The Sunday Post #24

Posted January 3, 2021 by elzaread in The Sunday Post, The Sunday Salon / 42 Comments

I really am starting to sound like a broken down record that is stuck on ABBA’s “Happy New Year, Happy New Year.” I have no idea how many times I’ve typed that in the last couple of days. Come to think of it – how marvelous! There are so many online and virtual friends we can say that to! So for the last time in 2021 – 

How was your week and the first couple of days of 2021? We were quite hopeful for a wonderful New Year, until the Covid numbers in our province and our lovely little town started rising like a tsunami. Unexpectedly and fiercely. On Monday night, all fellow South Africans were addressed again by Uncle Cyril and we are now back under strict Lockdown Level 3 regulations. ALL beaches across the country are closed, malls and other retail establishments remain open. You are not allowed to buy liquor or consume it in any public space. Get drunk at home and stay there is the general rule. 

You’ve got to love South Africans. We are always ready with a joke, or a quick answer to anything. Let’s just call it our coping mechanisms. Let me quickly “read” the pictures for you. (Clockwise let to right) 

1. Our honorable Mr President. I really don’t want to be in his shoes at this stage.
2. If you don’t know what a pothole is, you’ve never been to Africa. Yes, you sure can take a dip in a few of those. And no, they don’t get closed up as well or regularly as they should be. 
3. No one is allowed on the beaches. But Makro is open. That’s the African equivalent of Walmart.  
4. If you had no liquor left in your house by Monday afternoon, sorry mate. “Dop” is a drink. 

We’ve had the most gorgeous weather and to give you a quick rundown of our days this week:
  • Sleep late. With that I mean I allow my Mommy and Daddy 13 – 15 minutes extra to snooze in a bit. By 6:15 you better be up and feeding me. 
  • Mommy sits in the sun reading until around 10:00 when the African sun gets a bit too hot and dangerous. Not even the Corona Virus can withstand our sun. 
  • We blog.
  • We read.
  • We sleep.
  • Daddy eats.  
We are having a lovely holiday at home! 
No new books were acquired this week. We still need to pay Netgalley a visit and see if we are going to step in that pothole this year or not. Did anybody else receive the email to say that they have been hacked and you need to change your password and things? 

Scratching the Blog Pole

We’ve been quite busy this week on the blog. Mommy spend hours sorting through all the graphics she made a couple of weeks ago and we are hopefully sorted out now for the new year. On Tuesday we  my Mommy will go visit Auntie Nedine, the most gorgeous and wonderful graphic designer who did this blog for us to go and see what we still need. Any suggestions?
We did manage a few posts as well. If you missed any, just click on the graphic if there isn’t a link attached. My Mommy works hard on them, so please humor her. 
We had sooo much fun with this Top Ten Tuesday and it was our favorite post for the year. We presented it as Catwalk show with feline kings and queens handing out the rewards.
We completed our Alphabet Challenge for 2020! With a few hours to spare I have to say….
We did our recap for the December Countdown and I have to say, this was a fun challenge. We do hope Lynn will do it again next this year.
We did our reading challenges for 2021. I think it might be a stretch. But let’s go out in good faith. 
Seeing that your New Year’s party was cancelled, we spend New Years day with our virtual friends. Thank Heavens for technology! We featured The Book of Two Ways. More on that to come.
And yesterday we did Six Degrees of Separation. We took the easy route and just made an acronym. 
Wow, I think that’s the most posts in one week ever! Please don’t take that as the norm for 2021. 

On the Couch

Recently Finished

We’ve really been having a good reading week. Couldn’t be happier. Three of the above got 5 star ratings and Daisy Jones got 4 stars. I think we should rather have listened to it on Audible.
Currently Reading

A Cat’s guide to Bonding with Dragons by Chris Behrsin is such fun read. It’s up for review and we will do a quick promo post tomorrow. Of course I (Elza here) will be doing the review in a couple of days. 

Seeing that our biggest reading challenge for the year is Around the world in eighty books, Mommy thought that reading the books that inspired the idea, would be a good idea. We are listening to it on Librivox and it’s quite enjoyable. Don’t think we’ll be going the same route though.
Mommy loves The Book of Two Ways by Jodi Picoult and she is totally absorbed in it. I think we well spend the rest of the afternoon reading on the couch.

