Wondrous Words Wednesday – Rake

Posted February 3, 2021 by elzaread in Wondrous Words Wednesday / 17 Comments

Greetings and welcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday! This meme was first created by Kathy over at Bermuda Onion Blog and is now proudly hosted by yours truly.

Wondrous Words Wednesday is a weekly meme where you can share new words that you’ve encountered, or spotlight words you love.  Feel free to get creative! 

No rules apply here, just share any or all the lovely or new words you’ve encountered over the last fortnight. 

Tips and ideas:

  • Don’t go pull the Dictionary down from the shelf. Use words you came across in a book, a TV show, Google, a pamphlet, social media, doctor’s room, classroom – the possibilities are endless
  • If you want to share a story around your chosen word, you are welcome
  • If you want to link your chosen word up with a book or books, please do so 
  • You are welcome to share photos or pictures that will describe your word just a bit better (who doesn’t love Pictionary)
  • Let’s stick to words that are recognized in the English Dictionary. You are welcome to use translations of your chosen word or a brief history if it derives from a different language, but your readers need to be able to find it in the English Dictionary
  • Please add your link to Mr Linky and pay a visit to the other word wizards

You are welcome to use my graphic or design your own!

Our Wonderous Word for this Wednesday is a word that my Mommy has seen a gazillion times before, but not in this context:

Goodness gracious me. So it’s not a gardening implement? Or well, not only a gardener garden implement. Let’s have a closer look at the word rake.

“The Restoration rake was a carefree, witty, sexually irresistible aristocrat whose heyday was during the English Restoration period (1660–1688) at the court of Charles II.”

“Back in the day, rake used to mean pimp, player, womanizer, a Rick James sort of person.”

Good grief. My Mommy will so not allow me to come within an inch from a rake. I think just for safety measures, I will stay clear of the gardening implement as well. It doesn’t matter how gorgeous they are, they are not to be handled without gloves. I do believe that counts for the regency definition and the gardening implement.

Yes, my Mommy did discover this word in the Bridgerton series, in both the books and the Netflix series. The million dollar question today is, what books will she use to re-enforce her Wondrous Word? The whole of the Bridgerton series?  I don’t actually think all the Bridgerton Brothers are rakes. So let’s go with the word, rake. 


Apparently a rake is also a man who do not see the need for a shirt. Interesting. Maybe it makes the gardening easier without a shirt. The garden can get quite hot you know. That’s why my Mommy puts sunblock on my nose and ears every morning. I do hope those rakes also wear protection. 
Nope, my Mommy didn’t read any of these and she doesn’t plan on doing so. Yes, she is still reading the Bridgerton books. No logic in that woman. I know. 
If you might be interested in any other Regency England vocabulary, take a look at this video straight from the Bridgerton horses’ mouths.
What Regency England words do you know that we will most probably not know? Share them with us and if you want to take part in Wondrous Words Wednesday, add your link below. Of course you can share any word, it doesn’t really have to be from Regency England!
Lots of Love,


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17 responses to “Wondrous Words Wednesday – Rake

  1. Ha ha! I will vouch for Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake! It's pretty funny. I've heard the whole series is. I don't love historical romances so I don't read too many but that one was a pleasant surprise. Great word this week!

    • Hi Heather! Okay, I give in. I've just added Nine Rules to break when romancing a rake to my TBR. But shhhh, let's keep it between the two of us.

  2. You word choice today made me laugh! Rake is definitely a favorite historical romance word but I do agree that not all of the Bridgerton brothers are Rakes. If I remember the series correctly it's mostly just Colin. And Elza's assessment that a Rake is a man who does not seem to require a shirt was also pretty funny.

    • Hi Katherine! So glad you liked it! It's always fun doing the WWW. I've read the first two in the Bridgerton series now and both Simon and Anthony are serious rakes. But I believe it tampers down from here. I might need to do a pallet cleanser with a nice, gory murder mystery now before I read another one in the series.

      Still want to use your murder of crows for WWW!

  3. You made me laugh, thank you !! I'm reading an "old" (1991) historical romance right now, so I'll make sure to note every strange word I encounter and send them back to you for explanation ^^ I loved the video , it was great !

    • Hi Debbie! I'm still at school, but I burst out laughing a loud and everyone is staring at me….!! Wha ha ha!!! You made my day. Yes, I can just imagine that you have very fond memories of all those dashing Texan rakes.

    • Hi Heather! Wha ha ha!!! So funny!!! I didn't grow up in a house with books with rakes on the cover. It truly, honest to God was the first time I saw that word in Bridgerton! Such a prune I am….

  4. Hi, I've left my link.
    I love your choice this week – a rake, a dashing and handsome but ultimately rather naughty fellow – or a cad.
    Lynn 😀

  5. Hi Mareli,

    I have posted my link, but unfortunately non of my words this week are from the Regency period, they are all colloquialisms from around the UK, which I didn't know and which I thought might be interesting to share.

    I know of 'rake' in both definitions of the word, which I guess is an admission that I have read a good few historical romances in the past, and indeed still do from time to time.

    I loved the look of the post and the video clip made me smile, as I have not been watching 'Bridgerton'.

    I guess my Regency term which could sum up your post content might be 'bodice-rippers'

    Thanks for sharing and hosting 🙂

    Yvonne Xx

    • Hi Yvonne! Aaah, it didn't have to be from the Regency era! I do believe that it's quite possible that I'm just about the only one who do not know the Regency Lingo. Getting cleverer day by day!

      Thanks so much for adding your link! I really appreciate it!