Genre: Contemporary

A Midlife Holiday by Cary J. Hansson

A Midlife Holiday by Cary J. Hansson

A Midlife Holiday by Cary J. Hansson Series: The Midlife Trilogy #1 Published by Hansson Publishing on May 17th 2022 Genres: Contemporary Pages: 265 Format: eBook Source: The Pigeonhole Buy on Amazon Goodreads She wanted a change. But will a girls’ trip to the Mediterranean recapture her joy? Helen Winters worries the walls are closing in. With her children grown and her selfish husband absent on her fiftieth birthday, she regrets not taking the exciting paths she dreamed about in her youth. So when a well-meaning gift reveals a depressing image of her future, she takes a leap of faith and jets off to Cyprus with two lifelong friends. Basking in the glorious sunshine and crystal-blue waters while enjoying the attention of handsome men, she. starts to feel truly alive. But her best friend isn’t in Cyprus for the sunshine, and when Helen learns the true reason, tensions threaten their lifelong bond and she fears nothing will ever be the same again. Can she shake off years of disappointment and claim well-deserved happiness? Who is your best friend? Since college? Ha, got you. Not so many people out there who can celebrate their 50th birthday with her two best friends […]

Posted July 13, 2022
Audio Blitz: Good Vibrations by by Kayley Loring

Audio Blitz: Good Vibrations by by Kayley Loring

Good Vibrations by Kayley Loring Series: The Brodie Brothers #3 on May 2022 Genres: Contemporary, Romance Format: Audiobook Source: Caffeinated PR Goodreads A former model, a grumpy lawyer, and a single dad walk into an audition for a children’s musical… They’re all Miles Brodie. It’s only cute if you aren’t the director who’s being bribed to cast his daughter. DEAR MS. CROSS, Re: Our discussion 1. True. Casting my daughter as the lead in your musical could be considered bribery if people find out I’m investing in it, but no one needs to know. 2. I only want to hire you as Macy’s singing coach so her vocal skills will improve. 3. Maybe if you’d spent less time surfing and more on your singing career, you wouldn’t be in this financial predicament. 4. Re. your living situation—my neighbor has a guest house. If you cast Macy as Alice, I will pay for your first three months’ rent. Do we have a deal? Best regards, Miles Brodie DEAR MR. BRODIE, 1. It absolutely is bribery, but I absolutely need that money for my production. Thanks! 2. It is very cute that you will do anything to get Macy this part, but […]

Posted May 31, 2022
Six Degrees of Separation – No Purrs, Just Talk

Six Degrees of Separation – No Purrs, Just Talk

Hi there Guys! It’s just me this month for Six Degrees of Separation. We are taking a long weekend and the fluffy ball of fur is at home with the rest of the fur-balls and a babysitter. So no unnecessary meows and purrs today, just straight talk and a quick post so I can get back to my reading, relaxing and drinking wine. This monthly fun meme is hosted by Books are my Favorite and Best: On the first Saturday of every month, a book is chosen as a starting point and linked to six other books to form a chain. Books can be linked in obvious ways, for example: same authors, same era or genre, or books with similar themes or settings. Or you might choose to link them in more personal ways: books you read in the same holiday, books given to you by a particular friend or books that remind you of a particular time in your life. The choices are endless here!  Our starting point this month is a book I haven’t heard of, but it just landed on my TBR pile: Without Elza, my creativity obviously takes a bit of a nose dive and I couldn’t think […]

Posted February 5, 2022
Book Blitz: All Men Love Leah by Ksenija Nikolova

Book Blitz: All Men Love Leah by Ksenija Nikolova

All Men Love Leah by Ksenija Nikolova Published by Kingsley Publishers on August 24th, 2021 Genres: Contemporary, Thriller Pages: 250 Format: ARC Source: Lola’s Blog Tours Buy on Amazon Goodreads All Enzo wants is a reason to believe it's all worthwhile. Stuck in a world that doesn't fulfil him, he meanders through his days feeling empty, lost, and left out of the real world that is moving by without him. He is cynical but gifted, and when he meets the beautiful and enigmatic Leah she turns his universe upside down. Leah and Enzo are exact opposites, but she is drawn to his darkness just as he is drawn to her light. She is a woman who lives by her own expression and challenges his dismal character down to its most frightening corners, awakening in him something he didn't know he had the capacity to experience. But everything is not what it seems. There is a secret that threatens the happiness that Leah represents in Enzo's life. She is the one who embraces his flaws and uncovers his bravery by teaching him to love, and for the first time in his life he feels like a real man, but in the end, will Enzo survive […]