Hanging by a thread

I need some help and advice here please! We’ve been doing a couple of Wondrous Words Wednesday posts last year. This wonderful meme was started by Kathy over at Bermuda Onion Blog, but she is taking a bit of break. Kathy encouraged me to take over the meme and make it my own. Good gosh, I don’t know if we are ready for that – but we are sure going to give it a go. We love Wondrous Words Wednesday and it will only be an honor to build on Kathy’s legacy. 
Now, how on earth do I do that? This will be a link up post and would like to know what your suggestions are for link-ups? What is the best one to use? Mister Linky? Inlinkz? And what else are available? 
We would love to give this a go, but we need the right tools and gear. And lastly, what would you like for this meme? Prompts? Rules? Should it link with books? Only sharing the words? I’m a cat and we tend to be very lazy and just go with the flow. So let me know and we’ll get this going!
Thank you so much in advance, we really appreciate it. (My Mommy said I should say that, it’s good manners apparently).
May you all have a wonderful week. For those who are returning to work, good luck and stay safe. Those who are still leisuring around, same rule applies – stay safe!
Thanks to our wonderful hosts that keep our Sundays connected:
Debs @ Readerbuzz (Sunday Salon)

Lots of Love,
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42 responses to “The Sunday Post #24

  1. Happy New Year! Thanks for the translation on the different memes. I had no clue what a dop or a mackro was but those are pretty funny. We are on safer at home orders but we are living like pretty much everything is closed personally. Can't wait to see what books you read for 80 days around the world. Hope you're having a great week!

    • Hi Katherine! At this stage, my 80 books are looming in front of me… One down and it was lovely to visit Egypt for the first journey of the year.

      I know that I need to "translate" as much as possible coming out of Africa. Interesting continent and country. But I love it!

  2. Happy new year! Our Covid numbers are still up too and we're in lockdown to mid this month at least. I had to smile at those memes you posted, especially the one with the beach. Have a great week!

    • Hi Lola! It appears as if all over the world the numbers have rocketed! Strange virus this one…

      Glad my post could make you chuckle!

  3. I’m sorry your back in lockdown, hopefully it will be short lived, and you are well stocked with dop.
    I use LinkyTools, the price is reasonable and it’s easy to use.

    Wishing you a great reading week and a happy new year ?

    • Hi Shelleyrae! It took me just a couple of minutes to figure out Mister Linky and I just decided to stick with it. Price was also quite reasonable. But it's good to know there are different options as well.

      We are going back to work on Monday and I think that will already create more a feeling of normal.

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you will have a good week!

  4. Happy New Year, Elza! I'm sorry bto hear you're back in lockdown… California has been getting progressively worse since July? IDEK anymore but I miss leaving my house lol.Wishing you a happy 2021 & 5-star reads!

  5. I think the funniest part of this post is no drinking in public. 🙂 Our bars are shut down as well in southern California, but there are no public drinking rules. We can also still do take out food, but not eat at the businesses. And yes, malls are open.

    • There's not all that much that makes any real sense to me here Helen. I think the most important is to take care of yourself and just try to follow social distancing as much as possible.

      Drinking in public places can be a huge problem in SA! Especially if you talk about shibeens and self-proclaimed pubs.

    • Hi there Anne! I managed with Mister Linky, thanks! It took me a while to get it all figured out, but I think I have it now.

      Happy New Year to you too!

  6. I love ABBA! And I'm sorry to hear about the cases! Things are bad here too but I'm sorry you're going back into lockdown there! Closing the beaches but not stores? Hmmmm. Anyway hope things are better soon!

    Daisy Jones and The Alice Network sound nice!

    • Hi Greg! No logic anywhere. I just hope and pray we won't go in full lockdown again…

      Daisy Jones and The Alice Network are two completely diverse books. But both good!

  7. I feel like I have said Happy New Year a thousand times over too. 🙂 I am sorry to hear though the pandemic is hitting your country hard again. I hope things improve for us all soon.

    I hope to start on One by One soon. I am glad you liked it! I hope to get to The Alice Network this year sometime. I love the title of A Cat's guide to Bonding with Dragons. I will have to check it out.

    I hope you have a great week!

    • Hi there! The numbers have been down a bit the last couple of days. I just pray that it will stay down… One by One was really good. I enjoyed it. And the Alice Network is a must read. I think you will enjoy A Cat's Guide to Bonding with Dragons. Light read, but quite entertaining.

      Have a good week!

  8. Happy new year from tier 4 restriction Scotland! Our non essential shops are shut, it makes no sense to shut beaches but keep shops open!

    A pothole to me is a nuisance on the road that you have to dodge to avoid a puncture! How big are your ones!

    • Hi Heather! Good gosh, I saw on the news that the UK is under strict Lockdown again. Where and when is this ever going to end?

      Our potholes can get quite humongous! Especially in the smaller and rural areas where the municipalities mostly sleep their days away.

