Category: The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post #94

The Sunday Post #94

Greetings you guys! How have you all been doing? Gosh, it really does feel as if we are stuck in a time warp at the moment – it’s astounding! Time is fleeting. Madness takes its toll…. Are we the only ones who feel that time is spinning slightly out of control at the moment? How did we get to June? My oh my, May just flew by! And I don’t even have anything exciting to tell you. How dreadful is that. Life is treating us quite good at the moment. It would be nice to have Mommy home a bit more and I believe the feeling is mutual. But not to worry – midyear holidays are coming up in two weeks time and she did promise to take a couple of days off to just relax and spend time with me. I do hope that means that she will lock the pups outside for at least a day, A full day. So that I can have a change to snuggle up while she just lies on the couch reading. Puppies truly are the most dreadful things on the planet. Especially when they don’t realize that chasing cats around are the worst […]

Posted June 11, 2023
The Sunday Post #93

The Sunday Post #93

Greetings you guys! It’s May – It’s May – the crazy month of May! All over the world, the weather doesn’t know what it wants to do in May. It’s just MAYbe weather. Maybe it will rain, maybe it will sunny, maybe, it will windy. Alas, no use in worrying about the weather. So let’s see – who watched the Coronation of King Charles III? We did and I have to say, it was lovely seeing the old folks playing dress-up. No use in growing old if you can’t do it with a sense of humor. Everything else was magical and regal. Fit for a king. How’s life been treating all of you? We are well! Mommy is still working  her ass off (am I allowed to say it like that on here?), but that’s okay, she is enjoying it and as with most things in life, I know the new business will start settling down and we will fall back into a comfortable rhythm. I guess we can blog a bit more, but the bits of free time she has at the moment, is spend on us and on reading. We still read up quite a storm and we’ve […]

Posted May 7, 2023
The Sunday Post #92

The Sunday Post #92

Greetings you guys! How’s your Easter Weekend so far? Ours are just fabulous. We’ve been doing nothing much but reading and sleeping and watching TV. Absolute bliss… The first term of the year is done and dusted and school will restart on Tuesday again. Not that my Mommy had any holidays (except for the Easter Weekend). But that’s okay! My Mommy had a really good first term and although she really works her damn ass off, she loves it and all the kids love it as well. And I guess that’s what it’s all about. There will be time again for serious blogging. Yes, we do miss the almost daily chit chat here on the blog, but we’ve decided to do what we can, when we can. At least we still read quite a bit! And all things do have a positive side to it. We don’t buy any new books and we take on very few review books at the moment. Just until we know we are going to have more time for blogging again. If you’ve missed any of our recent ARC reviews, we’ve added links to the covers below:               On […]

Posted April 9, 2023
The Sunday Post #91

The Sunday Post #91

Greetings you guys! Aren’t we like halfway through March already? Time is definitely being made in China lately. It doesn’t last very long at all, does it? How are you all doing? We are doing good! Life is good here in our little seaside town on the southern part of Africa. Mommy’s been working very, very hard. But she loves it and if I’d let her, she will go on for hours talking about the new Educational Centre and how much the kids at school are still enjoying Library. But alas, we are reading a really lovely book and she’s on a time-budget here. Just a quick hello and then we are on the couch reading. What I am willing to share, is the latest edition to our little family! This is Kristoff and he is just the sweetest little chap ever. Even I like him. Well, sort of. He is way better than the other mutt! She is still nothing but a terror and nope, I do not like her. She does love her new little playmate though and doesn’t try to bite me and chase me up the walls all that much anymore. Mommy is still living in […]

Posted March 12, 2023
The Sunday Post #90

The Sunday Post #90

Hi there you guys. Oh I feel I can just take a huge sig of relief to be able to say hi to you! Gosh, it’s been a really tough couple of weeks. The year started crazy with Mommy opening the new learning clinic and getting used to not being at school every day. All good, a change is a good thing and my Mommy is starting to settle into her new routine. And then a large part of her world came crashing down with one devastating event. On Sunday night, 06 February, the staff at the school my Mommy teaches, received the upsetting news that one of our students have passed away by taking her own life. Wow, what a blow. The whole school was just dumped in silence and disbelief. This beautiful, beautiful girl was one of my Mommy’s students and no-one, not even her parents, who we also know quite well, suspected a thing. How, oh how is this possible? The shock and sadness that rippled through our tight-knit community was unbelievable. Getting through the week up to her funeral, was a tough one and last weekend, my Mommy literally just stayed in bed. Crying, sleeping and […]

