavitte. I have to be honest, I was shocked to realize that she didn’t have this one yet. I mean really, just look at me. What do I look like?? A famous art work or a cat?  
As with most Thomas’s that I know, this one is quite the clever chap. He knows how to make people who are completely useless at art, like my mommy ?, believe that they are one of the great masters (there are 3 other felines in this house. Really, what doesn’t she get? She will never be a master). Mommy can sit for hours coloring the querkles or tracing the spiroglyhics while listening to audio books. None of us are complaining. It usually results in a rather relaxed atmosphere where you do get the occasional extra helping of the yummy food from the small tin. 
On the couch


Not that much TV this week. Or least, not that much that I remember stealing the couch from Mommy and Daddy. Daddy is watching a skop, skiet en donner (roughly translating to kick, shoot and and hit) Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, while me and mommy rather knit. We did watch a very cute movie, Artemis Owl, last night. I tried to hide at first, you are aware that owls consider little white kittens as the perfect midnight snack, but luckily I just miss-read. It’s actually Artemis Fowl. Loved it! 
Let it go

As explained last week, I need to do my name proud and every week I will make a suggestion of what you can just let go in the upcoming week. We all tend to carry a bit too much. 

But this week, I am going to suggest that we rather hold on as tight as we possibly can. Let’s hold tight to the memory, but mostly to the books of Carlos Ruiz Zafon who sadly passed away on Friday. As long as we read the books and tell of his marvelous stories, he will live on forever. 
Thanks for the lovely books, Mr Zafon. I know they made my mommy very happy. 
Seeing that Artemis Fowl and the loving memory of Mr Zafon’s amazing books are fresh on our minds, I would like to leave you today with the most beautiful and well known words of the Irish Blessing:
“May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

Have a wonderful week and let us know what you were up to!
Lots of love,

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18 responses to “The Sunday Post #2

  1. I looove coloring books. I just never seem to find time for them.
    You'll get the hang of things again soon. 😉 Hang in there.

    Stay safe and happy reading.

  2. SJ

    Glad to hear you had a nice weekend. Coloring and listening to audio-books is so relaxing, wish I had more time to do it. Hope this week is better.

  3. " catching birds and releasing them in her bedroom." haha this made me laugh. 🙂

    I've always been curious about the artemis Fowl books, I didn't know there was a show now. Fun!

    Hope your week gets off to a good start and be well!!

    • Hi Greg! She's a real little sh#t. I love her to pieces, but she catch and release ALL.THE.TIME.

      I've started to read the first Artemis Fowl book. I think we are too old… Some books are age-less. Others you do need to read at a certain age.

      Hope you will have a super great week.

  4. Sorry to hear your week was a bit tough, but glad your weekend was better. I hope you enjoy the colouring books – I have a colouring prayer journal which helps me to relax and reflect. Take care and happy reading, from Bonnie (the black cat) and her hooman, Jessica ??

    • Hi Jessica and Bonnie! We love those coloring books, if only life doesn't want to get so much in the way of reading and coloring and all the other fun things!

      I know about the prayer journals. I have a nice little box with prayers to color that I received from one of my students.

      Hope you guys will have a really awesome week!

    • Hi there Lisa! I do all types of crafty no brainers if I have time. It's the ideal opportunity to read audio books. Multi-task 101.

      Thanks for stopping by and enjoy playing your games, sometimes you need to do that as well!

    • I remember reading the book many years ago and I actually also remember the mini-series. Want to try to get hold of it again.

      Thanks for visiting and have a lovely week!

  5. I have fond memories of the Sidney Sheldon books. Time for a reread?

    I am curious about the Nora Roberts book Shelter in Place.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    • Sidney Sheldon is always a good go-to option. Do give it a re-read. It actually makes you long for the good old days, but you always realize how many things have changed over the last couple of decades.

      Have a wonderful week and thanks for returning the favor.

  6. I've had one of those Querkles coloring books in my Amazon cart for ages (the Icons one) and have yet to actually purchase it. One of these days…

    It's been ages since I read anything by Sidney Sheldon but I used to really enjoy his books.

    Hope you have a great week!

    • Oh you have to try it Tanya! It's so much fun and relaxing AND you just can't go wrong. I have the icons,masterpieces and now the cats one.

      Thanks for stopping by!