  9. I think COVID numbers are rising again everywhere.

    I joined WWW once in a while and I enjoyed it. I used to host a few memes and always used Mr. Linky. I loved it!

    Have a great week@

    • Hi Maya! I will play around tomorrow and then decide which one will work the best. You are welcome to stop by on Wednesday and see which one won! I can promise you, it will be the easiest one to use..!

      Have a good week Maya!

  10. Happy New Year! Our COVID numbers are rising here, too, but nobody seems to be shutting down anything. They just keep going like usual. Yes, I did get that NetGalley email. Crazy times.

    Good luck with Wonderous Words. I never did that meme but I'll have to check it out. I use Mister Linky for all my link ups and have used them for years. I'm satisfied with them.

    Hope you have a great week!

    • I will check out the different link-ups tomorrow and then decide.

      It will great if you can join us for WWW, Yvonne!

      Have a good week and be safe.

  11. Happy New Year, and I was not pleased to hear that NetGalley had been hacked! I have already cut back on reviewing books from that site, as I don't like feeling stressed out with deadlines. Sigh.

    So I have been passing up a few books on offer…and trying to keep my lists and deadlines manageable.

    I have never set up the linky sites…they scare me a little. LOL.

    Good luck!

    Enjoy your week, and here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

    • Hi Laurel-Rain! They scare me a bit too, that's why I need help!! LOL!!

      I still haven't checked Netgalley. Maybe somewhere in the week I'll get the time. I don't really mind all that much as I really, really have more than enough to read at the moment!

      Have a good week and enjoy all your books.

  12. Our numbers are skyrocketing here in Texas, but our leaders are so busy trying to stage a coup for DT in Washington that they've taken no steps to guide people toward being safe here at home. Very frustrating.

    Your graphics are fabulous. I've been playing a bit with graphics, too.

    I'm wildly happy that you are going to take over Wondrous Words for Kathy for now. I did the same with Sunday Salon a year ago. I will be glad to share anything I've learned with you, if you like. Maybe you can email me at debnance at gmail dot com and we can talk that way. I think you are 7-10 hours ahead of me in time.

    • There are a lot of speculation that we will go into complete Lockdown again here in SA. I really, really hope it won't happen. I don't know how I'm going to start the new school year online. Especially not with my Special Needs Students.

      I appreciate your encouragement with Wondrous Words Wednesday. I sure don't want to do it alone!

      I will send you an email as soon as I'm done here. I appreciate your help and support!

  13. Happy New Year, Mareli:)). Glad you had such a peaceful, book-filled Christmas and sorry you are now plunged in the middle of yet another lockdown – so are we! Let's hope the vaccines do the job… I must read Hamnet – it is probably going to be a late Christmas pressie from Himself to me. We were to flat out, we didn't get a chance to buy each other gifts, as we'd planned to do. Have a lovely week.

    • Sarah! I've missed you!! Hope you had a wonderful, restful time.

      I also want to read Hamnet, but don't have a copy yet. I am going to try to convince the Book Club ladies to buy it. I know exactly who to target…

      Have a good week and a wonderful, happy new year!

  14. I'm sorry I have no idea about the meme and how to make it work. I see Mr Linky here and there and apparently, it's very popular and works easily ? Hamnet is such a beautiful, beautiful novel, one of my best reads of the, hem, sorry, last year. We had a very quiet week here too, thanks for the Abba video, love them ! Happy new year 😉

    • Hi there IzaBzh! I will have a look at all the link up thingies (???) tomorrow when I have a bit of time. I will add my chosen one to WWWW on Wednesday. Gosh, I hope I get this right.

      I really want to read Hamnet. I hope I can convince one of the Book Club ladies to buy it for Book Club! I know exactly who to target. LOL!!

      ABBA is always a winner and they take it all – no pun intended.

      Have a good week!

  15. Happy New Year. I would definitely join you with your Wednesday meme -I have used Mr Linky before. Not sure if that's the best link up or not though to be honest. I'm sure others probably have a better idea than i do. Good luck with WWW.
    Lynn 😀

    • Hi there Lynn! Yea!! I would love to have you link up with the WWW. I am going to learn sooo many great new words!

      I am going to take some time tomorrow and look at the different link-ups. Will add my chosen one to the WWW on Wednesday.

      Have a good week Lynn!

  16. Happy new year, Elza! Wishing you a purrfect 2021. 😉 I usually use Inlinkz, but it has been a while since I used it.

    Happy readings!

    • Hi there Tania! Haven't seen you in a while! Thank you so much for the well wishes, I really hope we haven't overstretched here.

      I will have a look at all the link-ups tomorrow.

      Happy New Year to you!