Posted February 18, 2023
The Sunday Post #89

The Sunday Post #89

Greetings you guys! Gosh I miss you! It’s late on a Sunday afternoon of a very busy weekend, following a hectic week. How are you guys all doing? We are well! Mommy is back at school. Sort of. This year brings along a few changes for my Mommy. She is not going to be at school fulltime this year, but only twice weekly. Yes, her timetable is totally crazy with hardly a bathroom break. She will only be doing the library and not the special needs classes anymore. Lots of new things happening in the library for 2023. The biggest of all is the new reading challenge that we got from Debbie @ Readerbuzz. In a perfect world, Mommy and Debbie should have worked together. The kids are ever so excited and we hope to kick off with this tomorrow! My Mommy spend days trying to have the shelves sorted, but she’s still not done. I guess this will have to be a work in progress for the unforeseeable future. Of course we are also going to be taking part in this challenge! The big question now of course is – what will she be doing with the rest of […]

Posted January 22, 2023
The Sunday Post #88

The Sunday Post #88

Greetings you guys! Happy New Year! We wish you all the best books, lower than ever book prices and hours of reading time in 2023. How have you all been doing? Enjoying your Christmas break? Mommy and Daddy are still enjoying their island holiday. She does send messages every day and I don’t think they do much more than sleeping, swimming, exploring and just relaxing. That’s what holidays are made for so I am going to keep my quirky comments for myself for once. She hasn’t been reading as much as anticipated during the first week of their holidays, not to mention blogging. She hasn’t even opened her laptop! Apparently she is sitting in the dining room of their holiday place watching the rain and quickly checking in with all of you now. Not that I think it will last long before she will go and sit outside and enjoy the cool, rainy breeze. It’s hot in Mauritius! No new books for Christmas (that was actually a direct request) and she won’t dare buying books on Amazon without consulting me. But last night, yes on New Years Eve, she and Daddy quickly went to the supermarket to go and buy […]

Posted January 1, 2023
The Sunday Post #87

The Sunday Post #87

Greetings you guys! Can you believe it will be Christmas next Sunday? Whoo hoo! Although this will be the first year ever that I am not with my Mommy for Christmas…. They are sitting in the lounge in Cape Town, waiting for their flight to Mauritius. I might still take my revenge this week and topple the Christmas tree she so lovingly put up for our Baby Sitter. We love the Baby Sitter and it’s always fun to have her here, but there’s no need for Mommy to know that. She needs to think that our world is coming to a complete stand still when she’s not here. It is of course the little Mutt’s first Christmas and she won’t even know the difference. Ha, perfect opportunity for me to have a bit of a go at her. Anyways, look at me talking about myself and nothing else here. How have you guys been doing? What’s your holiday plans?? The last couple of weeks at school has been really, really crazy and I know Mommy didn’t blog as much as we usually do. Just the scheduled blog tour or two, but hardly any link-ups. Hopefully she is going to get […]

Posted December 18, 2022
The Sunday Post #86

The Sunday Post #86

Greetings you guys! How are you? You must miss us terribly… So sorry for our absence here on the regular Sunday catch-up channels, we know it’s been almost a month. I guess I might even have to introduce myself to a few of you! I’m Elza, a fluffy white kitten yes, scratch that. I turned 3 last weekend, so I guess I really can’t count as a kitten anymore. But I am still fluffy and adorably and trying to keep my mommy sane. Yes, in our welcome note there is a mutt as well, you are very welcome to just ignore her. Talking about keeping sane, what’s up with this year? The first 10.5 months flew by in the blink of an eye, and now the last 2 months seem to last a decade. Or are we the only ways that feel that way? Days are long and filled to the brim with things that need to happen. Needless to say, blogging is taking the backseat here. And we hate it. Luckily my Mommy’s holidays are just around the corner, 3 weeks to go. They are going to leave me and the damn mutt here with Hercules and Stinkie and […]

Posted November 20, 2022
The Sunday Post #85

The Sunday Post #85

Greetings you guys! It’s the last week of October and I guess that makes it Halloween week? My Mommy says she always feels like the odd one out here in SA and especially at school during this season. Halloween is not a seasonal festivity here in SA and seeing that my Mommy works at a Christian School, everyone looks at her strangely when she gets all excited about ghosts and horror books during October. Lucky for her, there are fun reading challenges like Fraterfest to take part in! How’s it going with your Fraterfest Readathon this year? We only have a couple of hours left and I know we probably could have done better – but we did have loads of fun with the books we did manage to read during the past 10 days. We aren’t quite finished with The House on the Lake, but we’ll finish it up eventually. Secrets and Seashells at Rainbow Bay might not really have qualified for Fraterfest as the ghosts weren’t really high on the fear factor scale. The House on Needless Street ticked all the boxes though! We’ve listened to it, but I think my Mommy should perhaps rather read it as well. Who wants to chat […]

Posted October 23, 2022