Weekend Book Friends #1

Posted June 19, 2020 by elzaread in Weekend Book Friends / 12 Comments

Greetings! It’s Friday and I have survived my first week of blogging. Mommy says this is way more complicated than she remembers and she needs a weekend of books and wine. I totally agree. She needs to swap her whine for wine and pay more attention to me. Let’s pop those bottles and open those pages and get the weekend reading going. 
What better way to spend your weekend than sharing a few glasses and pages with friends. So we will meet up with a couple of Mommy’s old friends.

Our first stop is Freda over at Freda’s voice who hosts the Friday 56. Don’t show up empty handed though!

  • Grab a book (Yes, any book. But it might get you to your other Friday activities a bit quicker if you just grab the book you are currently reading)
  • Turn to page 56 or 56% on your e-reader
  • Find a sentence or two (your other Friday activities might determine this)
  • Post it!
  • Remember to post your link on Freda’s Voice and to visit the other guys in the linky.
  • And  last but not least, don’t forget to list the title of the book and the author as well.
Today’s feature is an oldie, but still a goodie. I’ve got no idea what that means, but Mommy loves alliterations and she says I’ll grow into my years and understand.  What I do understand, is that somethings in this book are really old and outdated.  If tomorrow comes by Sidney Sheldon While other things will never grow old. Like this statement by Judge Lawrence on page 56:
“Judge Lawrence sat there in silence for a long moment. Then he leaned forward and looked into Tracy’s eyes. “One of the reasons this great country of ours is in such pitiful shape is that the streets are crawling with vermin who think they can get away with anything. Well, in Louisiana, we don’t believe in that. When, during the commission of felony, someone tries to kill in cold blood, we believe that that person should be properly punished.”
 Although it’s my sentiments exactly, I didn’t care much for the old croon of a judge. Tracy will soon learn not to care much for him either. Luckily, the rest of the book is filled with clever actions by our revenge-filled heroine.
 Next up, we will pay a visit to Gilion over at Rose City Reader to share our Book Beginnings.  Every Friday you can link up and share the first sentence of your current read (or the one you plan to devour over the weekend), as well as your initial thoughts and impressions. Hashtags are the one thing I do know on social media, so simply #bookbeginnings so we can find each other.
Today’s book beginnings is by one of my mommy’s favorite authors. She’s read all her books, even the ones under her pseudonym. Yes, we do know that that are currently some controversies surrounding her alleged trans-phobic tweets and statements, but that’s not what we are here to discuss. We just want to showcase the one, the only, the bestest ever author, J.K. Rowling.

Her latest novel, The Ickabog, is currently being published in daily installments and it’s for free! I so wish I knew how to draw, because kids (big ones, small ones – anyone who considers themselves one) can actually illustrate the novel and send it in. Mommy’s not much use on that department either, so there’s no use in cheating. The Ickabog is scheduled for publication in November and Miss Rowling is donating all her royalties to people being affected by the Coronavirus. I’m not all that sure what royalties are, but I do know that we are having a royal time reading a chapter or two every night. The opening line is the most wonderful line every published or spoken. Maybe that’s why all tales as old as time begin with:

“Once upon a time there was a tiny country called Cornucopia, which has been ruled for centuries by a long line of fair-haired kings. The king at the time of which I write was called King Fred the Fearless. He’d announced the ‘Fearless’ bit himself on the morning of his coronation, partly because it sounded nice with ‘Fred’ but also because he’d once managed to catch and kill a wasp all by himself, if you didn’t count five footmen and the boot boy.”
And there’s that alliteration again.  Just purrrfect. Can’t wait to see this book in print and on the shelf with all the other J.K. Rowling books.
Mommy is also still busy with Shelter in place by Nora Roberts on audible. The weather is turning a bit here, so it’s not all that cold. Still cold enough to cuddle with a blanky for me and a glass of wine for Mommy. Mommy’s off to school now, but when she’s back at home, we are soooo going read the whole weekend.
What are you reading this weekend? Have you read any of our picks?
Have a wonderful weekend!
Lots of love,
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12 responses to “Weekend Book Friends #1

  1. Hi there Greg! I remember reading my first Sidney Sheldon when I was like 19 years old. I was a waitress at that time (what 19 year old wasn't – the good old days) and remember sneaking my book in and reading behind the bar whenever I could get a gap. Good old days….

    Thanks for stopping by! See you tomorrow for Sunday Post.

  2. I remember Sidney Sheldon. We used to have his books in the house growing up and I know I read at least one of them!

    • Hi there Anne! Thanks! I used to be on the blogosphere, but that was years ago. So just decided to start afresh.

      Time to pick up a Sidney Sheldon again. It's still worth it!

      Thanks for stopping by!

    • Hi there! I remember reading Sidney Sheldon over 20 years ago and I grabbed If tomorrow comes for a reading challenge and gosh, it's so enjoyable!

      Thanks for returning the favour.