The Sunday Post #47

Posted August 29, 2021 by elzaread in The Sunday Post / 22 Comments

 Greetings you all! How have you all been the last 7 days? We had a week filled with good books and stories. Does anything else matter?

Adding to the Litter

The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune is our brand new Audible read. We can ‘t wait to start reading it. We’ve only heard good things about this book.
The Author, Bob Katz, send me an Amazon gift card for his book Third and Long. We were so excited, until we realized that we can’t redeem an Amazon gift card in South Africa. Oh the joys of Africa. But we really liked the premise of the book and decided to just buy it any case. I still then mr Katz was very kind and generous to send us a gift card.

We spent some time sorting out our TBR pile this week as well and we are finally under 500 books again. We still need to sort through a couple of pages, but for now, we are quite chuffed with your shelves.

Scratching the Blog Pole

On the Couch

Recently Read


What a wonderful week of reading we’ve had.
Dark Places was really, really dark and disturbing. But it was a good read. Like all Gillian Flynn books.
The Choice took us months to complete. It is an intense read with pages and passages you would want to read over and over again. Life changing for sure.
The Ice Swan was a lovely book and we do wish J’nell Ciesielski all success with her latest release. It’s a book that will appeal to a vast spectrum of readers.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue – The perfect read. Yes, we do know it won’t appeal to all readers, but this reader and her Mommy loved it. To us, it was the perfect read. We also highly recommend the Audible version. The narrator was excellent! But we are still going to buy the physical book as well. We need to have this one on our shelf.
Recently Watched
As far as the east is from the west. That is my Mommy’s reading and watching preferences. Some of my Mommy’s colleagues have recommended When Calls the Heart for months, but we’ve only started watching it this week. Lovely indeed. Reminiscence is one of our favorite moves of the year so far. It’s strange and you have to concentrate like crazy, but good grief it’s good! We will definitely watch it again.
We really did have a week of good stories, don’t you think?
We hope your week was also filled with great stories and that you will have a good week to come. Please tell us about it! And remember to thank all our wonderful hosts.



Lots of Love,


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22 responses to “The Sunday Post #47

  1. It would be great if Amazon could rework its rules a bit, since it knows it has so many international customers. Still, looks like Third & Long will be a swell book! I loved your earlier ballet post, and now I want to go watch Reminiscence which sounds like all kinds of crazy fun.

  2. Invisible Life sounds interesting and I'll have to go look for the audio. That was so sweet of the author but how awful that you can't redeem an Amazon gift card but that's great that you bought the book anyway. Yay for getting your TBR whittled down! I've got my virtual one cut down but can't get rid of the actual books on my shelf. I want to read them all! Hope you're having a wonderful week.

  3. Someday I will get to the Addie LaRue novel! That Reminiscence movie looks a bit wild … but Hugh Jackman is certainly a draw. I'll look for it. Have a great week.

    • Addie LaRue is one of my favorites for the year, that I'm sure of. Don't think it will be everyone's reading preference though as it might be a bit weird to some readers.
      Reminiscence is a bit wild yes! But I thought it was a great movie!

  4. I am glad to see that you loved Invisible Life so much that you want to get a physical copy. It's great that you have been able to bring your TBR down to under 500 books. That feels manageable, I think.

    Cerulean Sea is our Gulf Coast Reads selection this year in October.

    Reminiscence sounds like something I'd like to see. I wonder if it is available here.

    Have a lovely week, Mareli!

    • Hi Debbie! I really loved Addie LaRue yes, but I don't think it's for everyone no. The writing is beautiful however and the narrator was brilliant.
      I've started with The House in the Cerulean sea and I am thoroughly enjoying it indeed.
      Reminiscence is good, but you have to concentrate a bit. I love movies like that!

  5. I love your lists. House By the Cerulean Sea is one I'm pondering. Most have loved it but, I'm just not sure. When we moved in 2009 I culled my books from 1000 to 300 and now have it down to 200 physical books. I didn't mention that I have over 2,000 eBooks though —sigh

    • Hi Diane! I should have counted my physical books when we were packing, I now just know that I have 10 boxes filled with only story books. My kindle is around 300 and although it doesn't sound much, it's still over 3 years' worth of books.

      But we still love buying and getting books for sure!

  6. I love your list of ballet books! I have never been brave enough to take a class as an adult, but I took many years of ballet as a young girl.

    When Calls the Heart is a wonderful series.

    Have a good week!

    • Hi Gretchen! It's way different to do ballet as an adult, although I actually dance with the Gr 4 ballet group. As a child, your body works with easily, but your mind is a mess – as an adult, your mind knows exactly what needs to happen, but your body is the one lagging behind! ?

  7. You have a pretty good mix of books, looks like. And Reminiscence- ooh I was curious about that.

    Hope your week is a good one! 🙂

  8. That's awful you can't redeem an Amazon gift card where you are!
    I like Hugh Jackman so I will look for that movie. And Gillian Flynn books are usually good, I did read dark Places.

    I hope your week goes well!

    • Reminiscence is a heavy movie, but it just shows how versatile Hugh Jackman can be. Gillian Flynn is a great author and her plots are usually out of this world!