Posted November 29, 2021
Monday Bloopers #4 – A Spark of Light

Monday Bloopers #4 – A Spark of Light

Greetings Humans! It’s the first Monday of November and this month, we are going to be better. We haven’t done a Monday Bloopers post for the last 2 months and I am terribly upset about this. I’ve inspired my Mommy to upgrade to WordPress, I’ve slept sat through hours of post tweaking and blog design and she still doesn’t do the one post that is all about me. Monday Bloopers is a fun monthly meme to show off your pet’s lesser photogenic side.  I guess the idea is to post a photo that didn’t work as well as the shooter anticipated it would. *Camera shooter. It’s hosted by Melissa @ Melissa’s Mocha’s, Mysteries & Meows and if you are in the mood for some feline love, you really should go and visit her. Pet Photo Fails is also a link-up meme, so don’t forget to share your link and to visit the other photo fails. As I’ve explained to you on more than one occasion in the past, the only problem with this fun meme, is that it’s basically impossible to get a bad photo of me. It’s quite similar to capturing a ghost – not possible. Talking about ghosts, did you guys enjoy your Halloween?  […]

Posted November 1, 2021
Wondrous Words Wednesday – Fright vs Freight

Wondrous Words Wednesday – Fright vs Freight

Greetings Humans! Welcome to another week of Wondrous Words Wednesday, hosted by yours truly. Wondrous Words Wednesday is a biweekly meme hosted by yours truly. The concept is fairly easy – all you need to do, is share any new (or new to you) words you came across this week and share them with us. You are also welcome to share words you simply want to show off to us. For more on Wondrous Words Wednesday, you can click here. As you know, my Mommy is a librarian and a language teacher. You can imagine all the funny things she comes across on a daily basis. In South Africa, there are 11 (nope, not a typing error – really eleven) official languages. My Mommy’s native tongue is Afrikaans and about 50% of her students speak Afrikaans first language as well. It’s not wonder that the kids sometimes get confused with certain words. Like these 2: One of the spell words my Mommy did with her students this week, was freight, but about 80% of her students read and interpret the word as fright. The best way she figured to explain to them, is through sentences: The cost of the freight, gave me such […]

Posted October 27, 2021
Life and Other Complications by Heather Mullaly

Life and Other Complications by Heather Mullaly

Life and other Complications by Heather Mullaly Published by Favored Oak Press on July 5th, 2021 Genres: Contemporary Pages: 266 Format: ARC Source: Lola’s Blog Tours Buy on Amazon Goodreads 2021 Readers’ Favorite Silver Medalist Seventeen-year-old Aly Bennett has been in love with her friend Luke for years. She hasn’t told him how she feels for two reasons. 1) She’s the girl with HIV. 2) She lied about how she got it. Aly never meant to lie. The words just slipped out on her first day of a support group for kids living with life-threatening conditions. It was the day she met Luke and Caroline, who would become her best friends and the closest thing she has to a family. After so many years, Aly doesn’t know how to tell her friends the truth. So she paints and she runs and she tries not to think about the future she can’t have. But when a Boston prosecutor asks Aly to testify in a trial—and her relationship with Luke intensifies—things become complicated. If she testifies, Luke and Caroline will learn the truth—that Aly has been lying to them for most of a decade. If she doesn’t, a monster could go free, […]

Posted July 12, 2021
After You – Jojo Moyes

After You – Jojo Moyes

After You by Jojo Moyes Series: Me Before You #2 Published by Pamela Dorman Books on September 29th 2015 Genres: Contemporary, Romance Pages: 353 Format: Paperback Source: Book Club Buy on Amazon Goodreads How do you move on after losing the person you loved? How do you build a life worth living? Louisa Clark is no longer just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. After the transformative six months spent with Will Traynor, she is struggling without him. When an extraordinary accident forces Lou to return home to her family, she can’t help but feel she’s right back where she started. Her body heals, but Lou herself knows that she needs to be kick-started back to life. Which is how she ends up in a church basement with the members of the Moving On support group, who share insights, laughter, frustrations, and terrible cookies. They will also lead her to the strong, capable Sam Fielding—the paramedic, whose business is life and death, and the one man who might be able to understand her. Then a figure from Will’s past appears and hijacks all her plans, propelling her into a very different future. . . . For Lou Clark, life […]

Posted July 23, 2016
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