Ten Feline Book Titles that made me laugh out loud
Greetings Humans! My Mommy didn’t do a single Top Ten Tuesday post in the last month. Guess it’s up to me to rectify that as soon as possible. Sometimes I really have no clue what she would do without me. Today’s prompt from our lovely host, Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl, is Ten Books that made me laugh out loud. I see in my Mommy’s diary that she did start planning this, but it was written in pencil and incomplete. Perfect opportunity for me to get my claws on the eraser and make this post my own. Without any further ado, I proudly present to you: Now I’m not as proficient with typing as my Mommy, so I’m going to keep this short and simple. In case you might think I made some of these titles up, I will add links to all the titles and you can see for yourself that my innovation only goes that far. 1. Games you can play with your Pussy by Ira Alterman 2. Does God ever speak through cats? by David Evans 3. Why Cats paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics by Heather Busch 4.I could pee on this: And other poems by cats by […]